
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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Fun facts about Rumour no one really knows?

His great great great great great grandpa is seabiscuit, he eats everything, he doesn't like being ridden on Sundays (jokes I don't think he knows what day it is but he always ends up being fresh on Sundays), and he is the most noble steed in all of the land ????
Liked by: equineguru08

Would you rather have a 8 year old that could only jump up to 2'6 or a 15 year old at can jump 3'3 and go higher?

The height they could jump wouldn't really matter to me. I'd be more concerned with their overall training since I don't jump very high anyways :/

Why was working at Walmart hell? ??

Well not to be stereotypical but many of the people that shop and work there were not my cup of tea, they paid very badly and when I started they had just cut everyone's hours to like two shifts a week, sometimes only a four hour shift so the paycheques were a joke, and a lot of the people that worked there relied on it as their primary income so it was pretty bad how they treated people!
Liked by: chevonne archer

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Running martingale vs Standing

It really depends on the horse and it's also personal preference. Running martingales are more severe in a way because they put pressure on the bars of the mouth while the standing puts pressure on the nose.

Has anyone ever heard anything else from heels down hopes up? Is she ever going to reconnect with her followers?

She posts on Twitter all the time

Plans for showing Rumour??

Probably the Gateway shows at Tbird next year but we aren't even riding him right now because of his leg :(

Standing martingales are made for jumping if you fit them right, I jump 3'6+ in mine all the time

There are differing opinions on this topic. I think some people think running martingales are better for jumping because they have more freedom of their neck but to each their own :) I jump in a standing martingale all the time also :/

Why under 2'6" for a standing martingale?

It can sometimes be dangerous if your horse trips or something after a jump because they may not have full range of motion of their neck to regain their balance if the martingale is too tight. I'm sure people jump higher with them all the time, it's just something to be aware of.

I agree with what you said! The goal shouldn't be pulling your horses head down! A lot more goes into a natural frame

Yeah :) I think if you focus too much on pulling the head into a "frame" it can actually make the horse more on the forehand. I'm just really bad at explaining things ??


It's hard for me to explain but having your horses head down shouldn't be the goal. If you work on getting your horse to really use their hind end, reach under themselves, as in their hind legs really reaching forward, and them lifting up through their back then their head will naturally be able to go down. How you do all that exactly is really all about feel and I think it can be different for every horse. This probably wasn't helpful at all but really if you stop focusing on what their head and neck are doing and just ride to have them be light in the tack you should have better results.

How do you get a horse to put his head down.

Like when you're riding or when you're tacking up!?

hi I have a YouTube collab channel I'm trying to start up and was wondering if one of you wanted to join you would post a video once a week on a set day you can pick which day and there will be a theme each week example what's in my grooming tote so we would each film that

That is very nice of you to ask but we struggle to upload one video a week to our channel as it is so I don't think we can commit to another channel at this point!

What kinda saddle (size) would you recommend for a 6'1 rider with thighs that measure 19" from hip to knee?

Probably something like CWD or Antares where you can choose longer flap lengths. I don't have this problem so I'm not 100% sure which brands are best for taller riders.

I have a 15.2 hh thoroughbred/warmblood what size doe blanket do you think I should get her?

I have no idea. You really just need to measure them to make sure. Measure the length of their body from the middle of their chest to the middle of their tail and subtract 4 inches and that's how you get the blanket size. It's also good to read reviews on tack store websites so you know if the blanket runs big or small.

Do you think a 15 year old horse is to old to buy and then plan to have a career in the jumpers?

If you plan on that career being only 2 or 3 years then I would say no. If they are doing the kind of work you want to do with them now and are still staying sound I would go for it. You just have to be aware of when you should start decreasing their workload as they get older.

What is the reasoning for using 2 saddle pads? During my lessons we have only used 1 multi purpose pad! Is it more comfortable for the horse?

Yeah a half pad provides more cushion and shock absorption for the horse's back, and it can help to make your saddle fit better if it doesn't fit perfectly.
Liked by: sammy lifshen

What colors do you think would look good on a grey

Any colour really. Black and navy are my favourite though.

What colors do you think would go good with a chestnut? (I was thinking navy and white)

Yes I would say navy and white would look nice, hunter green may look good too.


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