
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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Okay. I went to Adsense bc I got this thing from Google Adsense in the mail asking to verify my acct and they sent thing pin so I went to do that and that site said $18. But YouTube says $10... If $18 is correct does that still seem low to you? Sorry if this is annoying.

Yeah youtube is always lower than what you actually make, adsense is the actual amount, did you set up your adsense account recently? Because you only get paid for what you made once your adsense account is set up. Are you looking at the total amount or just the amount you made in one month? I think $18 per month still seems low but I guess it's hard to compare one channel to another.

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and to "Sierra" she probably doesn't even care that much and this topic is going crazy just because of a simple question that should've gotten a simple answer..

we did give a simple answer, you need to go back and read the answer we gave.
Liked by: Sierra❥

Do you get paid for being on YouTube cause I've been on YouTube for a year and nothin has happened

Coya Graves
Well you have to sign up for Adsense or a network and link your youtube channel, and you have to click monetize on all of your videos!

I'm w Adsense. I sure hope I set up the account correct... Some of my vids only have a few hundred views but some have a few thousand.

hmm that's kind of weird, you'd think with a thousand subscribers it would start to pick up. Are all of your videos monetized? Like there's a green box with a dollar sign beside all of them in your video manager? Also if you used copyrighted music then you don't get paid for those videos.

I really look up to you channel and was wondering what tips u have for making good videos. I feel mine are decent but I want them to be better and to the standard of you and grace. Tips?

Thanks! :D I think good quality videos is the main thing, like have good lighting and speak clearly, and make popular videos like vlogs, tack hauls, grooming videos etc. Make interesting thumbnails, if you say what your channel is we could give you more specific advice!

Why does that person care so much about how much you make?? That is a very rude question

I can see how people might be curious, but I wouldn't keep asking when it is clear that we aren't going to give them a number :P
Liked by: Sierra❥

I have nearly a thousand subscribers but i haven't even made 10$ yet... Is this normal in your opinion?

I guess it has more to do with the views on your videos than the number of subscribers. But no that's definitely not typical at least in our case. Are you with Adsense or a network?
Liked by: Sierra❥

You don't understand what I'm trying to say. This is pointless anyways

What don't I understand? You want us to tell you how much money we make on youtube so you can decide if it's worth the effort to start a youtube channel. 1. I'm not allowed to say. 2. I don't want to either. Google it I'm sure you can find something.
Liked by: Sierra❥

Georgie from heartland is also going to be at mane event this year!!

Cool! :D she was there last year too, she lives in the area so she probably goes there most years haha :P
Liked by: Sierra❥

How was that rude on the question asking how much you make on YouTube? It's just a curious question. What if that person wanted to do YouTube and earn money but you make less than $10 a video or whatever you make. It's just a curious question and to me that person came of anything but rude.

The way they asked it wasn't rude, asking someone how much money they make in general is though, I'm not sure how that is so hard to understand. If they want to do youtube then they should make a channel and they will find out how much money you can make. The amount of money we make has nothing to do with the amount of money someone else will make. Not only do I not feel obligated to tell people how much money we make, it is also part of the adsense contract that you cannot disclose how much you make, and they can terminate your contract if they find out your advertising your earnings so I am not interested in risking that. If you want to make youtube videos just for the money you will be very disappointed at the earning potential for years until your channel is established.
Liked by: Sierra❥

Did one of you fall off rumour?? Are you okay?? And lol to the anon asking you financial questions good luck there bud

Yup Breanne fell off him on Tuesday ? he just spooked at a dog that jumped out of the grass beside the arena and she went off the side. She got a concussion and a good arena burn on her arm but she's okay ? yeah kids these days.. ??
Liked by: Sierra❥

Does a youtubers pay solely depend on their views or does the payment increase with subs/popularity. Jw ?

It's solely based on the number of views and clicks on the ads that are beside or at the beginning of your video.

No it isn't tbh

I think asking someone how much money they make is usually not acceptable in social situations or at the very least considered a rude question but maybe that's just me . . .
Liked by: Tilley

how much do u make on YouTube?

You're not allowed to share that information. And it's also kind of a rude question? ?

yes, currently watching :) nice dog haha!

It's over now you're just watching the recording, but thanks haha ?


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