

Ask @fourwallsofhome

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Is it bad to make a pregnancy prank? 👶

In some ways, it would probably be inappropriate to joke about something like that especially since a lot of women out there are struggling desperately to have a baby. You wouldn't want that to happen to you when the time does come when you want to have a child of your own.
On the other hand, maybe it would be completely harmless to prank your closest friends about it as long you don't let it get out of hand. Just don't do it to your parents if you don't want to give them a heart attack or something. 😁

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If your life was a movie, which celebrity would you like to play you? 😏

I can't seem to think of anyone. Maybe we'll just have to hold an audition or something. 😁

Have you ever had a friendship that ended for of a stupid reason? What was that reason?

Back in college, we had this friend. He'd hang out with us everyday. Then one day he just started to avoid us altogether and we couldn't figure out why. Later, we just came to the conclusion that he was probably offended by this other friends of ours who at that time was rather tactless and immature.
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🍀: What is the perfect age for marriage?

JarsofHearts96’s Profile Photoaj
I don't think there's really such a thing as a perfect or ideal age to get married. It really depends more on the physical and emotional readiness and maturity of the couple involved.
What is the perfect age for marriage

Do you smile at strangers? Why or why not?

It depends. I mean, it would be perfectly okay for me to smile when meeting strangers at a party, or if I'm a guest at a house and there happens to be other people there. It would be weird and creepy, though, if I just smile at every stranger I meet in the streets or in some other public places.
Do you smile at strangers Why or why not
Liked by: Candice

Why do a lot of people have very strong opinions about POLITICS even though they know very little about it?

Maybe they've become quite a fanatic and supporter of some political personality and would therefore defend that personality in any issue he's involved in. Or they could really just be opinionated and would gladly share their thoughts about certain matters even if they don't really know much about what they're commenting on.

You said you liked storms, so I let you in. Turns out you can only handle a little rain. And I'm a hurricane. 🌀



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