
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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You guys come off as a kinda rude when you don't agree with people on things :/

I feel like the people giving their opinion are rude because they voice their opinion as fact and expect us to just accept it, we are allowed to have our own opinions too and they just can't respect that and keep the conversation going forever, it's not rude to not agree with someone, especially when they are annonymous and we have no idea of their experience with the issue, when you offer your opinion that is not asked for you have to expect that the other person won't necessarily agree!
Liked by: Eve

How much is an 1hr lesson on a lesson horse?

It's $40 for 45 minute private lesson on a lesson horse, or $35 for an hour in a semi private

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Can i buy a bridle and not put a bit not put a bit on it and use it as a bitless bridle ?

Nope that won't work, it would be easier to just ride in a halter so you can attach the reins to either side of it, there wouldn't be anywhere to attach the reins to a bridle if it doesn't have a bit!
Liked by: Nora-Lies Ndaw

I mean, you don't have to believe me but yeah it does happen haha. That's why people make you sign wavers and etc at certain barns. It almost happened to me.

Yeah almost, people can sue you if they want but it's a waste of time, there are very few situations were they would actually win, and you're right if you sign a waiver then there is no way you can sue!

I've seen quite a few people get sued and lose. :) not to be rude but yeah, it does happen.

How? I really don't believe that but thanks for your opinion

When I get people to exercise my horse o give them a little booklet so they sign a liability form, and they have to fill in what they did that day etc any thing noticeable that they think needs work etc.

Good idea!

The mare I'm looking at is a paint for $3000 who is out of work etc. So what would you do when trying a horse out?

Walk, trot, canter, extend and collect the gaits, try some lateral stuff if she can do it, maybe walk her around the property to see how she is outside of the arena. It's would be ideal if you can bring a trainer to help you though!
Liked by: Cam

Maybe their horses need an experienced rider or are very sensitive. I don't let people ride my horse because he's sensitive and you're also liable for a lawsuit if someone rides your horse and gets hurt. Sad but true :/

You really aren't liable if someone gets injured while riding your horse, they assume the risk when they get on. Sure they can try to sue you but they won't win ?

I know right !! I dont see the problem with it ! I can jump trot canter all that its not like i asked them if i can take their horse to the friken Olympics ... For now if they say something rude to me in my head imma call them bb which standa for barn betches

Haha I like you ?
Liked by: Cam

How many times would your ride/view a horse before buying it?

Depends how expensive the horse is and what you plan on using it for, we only rode Rumour once and saw him twice!

I know ! And i take lessons 2 times a week and im at the barn a lot and when they said that to me in my head i was like "betch" but yea it made me sad and thought i was bad at riding

Lol ? yeah I feel like if I had a friend who wanted to ride my horse I would let them, if they aren't that "experienced" then I would give them a lesson on him it's not like you're asking to gallop and jump 6 feet I'm sure you're more than capable of trotting or cantering in a circle but what can you do.
Liked by: Angie Drummond

Lol they only let the other girls with horses ride their horses because they say " i am not experienced sense i dont have a horse " brings me down but i guess u gotta get thro it

Oh that's rude, how are you supposed to get experience without practice

Do u think it's weird to put a purple saddlepad on a gelding? LOL I just love purple so much!!!!

Nope do whatever you want! ?
Liked by: Cam

So all the girls at my barn have horseys and i get sad because i dont ! Dont get me wrong im happy for them its just hard .. What should i do

Ask them if you can ride their horses for free ??

So my cousin says she wants a horse, and to take lessons, they have the room but she never wants to do anything that involves horses with me.

Then I guess she just isn't really that interested in it?

Why do you say you'd have to be ignorant to use that?

Well it is generally a pretty derogatory term so if you choose to use that word while understanding the meaning of it you are ignorant in my opinion ?

I need a preppy bag/backpack for school! Do you have any suggestions? :)

I have a Longchamp Le Pliage it's a pretty classic and versatile bag, and it has a pony on it so that's a plus ? I know the Herschel backpacks are pretty trendy and come in a million colours also, can't go wrong with a vineyard vines tote or something like that either.
Liked by: Cam

I'm fifteen and I feel like I've started riding really late.?

I didn't started riding until I was 19 so I beat you.
Liked by: Cam


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