
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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You should build one next to trials with a big indoor and outdoor arena ?

That would be sooo awesome!! ?? But we'll have to win the lottery before we can build an indoor arena! ?
Liked by: Jumping Oxers

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I seriously cannot wait for you two to buy property and have multiple ponies and do all the things with them and love them and share videos about them. You two are seriously the best and rumour is the cutest and he's so lucky that you two are his humans!

Awe! Thank you so much! That is so kind of you to say!!! ?? I seriously can't wait either!! Once it starts happening be prepared for many vlogs about barns! ?? (the builder we want to work with actually contacted us today so eeeee!!??)I am also excited to see what sorts of siblings Rumour ends up with!!

My best friend is a fuckboi! We've been best friends all our lives but I get bullied for being his friend, I get called slut, hoe ect. And their is rumours going around that he got me pregnant and we have "friends with benefits"! Idk what to do should I stop being friends with him?? Please help!!!!!

Nah. If he's a really good friend of yours just ignore the haters. Once the term "fuck boy" becomes old, which will hopefully happen soon because it's stupid, everyone will forget all about it and you guys will still be friends.

Ever ridden bareback? Who did you do it on? Did it take confidence or was it super fun?

Yep! I think the first time was in a lesson on a big fat paint mare named Pinkie and it was so comfy! Not at all like Rumour ?
Liked by: Lydia Bradford

Last horse ridden? Was it a good ride? What did you work on?

Rumour! It was good! Just working on keeping his body straight, especially at the canter, and keeping a consistent pace.
Liked by: Lydia Bradford

How many pairs of breeches do you own? What was the last pair you bought? When did you buy it?

I own 4 pairs, last pair I bought were BVertigo Melissa breeches and that was last summer I think!

review on your ogilvy baby pads? im wanting to buy one!

They are really durable and great quality, wash really well, great price for the quality of pad, the only thing is they can slip back a little bit because they don't have any straps on them! But I think you can add straps for additional cost

When choosing a job would you choose one with a high salary that you wouldn't be too fond of or one with a low salary that you'd really love

I chose the high salary but I really regret it!! ??
Liked by: Lydia Bradford

Oh but there's so many you tubers how woukd they find out haha. wow is it easy to make $100 usually for one of your videos

None of our videos have made $100 individually for the lifetime of our channel, but we make more than $100 a month total, it depends how many videos you upload
Liked by: Tessa

around how much though? I'm might make one then

You're not allowed to disclose how much money you make, but you don't get paid until you make $100 and you need a couple thousand subscribers to make that much usually

how many subs or views do you need to start getting g paid? is it like 10 cents per view

You can monetize your videos whenever you want. It doesn't matter how many subscribers you have. The amount you get paid per view depends on which ad is on your video.


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