

Ask @fourwallsofhome

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Which kind of sports do you find the most traumatic?

Right now, it would probably be mixed martial arts. It could get pretty brutal and it's certainly not for the faint of heart.
Which kind of sports do you find the most traumatic

Would you ratherbe the funniest ? person in a room or the smartest ? person in a room?

I think I'd prefer to be the funniest. I'd love it if I could make people laugh and smile. In real life, though, I'd probably be one of the quietest in the room. ?

What happens regularly that would horrify a person from 100 years ago? ?

Airlplane rides, movies, TV shows, video chats, and even ordinary phone calls. These should be quite fascinating and horrifying to them. ?

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If someone offered to TELL YOU YOUR FUTURE, would you accept it? ?

I don't think I'd like the idea of knowing what my future is and being limited by it. I'd rather go constantly doing my best and always trying to reach new heights.

If you and three friends were on a deserted island, who would be eaten first?

My best friend would be eaten first. Unfortunately, I'd probably go second. ?
Liked by: afrina mannan

If you were heading out on a sudden road trip right this very minute, what would you bring with you? ??

I'd grab my sling bag and make sure I have my phone, charger, and wallet with me.
If you were heading out on a sudden road trip right this very minute what would

If you got a FREE CHEQUE for $5,000 right this second, how would you use it? ?

I would have loved to say to say I'd keep it in a bank and save it for a rainy day, or even invest it in something worthwhile, but that's so cliché. So I'll just throw a party or two with my friends, buy a PS5, a new phone, a new laptop, and a thousand books, and go on an exciting trip somewhere with my family and friends tagging along.


Language: English