

Ask @fourwallsofhome

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ano nga bang meron ang brand x at galit na galit ang ibang brand sa kanya?

rosytint’s Profile Photorose
Masyadong mapapel ata, claiming this and claiming that. The nerve. 😁

Would you rather your shirts be always two sizes too big or one size too small? 👕

Two sizes too big. I'd rather look like a hiphop dude than be balut-balot like a suman.

If cartoon physics suddenly replaced real physics, what are some things you would want to try? 🤪📺

I'd like to try walking off the edge of a cliff or a building, continue to do so in midair, and only fall when I realize the situation I'm in. When I do fall and hit the ground hard, I'd love to experience getting flattened and eventually returning to shape moments later. It would be fun to have myself blown up by dynamites as well, be hit by all sorts of weapons, and even be run over by a speeding vehicle knowing I won't die or even have permanent damage, anyway. 😁
If cartoon physics suddenly replaced real physics what are some things you would

Have you ever finished a series/movie and started it right over, then and there?

Not really but I've watched a movie or a series several times already and enjoyed it just as much as the first time I got to see it.

🍀: What is your symbol of hope?

JarsofHearts96’s Profile Photoaj
My symbol of hope is the early morning sun rising at the break of dawn signaling the start of another day.
"And the wind keeps roaring And the sky keeps turning grey
And the sun is set
The sun will rise another day" - Pearl Jam 'Long Road'
What is your symbol of hope
+2 answers Read more

Did you draw on the walls at home with marker pens and pencils in your childhood?

Yeah, I did and I'm sure my parents weren't too pleased with it. 😁

How are you able to find out that Santa Claus doesn’t exist

That, I'm not really so sure of. I think I just grew up one day and realized that Santa isn't real, and that it was my parents all along who were putting gifts in the socks I've been hanging all these past Christmases.
How are you able to find out that Santa Claus doesnt exist


Language: English