
Courtney + Breanne

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If it was colic trust me you would know. They break out into a giant sweat and you just know somethings up

Yeah he seemed a bit colicy yesterday but today it definitely doesn't seem like that, he doesn't show any signs of discomfort aside from not eating like he normally does.

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How much would you recommend your ogilvys?

The baby pads 100% they are amazing, the half pads are also really great quality and are definitely worth the money if your saddle doesn't fit perfectly, I'm sure there are other half pads that can do the same thing though, ogilvy is just the only one we have tried!
Liked by: Equestrian Cam

From what I've read he might just be feeling a bit sorry for himself.My mare goes through like fasting periods and doesnt touch food(only a little bit of hay)for a least a week at a time.Shes fine it's just something she does so I think Ru is just going thro a bit of a tummy ache. Get better soon ru

Yeah I think you're right, it's probably a stomach bug of some sort, he's still being his regular pushy self and he never refuses treats either ?
Liked by: Cam

Are you gonna show rumour? If so in what

Yup next year in the hunters, just under 3' though nothing too crazy ?
Liked by: Cam

Guys calm down Breanne and Courtney know what they are doing!! If there was something horrible going on they would call the vet their responsible and also you d not own rumour so the owner makes the choices I'm not being a bully I'm just saying

Thanks ?

Not eating is one of the most crucial symptoms a horse could have. If he isn't eating anything, something is wrong

He has been eating grass and hay today so he has improved, obviously if he was refusing to eat anything that would be an issue, he's still drinking and pooping too so it's not like there is an obstruction.

You should have a vet check not just guess

There's nothing overly serious happening right now though. All a vet would probably do is give him some bute and tell us to keep an eye on him. He's doing better today than he was yesterday to. Our trainer has a lot of horse experience and is watching him closely. Obviously if his symptoms get more serious we will have a vet come see him.

Could he have ulcers? Just an idea :)

We thought that too! But the way that it came on so suddenly made it seem like it wasn't an ulcer, and he's not under very much stress and his feed hasn't changed or anything so I don't know! He did have a bit of a temperature yesterday so it could just be like a virus or something ?

Rumour doesn't have a slight impaction colic?? My mare had it and she didn't want to move at all and she just wanted to stay in one spot & roll. She was also kicking at her stomach

We thought it might have been colic but he seems to be a bit better today, he just won't eat his grain and only a little hay, he still poops and drinks water and he actually trotted around today so it's kind of weird. We took him out to graze and he ate grass no problem too. He doesn't bite at his stomach or try to lie down or anything so it's kind of a mystery at this point!

Tbh rumor isn't that old lmao.. My friend has a 30 year old gelding and we were still jumping him when he was 27! (He had no health problems at all and acts like a 5 year old)

I agree! He is about middle aged I would say but he's still got lots of years in him ?

Least favorite thing about rumour?

How old he is! I wish we could have had him at a younger age because he is the best horse in the whole wide world and I want him to live forever!
Liked by: Cam Lauren Baker

I want to jump but I'm scared to canter ! Any advice ?

Get comfortable cantering first! Just do a couple strides at a time and then walk, or try cantering on a lunge line first so you don't have to worry about steering and stuff ?
Liked by: Cam


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