
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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Wait unless they were trying to say that they are me and that I sent that... I'm confused now. I got back from class and people are saying they sent questions in my name... Wtf ?

Yeah I was pretty sure they were trying to pretend they were you! ?? These anons just don't give up! I thought I blocked them all but I guess I missed one!? ???

**Controversy Question Tuesday!** -What do you think are some of the first and most important things beginner rider should learn before AND while starting to ride?

I don't know I guess basic things like heels down, thumbs up, back straight, how to hold the reins, how to direct rein steer and stop.

surgical nurse?? scary Huh?

It's not too scary. Usually the patients are quite stable and everything or else they would be in the ICU.

do you find its worth it. helping people and making good money for ponies

Yeah. Even though I really don't like the job that much. The amount of money I was able to make really jump started my life in a way after graduating. I plan on nursing for a few more years until we buy a house and everything and then slowly phasing the job out if I can find something I like more lol

are you hoping to become a certain doctor or something with the education of being a nurse? like careers that link to nursing you want to pursue.

I would consider working at a private practice like a plastic surgeon or dental surgeons office where the patients are normal and not crazy lol. But I'm pretty sure I just want to get out of the medical profession all together.

My mom was a nurse and she says the same thing and has lots of stories about people and it makes me reallyyyy respect nurses. She's like immune to all things gross though so I guess that's a plus ??

Aha yes I'm definitely not phased by anything gross anymore!! ???
Liked by: Arianne Laforest

what type of nurses are you two? are you planning on furthering that career into a specific specialty?

Courtney is a Medical nurse and Breanne is a Surgical nurse. I don't think we will specialize in anything because I don't plan on making nursing a life long career.

what's being a nurse like? tips and warnings? I'm hoping to start my career with a course to be a nurse! help

You can make a lot of money but you have to have a thick skin to a certain extent and don't take things personally. But you also get nice patients once in a while who make your day better!! ?? Nursing school was probably the worst time in my life but don't worry it will go by fast and then you can do whatever you want with your life and all your monaaay!! ?

some tips and warnings to someone who wants to be a nurse?

You work long hours and have to deal with ungrateful and confused people on a daily basis. So make sure you really want to do it because most days are not going to be "fun." ??

if someones against gay marriages it doesnt make them homophobic, they might like or even be in the gay community but they just see these rights a different way or have their own reasons

But why should the government control who you can and can not marry. That's fine if it's against your religion. Then don't marry a gay person! That doesn't mean no one else should be able to make that decision. It's a basic human right in my opinion.

okay lol, not what I was referring to at all. It's the fact that you feel the need to say extremely rude things to people who have different opinions than you

Didn't say anything extremely rude to anyone. Gave my opinion on a situation and people chose to be offended by it.

I don't know why people are upset about what was said about homophobic & judgemental people lacking brain cells, because you guys are correct! They are being close-minded and are failing to accept the way other people live their lives, even when it doesnt affect them at all! Everyone should be equal

I agree Erica! Everyone should just live their own lives not caring what someone else chooses to do with theirs because it doesn't affect them! I'm not sure how some people don't think being homophobic is wrong. It's not any different than being racist. Maybe one day they will realize! ???

When your immature af lol I'm sure all of your sponsors would love to hear about this. Your creating a wonderful image for yourselves and your channel! ;)

Yes they would all love to see that we support equality and understanding for all! ?


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