

Ask @fourwallsofhome

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Do you try to look attractive when you go to the local grocery store?

I try to look presentable, at least, and not look like I just got out of bed after one wild, drunken night. ?

what legacy would you leave behind?

rosytint’s Profile Photorose
I can't really say for now but when my time does come, I hope I'll be able to leave a lasting positive impact especially to the people that are most important to me.

what would be a perfect day for you?

rosytint’s Profile Photorose
A perfect day would be out on a beach somewhere, enjoying the sand, sea, and fine, gorgeous weather with people that matter to me. ?

When was the last time you spent an entire day without your phone? What did you do?

I think the last time I spent an entire day hardly looking at my phone was about five years ago when we were in Dakak. We couldn't access the wifi signal there and I wasn't too big on mobile data promos back then, and besides, the water was quite inviting, so we spent the whole day swimming and just enjoying the sand and sea instead.

May na delete ako na question na gusto ko sana ma retrieve. Pwde pa ba yun?

Not sure. You can delete your answer to a question and have that same question revert back to the pending questions section again, but I don't know if there's a way of bringing back a question that has already been deleted.

What makes life worth living?

Having a family to come home to and share your joys and blessings with, having friends that tolerate and accept you, getting to experience the thrill of falling in love and following your heart's desires, being able to dream and hope and have the chance to realize them, and to breathe and take in everything that's wonderful in this world, these are the things that make life truly worth living.

Is orange fruit or color?

According to studies, it was the fruit that came to be named orange first, but then again, both the fruit and the color are known as oranges now so let's just leave it at that. ?
Is orange fruit or color

Which fictional character would you date?

Aliena from "The Pillars of the Earth" and maybe grown-up Anne from "Anne of Green Gables." Anne would also make a great bosom friend and a true kindred spirit, though.


Language: English