
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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Do you think that a black saddle with a black half pad and black saddle pad on a light horse would look bad?

Nope! I would try to stay away from black saddles unless you do dressage but that's just my personal preference

Do you think it is okay to use human hair detangler on your horse

Yeah I don't see why not you might just need to use more of it since horse hair is a lot coarser than human hair.

Can you make a video of what you need for the horse for a show? Or if not just list them all below?! Like buckets, hay holder...

Yeah I'll make a general list. You could need more or less things depending on the situation.
Wheel barrow
Pitch fork
Water buckets
Halter and lead
Lunge line and whip
Basic first aide supplies
All the tack your horse will wear at the show as well as extra pads and things for schooling at the show ground that are okay to get dirty.
Tack cleaning supplies
All the clothes you will wear in the show as well as a change of clothes that are more comfy and boots that can get dirty.
I don't know what else

Do you live close from the barn you board at since you see your horse frequently?

Yep it's about a 10 minute drive

Have you ever had or do you have a job? If not, how do you/ who pay for horses/riding?

We are both Registered Nurses, we didn't have jobs in high school and most of college so that is why we couldn't buy a horse until after we graduated ?

OP on people who dont have a job (16+, since its hard for those under 16 to get a job!) and their parents pay everything for them, their horses and stuff and they take it for granted?

I think if you have the privilege to not have to work while you're in school then that is a great thing! We didn't have jobs until we were in college but it's not like we were handed everything and had the newest nicest things either because of that ? it's unfortunate that people take things for granted but they will realize once they have to pay for everything how lucky they were ??

Why did you change rumor from a snaffle D ring to a Pelham ?

Because he was really hard to keep light and uphill in the snaffle, he really liked to lean on it and would take any opportunity to be silly and put his head between his legs lol, He is a million times better in the Pelham, he was actually ridden in a Pelham at his old barn we just thought we would try him in a D ring but it's not really the right bit for him!

What program are you two in university/college?

We were both in a nursing degree program, but we graduated in 2013 and 2014

Try to canter with no stirrups to train sitting the canter! If your feelig like it, try to canter without saddle

I can canter without stirrups better than I can with them ?

Did you like my comment on your recent video? (Talk through riding Raws) it was the Chestnuts are red, roans can be blue, your opinion doesn't matter, I pay a trainer, not you!

Yeah it's great ?


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