
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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how many days a week do courtney and breanne each work usually? just curious! also is being a nurse hard?

It really depends on the week, usually like 2 or 3 days each but they are 12 hour shifts so it's quite a lot of work. I wouldn't say being a nurse is hard but it can be tiring. You need to be on the ball to know what's going on with all your patients and when to call doctors and read lab values and stuff but yeeah not that hard when you do it for a while.

hey so idk i might be weird but i haven't fallen off yet (riding for 8 months) and I don't want to fall of but i also kinda do to know what it feels like and stuff? is this normal? I'm like scared to fall off but i also want to experience it so I'm not as scared in the future. idk I'm prob weird lol

Yeah I guess that kinda makes sense. I remember thinking that falling off wouldn't hurt that much but it kinda does lol. Try not to fall off but if you do it's also not that big of a deal especially if you ride a short horse!

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hey, could i get advice on bridling a horse? i kinda sorta know how its done, but I've never actually done it myself. like i know where everything goes and how tight to put it, but i have never bridled a horse by myself. :) please any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Take the halter off and fasten it around their neck so they can't walk away. Put the reins over the horses neck. Hold the bridle in your right hand and the horses face with the other. With your left hand put the bit in the horses mouth, put your finger in the corner of their mouth if they won't open it. Then bend the ears forward and put the crown piece over their head. Fasten the throat latch and nose band.

how to build up a horses topline & muscle

Bending correctly and proper connection, transitions, and hill work. Basically any exercise will help to build a topline if your horse is tracking up correctly but if your horse is hollow it's not going to work. The horse has to actually be using the muscles in their back which doesn't happen when they are hollow and pulling themselves along on the forehand.

What do you look forward to most this year?

The mane event! And hopefully going to Disney World and the Harry Potter theme park!!!!

haha thats hilarious i loveeeee bays!!! so prettyyyy. I'm so happy rn i caught this not-so-nice- horse (only from his stall) but I'm so proud of myself lol

Lol that's good! I hate catching grumpy horses!!! D:

rumour is beautiful, I'm so basic i love bays/dark bays/dapple greys LOL

Haha thanks! Bay definitely isn't my favourite colour but I love him anyways :P

How much did you guys pay for the tack trunk? I'm asking because I'm thinking of buying one for myself.

It was $1700

what do you guys do when you're not called in for work? just wondering what your off days look like aside from going to the barn/riding :)

Really the only thing we do besides going to the barn is shopping and eating and watching Netflix. We are pretty boring. But we also like baking things :)

Can you guys make a video on a DIY horse coat finisher? (I.e. Showsheen)

It's the same as mane and tail detangler really. Just put argan oil in a spray bottle with water.

So I am going to this horse camp soon and i have to make a stall sign for my horse includes a bunch of info about them including their feeding schedule. I have hay, grain, oats and extras on it, but idk how to put the amount for hay. Like armful? Lol ik it's a random question but idk how to write it

Hay is measured in flakes! If your horse is fed three times a day the average horse in light work would get around 3 flakes at every meal, if they're fed four times a day then they should get 2 flakes per meal!
Liked by: chevonne archer

Do you think martin is too much for eve and that she's rushing it?

I don't think he's too much for her! She rides him well! If it were me I probably wouldn't jump him at all for at least a couple months until he develops some sort of topline but she only takes him over cross rails so it's not a huge deal, and she knows him better than anyone so it's really up to her :)

opinion on eqceptional equine and tzequestrian?

I don't really watch either of them but they are good channels!

How do you get a horse to put its head down?

A horse will put their head down when they are using their body correctly. Leg is the main thing that will make this happen and outside rein contact. But you should really ask a trainer because there are a lot of factors that contribute to it and every horse is different.

i can help out any time in june/july and i think I'm going to go the 2nd half of june and all of july because it sounds fun and we don't have plans. do u think that sounds good? my trainer says its hard work but i love horses so... do you think its worth sacrificing the five hours i will be there?

Yeah sounds good to me, I don't think any amount of time would be a sacrifice if you're spending it with horses!

so i just looked at pictures online of the summer camp at mybarn-helpers are wearing jean shorts. I guess i can wear those then? or should i wear breeches just in case? i think i will probably just switch off with jean shorts and nike running shorts because its going to be HOT

Yeah I think shorts sounds like a good idea!

thanks for the link to the boots- I saw those before and I was thinking they are cool. the thing is i can fit in kids hunters, so I'm thinking it may be worth investing in a pair of hunters for the extra $35, u know? if my parents don't want to buy them for me i can spend some from my bank account!!

That's a good idea! If the kids boots fit then definitely get those.

Some people are saying like 1-2 per month and others are saying 1 per week...

Once a week is definite over kill, once a month is more reasonable but still not necessary, you don't want to remove the natural oils in the horse's coat, it will actually make the hair look worse than not bathing at all! A curry comb is your friend, and spot treatments for actual stains!

How often would you say you should bathe a horse?

Maybe a couple times a year, horses really don't need to be bathed ever but obviously if you are going to a show or something you would want to give your horse a bath. Or if your horse is really sweaty after a ride it's nice to hose them off.


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