
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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If you could own one horse from your past, dead or alive, which one would it be and why?

Probably Monty because he was such a sweet moose of a horse, also Pinky because she was a pretty fat paint and so grumpy I loved her ?
Liked by: Bridget ♥

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hock injections are very common in jumping horses- with a busy show career (showing 2-3 weeks a month) it is normal for them to need their hocks done at 8. most jumping horses that show have their hocks done by 10 if not before. hock injections doesn't equal a problem its just maintenance.

I wouldn't say hock injections are "very common" for 8 year olds. You would only inject a horse if they were starting to show signs of arthritis and for an 8 year old to be showing signs of that highlights everything that is wrong with the horse world. In my experience, which I'll admit is not that extensive, it's common for more seasoned show horses to need injections as they're coming to the end of their show career but their owners still want a couple years left of jumping out of them. For an 8 year old to need hock injections is not exactly normal. ??
Liked by: NIIWG

is it fun sharing an horse? or do yall wish yall had two?

I wish I had 10 horses!! I wouldn't really say it's "fun" but I'm fine with it! ?

what do you like about the barn you ride at? what do you not like?

I like the indoor, how close it is to our house, our trainer. I don't like how it's in sort of a busy area and I wish there was more turn out.

Angel got taken away from your barn, i know her owner and they picked her up because she was in such poor condition :p

Umm I don't think she was in poor condition but okaay. . .
Liked by: Cam

How many lesson horses are at your barn? (Estimate) what are some of their names?(you don't have to list them all, but lost some we have never heard of before)

Not that many, around 5? Lily, Ben, Endy, Tuffy, Angel. I'm not sure, there might be more than that.

What would your dream horse be like?what discipline would you do with it?

It's too hard to pick just one! I love too many different types of horses! ?

If you could switch your discipline what would you switch too? And what discipline do you do now?

Reining and Hunters

Is there a lesson raws video soon?

Most likely no. We have both been working while the other rides so there's no one to film! ?

It was getting the hock injections before jumping 3'6

Ooh if the horse needed hock injections at 8 years old I would not have jumped it 3'6.?But again I would ask a trainer!

How do you edit videos from the footage you took on your phone

You can air drop the footage to a MacBook or get iMovie on your phone but I've never used the phone version so I'm not sure how good it is.
Liked by: Cam

A horse I'm leading has been off for a couple months. Tips/ excercises to get them back in shape for jumping?

Trot poles and canter poles.


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