

Ask @fourwallsofhome

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Love yourself

This reminds of that JB song with the same title. For some reason, certain people seem to think that single is about us learning to love ourselves when it fact, it's about people being so full of themselves that their partner just tells them to basically go love themselves instead.

If given a chance to change or amend the present Philippine Constitution, what would it be and why?

Probably the qualifications for running as president of the country. It simply can't just be one who knows how to read and write, among other qualifications, of course. I mean, if entry-level jobs require a college diploma at the very least, then being president of this country and being its commander-in-chief should demand a little more than that, right?

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You're the "nothing" when people asked me why I'm smiling. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Han_RiBin’s Profile PhotoSHAO
Now ain't that something? Whoever that person is, swerte naman ng pinaparinggan mo, ano? 😊

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What do you think about fashion influencers?

Well, they do what they do best, and hey, I respect that. I just hope that beyond fashion, they can be a positive influence to those who follow them, especially the youth.

What's the first thing you grab from the refrigerator when you're hungry?

Some fruit or whatever food is readily there of course.

Why do some people say they will pay you and wind up not doing it?

avadroitII’s Profile PhotoAva Banana
Obviously, there are people who don't how to keep their word, and sadly, they don't seem to find that a big deal at all.
Liked by: Ava Banana

Would you want to have kids?

Yeah, I do. In fact, I truly fancy having a daughter in the future. I think there's just this certain joy you can only find when have a child of your own to care for, and I really hope I'd be blessed enough to one day experience that.

Are you a sarcastic person? Can you rate how sarcastic you are, 10 being the highest?

Not so much, I think. I'd probably be a four or a five.

Have you tried changing a baby’s diaper?

Nope, but I've watched my older brothers and my older sister changed their babies' diapers.
At this point, I highly doubt it if I'd be able to do just that, clean after a baby, but if what they're saying is true, then I would have no trouble at all doing so if it were my own child already.

Baguio o Boracay?

suyatroselle4586’s Profile Photosuyatroselle
Boracay. I've been to Baguio and I actually like it there, while I've never been to Boracay at all. I love the beach, though, and I love the whole experience of sand, sea, and sky, so no doubt I'd love it more in Bora.

How replaceable are you?

I'm totally replaceable as far as the world is concerned. It would hardly give a hoot if I simply disappear. To my my family and closest friends, however, I do believe that I'm completely irreplaceable, and that's good enough for me.
Liked by: Sheharyar Kha'n

Why do so many girls make duck-faces in pictures?

Hmm... Maybe because it was trendy for a while, and because they look irresistibly cute that way.
Liked by: Sheharyar Kha'n

Do you watch foreign films ?

We mostly watch American and western films here. I certainly enjoy watching Korean and Japanese movies as well. And I must say, films with subtitles have this certain appeal and novelty to them.
Liked by: Sheharyar Kha'n

Should you get back with your ex who hurt your feelings multiple times, waste all the chances you gave to him and chose a girl over you?

Big no. You deserve better.

Do you agree that celebrities has no rights to lecture us about the “Real world we are living in” since they know nothing about the poor people’s suffering? Can we just tell them to just f-ck off & just do their celebrity thingy?🙄

Lecturing is one thing, but I guess sharing your thoughts and opinions is pretty okay. As celebrities, if they can help raise concerns and bring attention to issues, and be a positive influence for others, then they don't necessarily have to go and f-off.

Hey ano masarap na dip sa Hilaw na Mangga aside sa bagoong?

Toyo na may suka at kunting asukal, pero mas okay ata toh pag yung slightly hinog na.

Have you ever worn traditional costume from your country? Where and when? We're the comfortable?

avadroitII’s Profile PhotoAva Banana
I think the barong is considered the Filipino men's traditional attire, so yeah, I've worn our traditional costume. I got to don it mostly on weddings and other special occasions, and lately during the induction ceremony of this socio-civic organization I joined recently.
I can't really say it's super comfortable especially in this heat, but I can get by a day wearing it if I have to.
Liked by: Ava Banana

Does the weather affect the way you feel? How?

avadroitII’s Profile PhotoAva Banana
In some ways, yeah. Like if it's scorching hot, I may tend to be somewhat irritable and impatient. If it rains, on the other hand, I may feel a tad too nostalgic, my thoughts ever drifting away somewhere.
Liked by: Ava Banana

I'm lost

We all are, at one point or another. And there's no guarantee we won't find ourselves lost again in the future.

If someone would give you a 1,000,000 what will you do?

mkymrms’s Profile PhotoQueen M's
Dollars? Euro? Pesos? In any case, I'd, of course, go indulge myself and buy things I've been meaning to have. I'd take my friends and family for a much welcome vacation somewhere fun and memorable as well. And yeah, I'll go save some of the money for a rainy day, and try to invest some of it wisely too.

Whats ur favorite kdrama?

I have a lot but two of my all-time faves are "Reply 1998" and "Autumn In My Heart." They have everything I love about Kdramas, and I could watch these two over and over again and still feel the same high when I first watched them.


Language: English