

Ask @fourwallsofhome

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What was the last thing that made you laugh?

darleneangelagarcerasantos’s Profile PhotoGela
This talk about adobo and potato-flavored lips. Just an inside joke between me and someone I know lang. 😁

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Ce era tare în copilărie, dar acum nu ți se mai pare așa de tare?

Aceste filme vechi de science fiction. Sunt încă destul de memorabile, dar efectele lor speciale sunt atât de învechite și palide în comparație cu filmele de astăzi.

Ți se întâmplă mai des să împrumuți bani de la cineva sau să oferi cu împrumut altora?

Sunt momente când împrumut bani și sunt momente când trebuie să împrumut din cauza anumitor circumstanțe.

Când începi de obicei să pregătești cadourile de Crăciun?

chiar în ultimul moment. Se pare că nu pot evita graba de Crăciun. 😁

What’s the most recent show you’ve binge watched? 🎬👀

I can't really say I've been binge-watching it since I've been watching about only three episodes a day so far, but I've really been enjoying "Young Sheldon." It's fun and quite a joy to watch that each episode just seems to go by so fast. As a spinoff of the highly popular sitcom, "The Big Bang Theory," this series is certainly living up to its standard.
Whats the most recent show youve binge watched

If you were an actor, would you rather perform as a theater or movie actor?

If I were an actor, I'd definitely perform in movies, but it would be great to be able to act on theater plays as well as they give a different kind of high and satisfaction. At least that's what I've heard from interviews with actors who got to work on both mediums.
If you were an actor would you rather perform as a theater or movie actor


Language: English