
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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Is nursing enough to support a family and horses?

It depends how much your cost of living like rent, food, ect is where you live and how much you pay for board ect. I would probably just google how much nurses make in the state or province you live in, then estimate how much your bills will be every month. Then you can sort of get an idea.
Liked by: Cam Chloe

Do you think you guys will stay nurses until you retire years from now? Or move on to different careers ?

Definitely not until we retire! But I'm not sure what I will do instead, hopefully win the lottery ?

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Okay I'm sincerely sorry for my annoying questions, but have you ever had to do that? Omg. I'm done now. ?

Lol no I haven't! When ever someone has died on my shift the family was already there thankfully ?

Okay I might sound totally stupid, but is that a job requirement as a nurse? Calling a person who had died family and telling them they're dead? Omg I would die! I could not do that! ??

Yes unfortunately ? if it's not an expected death then the doctor is supposed to call the family, but if it's expected then the nurse does usually

I am looking into doing nursing but am unsure if ill be able to inject someone for you know like iv lines and stuff. Were you worried about that or anything when you were training to be nurses?

No I don't think I was nervous about any skills in particular, there was a girl in our class that was deathly afraid of getting injections but she can give them to other people just fine so you'll probably be okay ? the stuff that I didn't want to do was like having a patient die and having to call and tell their family members
Liked by: Cam Chloe

Period horror story?

I don't have one personally, but a girl from my high school got her period for the first time in class and somehow didn't realize, and it was all over her pants and her chair and the teacher had to take her out of class and tell her ?
Liked by: Cam Chloe MSS

Do you have to be great at math to become a nurse?

No. The only math you have to do is one introductory stats class in university and that's it. All the math you do as a nurse is easy multiplication you can do in your head.
Liked by: Cam Chloe

How come it's becoming more common to see barrel racers use huge rowel Spurs when they starfish? I barrel race and never kick or use Spurs. I don't understand why it's becoming more popular?

I have no idea. Uneducated people doing anything they can to win? Anyone who would kick a horse with any sort of spurs on needs to be educated, clearly.

How come you dislike being a nurse? It is the only career I have taken to at all. Just looking at different aspects of the job :)

12 hour shifts are crappy but that's what enables you to work less days a week. It's mostly the people that make it bad! ? you're trying to "help people" and they can be very rude to you, even physically violent. Also, most of the doctors are for lack of a better word, assholes. It makes it very hard to do your job properly when they are impossible to talk to without getting yelled at! Not all doctors are like that but a lot are. I just don't enjoy people in general so I pretty much became a nurse for the money!

Do you recommend becoming a nurse? I really am looking into it, but it's important for me that I can maintain a horsey lifestyle while still being comfortably able to afford the necessities of life if you know what I mean ahah. But nothing else seems to interest me. ?

Being a nurse will definitely allow you to own horses from a financial perspective. It's also really awesome because you don't have to work 5 days a week like a typical job and if you are casual you can pretty much make your own schedule! Being a nurse allowed us to save a lot of money in a short amount of time to buy Rumour and all his tack and everything as well as keep up with his month to month expenses. However, if you are not 100% sure you want to be a nurse I would look for a different career. I strongly dislike nursing and think about getting a new job everyday. But there are very few out there that offer the same flexibility, number of days off, and starting wage.

What is your opinons on a 100 ft by 100 ft outdoor arena

It's probably adequate if only one or two people will be riding at a time, it might be a bit small if you want to do a lot of jumping, it would be hard to fit a whole course in well
Liked by: Cam Chloe

What tack do I need to start jumping my horse?

You don't really need specific tack, if you have an all purpose English saddle that's all you really need, and whatever bridle you already have
Liked by: Cam Chloe

Is it mandatory to wear your hair up in a hair net for the hunters or jumper ring? Do you think it would be alright to wear it in that bun hair net or is that just dressage or just in a braid?

For jumpers you can do whatever you want with your hair, a lot of people do a braid or a low pony. Hunters you have to have your hair up in a hair net. You could maybe get away with the bun thing if it's a schooling show but I would try to just fit your hair in your helmet.
Liked by: Cam

If you had to lose a sense, which would it be?

That's so hard but probably smell! That could really come in handy at work since we're both nurses! ??
Liked by: Cam


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