
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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hahahah i just got into dancing with the stars. the only "star" i actually know is willow shields because of the Hunger Games!!! Hahaha!

Oh yeah I forgot she was on it!

do you watch dancing with the stars?

When there's nothing else on lol. This season is so boring though, are any of the "stars" even famous?!

thanks for the advice on my friend. my other friends were there so they told me. :) idc anymore, they dont ride so they don't understand. they are making assumptions when they haven't even tried it.

You're welcome :) yeah it's really their loss if they don't want to try to understand why riding is so great (and a sport)! ;)

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some of my friends went behind my back and said riding isn't a sport, and basically flat out talked about me to some of my other friends when i wasn't there (after agreeing with me that riding is a sport). I'm really hurt and i don't know what to do. sry, this prob is annoying but i rly need advice

Honestly, since you weren't actually there when she said it you can't know for sure that it's true and it's just gossip at this point. The best thing to do, even though it's hard, is to not care what other people think and try to forget about it. People who don't ride horses will probably never truly understand what it's all about and I wouldn't waste your time trying to prove it to them. If you really think you can't just let it go, maybe just ask your friend if she actually did say those things and then explain to her why it hurts your feelings and why it's important to you?

When would you say it's a good idea to collect brushes for grooming kit? Like maybe after how many lessons? or should I just wait till I lease/own?

Maybe after 6 months or so? But if you know for sure that riding is something you want to stick with than I don't think the amount of time really matters!

how do i ask for a grooming tote and grooming tools? They don't really understand that u can use them on school horses because sometimes brushed are missing (thats so annoying!). I would pay with my own money, but they still ask me why and have to approve on what i want to buy...

Yeah I would maybe just say the thing about brushes missing which is annoying again aha and maybe just say it will save you time at the barn because you won't have to look for brushes all the time and if you know you want to be involved with horses for a long time it's good to start slowly collecting supplies you will need that you will have for years to come!

I'm browsing at grooming brushes for the future, and I'm thinking about winners circle brushes vs the standard Dover brushes. do u think they're the same, or should i pay the extra few $$ per brush to get a "better quality" grooming kit thing? sometimes the reviews on the dover ones are better!!

Yeah I would probably just go based on which got better reviews. With grooming tools it's hard because sometimes the cheaper option works just fine and you don't need to spend a lot but also sometimes not?

thanks for the answer to my half halt questions! makes a lot of sense now. someone said its when u slow the horse down by using your leg or something and that rly confused me. and is it right that posting slower can also help slow down a horse?

Your welcome :) yeah it's not the leg that slows them down but the rein pressure. But you do want to keep your leg on when doing a half halt so they don't stop all together. Yes you are right posting slower and taller can help slow the horse down :)

OMG I DONT GET IT IM SO CONFUSED WHAT IS A HALF HALT?!?! sorry i don't understand the explanations when i look it up

It's when you put even pressure on the reins for a stride to either get the horse to slow down within the gait, use their body more correctly, get their attention, stop them from pulling against you etc.

about how many questions do you get a day? and do you answer them all?

I'm not sure! Probably around 10 depending on the day. Yup we answer all of them, unless it's someone that is asking the same questions to 8 other people then I usually don't feel the need to answer.

Hello! So may need to move barns soon (because I'm moving to another city), and one barn I am seriously looking into uses OTTBs. My current barn mainly uses Quarter horses. I also just read a comment that says barns shouldn't use OTTBs (at least for someone's first lesson). Is this true? Thank you!

Nope! If it's a reputable barn an OTTB can be just as well behaved as any other horse if it was trained correctly. I'd assume that the horses they use for beginners have probably been off the track for awhile and probably wouldn't have any of the habits that a race horse would have anymore. Also keep in mind that these horses probably aren't racing anymore because they aren't good at it/ too slow haha ;)

How do you two survive sharing a horse? Also, will one of you ever get your own horse?

Quite easily :P we each take one lesson a week and then get two extra days a week to ride each. We probably won't get another horse for awhile because it's expensive. And I want to buy a house :)

Good online websites in Canada?

The only ones I ever shop on are greenhawk and smartpak, I like willow equestrian too.

Do you know any tack store in Canada that have low prices?

Greenhawk is the only one I know of, but smartpak has cheaper prices than greenhawk so if you live close enough to the border to get your packages shipped to the U.S. then I would do that!

Does Rumour have any ticks in his personality? Like just anything little he gets upset with or spooks at?

Not really, he's a pretty chill guy, he paws the ground when he wants a treat but that's his only bad habit really!

i love riding!! when to ask for more than one lesson a week? or is it more sensible to lease than lessons two or three times a week?

It's never too soon to take more than one lesson a week, you will probably get better faster if you are taking actual lessons 2 or 3 days a week instead of riding on your own in a lease but either option is good it's really up to you! :)

on a scale of 1-10 for an average pain tolerance how much does falling off hurt? i really just want to know what it feels like but i also don't want to fall lol. idk i guess the worst thing that has happened to me is like breaking my finger which was painful but i dealt with it pretty well

Well it kind of depends how tall your horse is, how fast you're going, what kind of ground, what part of your body you fall on. I fell off a 15 hand horse in deep sand footing and I didn't even feel it, but another time I fell off a 16 hand horse on hard footing and landed on my tail bone and it was probably a 8/10 but it only lasted a minute ;) I feel like it usually happens so fast you don't even have time to think about it!


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