
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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have you had any experience with treating mud fever? if so, any tips? it's winter where I live and my horse has a bit and I can't get rid of it ?

I think the biggest thing is keeping the area dry. I would clip the hair around it really short and wash it with iodine

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Do you have a boyfriend or a crush?

I can never have a crush on someone in real life because people like Benedict Cumberbatch and Andy Biersack exist.

Do you think I should buy a cheap horse trailer and 'jazz' it up? Or just buy a more expensive horse trailer? I'm on a budget, and trying to find the best way to buy one.. Thanks!

If you know stuff about fixing trailers and can do the work yourself it could save you money. If you're going to have to pay someone else to do all the work you may as well buy a newer one.

How do you get companies to send you stuff? Do you just email them or go in stores or something?

You would email them as you'd want to be talking to someone in charge of marketing not just a retail owner. The best thing to do is work on gaining subs and having good quality content so companies approach you because big companies get hundreds of emails a week from people asking for free products now a days! ?? let the companies come to you.

Do you guys get products sent to you ??? Like when you guys do Elation breech reviews and Ecogold reviews?? Or is that you buying them and reviewing them for us?? Also have any tips on getting companies to sponsor/send you stuff??

Yes we got all that stuff sent to us. If you have around 10,000 subscribers or more usually if you approach companies they will send you stuff. But we are part of the scope network so they just send us stuff from whichever companies join the network

How can I come up with a cool YouTube name? I kinda want my name in it but maybe not the whole, or maybe a fake name.. Any thoughts? Thanks ??

It may take a while to think of. It has to be something that reflects you personally so it's hard for other people to give you tips. You don't want it to be too generic. Try not to use hunter jumper trot or canter in your name! ?

If you want to try thickening your hair you should try nioxin shampoo.. It's made for thin (and thinning) hair and a lot of people say it works really well (but I personally haven't tried it)



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