
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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The people agreeing with the anon about the apple thing .. Its litterally the same person pertending to be more than one person

Aha who knooows ??

"Can I give my horse a whole apple at once Yes!" this is why...

Yes they asked if you can give your horse a whole apple not if they should swallow it whole!!!

why are you so against taking concern/advice from people? maybe that person knew a horse that choked on a whole apple or something, but you don't know everything so you should really consider people's advice on things. basically everyone knows not to shove a whole apple in a horse's mouth lol

They are giving advice that is not warranted. I am not an idiot. I have sufficient brain cells to rub together. I don't need to be told not to force a horse to swallow an apple whole. It's not advice at this point it's drama.

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saying people can choke on small food and comparing it to horses like wtf horses are a lot bigger and obviously can take more food in at once than a human to compare them is so stupid my horse eats whole carrots all the time she's not going to die if you horse choked on a small carrot you need to...


the way you answered that question made it seem like you let rumour eat a whole apple in one bite! which is probably why it made people concerned :)

That or people just like to try to tell us what to do!?!

I'm confused, do you let your horse eat a whole apple at once or have him take smaller bites of it?

He always takes bites, I don't think he's ever eaten a whole apple at once so I really don't know what all this originated from ?

If humans can choke on tiny pieces of food horses can choke on huge apples being shoved in their mouth lol...I had a horse that used to try and eat apples whole and you could see them in his throat and he would keep coughing after. Maybe you should treat your horse with caution

Common sense, if your horse struggles to eat a whole apple don't feed them a whole apple, horses can choke on hay and grain too I'm not going to blend all of Rumour's food to decrease the very small chance that he could choke, and he always bites his apples into a hundred pieces he's very capable of chewing he's been doing it his whole life.
Liked by: Nora-Lies Ndaw meg

seeing as you guys are still beginners and new to horse owning you should take people's advice and treat your horse with caution instead of laughing at what people say when it's actually true...

I wouldn't consider myself a beginner and this whole apple thing is ridiculous, Rumour will not die from eating a whole apple I'm sorry

I agree with the anon below...you really shouldn't feed your horses whole apples or carrots...at least break the apple up into bits and the carrot into two pieces

Good lord no!
Liked by: Cam

If you hand a horse and apple and they take the whole thing in their mouth, there's a chance they could swallow it whole. It's dangerous. So don't just go handing a horse an apple or carrot, make sure they take multiple bites BEFORE it leaves your hand.

I really don't agree with this, maybe if your horse is a senior and doesn't have many teeth there is a risk of them choking, but if you have a young healthy horse I really can't see them swallowing a whole apple, horses eat whole apples off the ground all the time they aren't babies! Definitely wouldn't cut a carrot up either they can just bite the end off its an animal.

A friend of mine lost 35kg and she says that her horse acts up way less now and in general seems a lot happier during rides. Being heavier is fine, people shouldn't judged on their appearence BUT at the same time us riders need to keep in mind that we literally are being carried by our horses

Yes if your weight is causing your horse pain it's definitely not a good thing. I'm glad your friend was able to become healthier for herself and her horse! ? Many people also forget to factor in the weight of their tack too, especially if you're riding western that could add another 40lbs on top of what your horse is already carrying. I don't think anyone would intentionally cause their horse pain by making them carry too much weight but I also think it's something people often forget to consider!

None of my friends are in my lunch this year! What should I do?

Well you can try to make some new friends who have the same lunch period or take it as a good opportunity to do all your homework at lunch time so you have more free time after school to ride ponies and stuff!!!
Liked by: Cam

Giving a horse a whole apple at once is VERY dangerous. It can get lodged in their throat and cause them to choke. Always cut it up or make them bite it into bits, the same with carrots as well.

Umm what? It's not like they swallow it whole. They do have teeth. This is confusing. You've never fed a horse an apple before? If you hold it in your hand they can bite it in half and usually eat it in two to three bites depending on how big the Apple is.

Can you give me some good CAD online tack stores? :)

Thecarringtonshoppe.com, farmhouse tack.com, greenhawk.com, that's the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.

That's kind of true, a lot of the equine youtubers are pretty thin. Though I personally don't strive to be skinny, I'd much rather be fit & muscular instead of skinny. I'm in no way saying being skinny is bad, just if you aren't, strive to be healthy not skinny, if that makes any sense?

Yes I agree, being healthy should be what you strive for, not necessarily being "skinny".

Why don't you jump big?

To me the height of the jump doesn't matter. I also have a ton of things to work on and think it's better to jump low until I can fix those things instead of jumping 4 feet just to sound cool. I know I would be able to jump higher but would it look good? No. Also, Rumour has arthritis so we don't really plan on jumping him any higher than 3 feet mostly.


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