
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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I got another horse and her mane is really short and thine what can I use to help it grow

You could try putting mtg on it or adding rice bran or something else fatty to their diet. Also NEVER brush it.

I have started to get a little bit of anxiety when I go to ride. I'm thinking about getting my own horse next summer. I'm not scared I just get nervous but then I'm also excited. Is that weird?

No not really. Once you get your own horse and get to know them your anxiety should start to go down. I remember sometimes feeling anxious riding random horses all the time because you don't know what to expect.
Liked by: NIIWG

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Do you have any horse apps on your phone? It to be horse games or informational. If so what are they called?

I have the Smartpak app, Horseware app, and heelsdownmag!
Liked by: NIIWG

How was the main event I wish I could of one but I was sick

Alisha Woodward
It was good, the shopping was definitely worse than previous years greenhawk wasn't even there! Hopefully it's better next year.
Liked by: NIIWG

What does your stepmom do?

Anything you can think of, but when I was in grade 10 I said she was a hoe on Facebook, then probably 6 years later she was creeping my Facebook and saw it, and she hasn't talked to me since ? I apologized and suggested we sit down and talk about it in person but she never responded. It's been probably 3 years or more since I've last seen the woman.
Liked by: NIIWG mariam Мари

op on @kianeilsen s parents not letting her see her horse ? i feel so bad for her ! would your parents ever punish you by taking away your horse ? ( not trying to be rude i just feel really sorry for her )

The older you get the more you realize that adults are just grown up children ? I have a stepmom from hell that acts like she's 14 so I know what it's like to have to deal with immature adults, it's pretty much impossible they never change.
Liked by: NIIWG

What's a good blanket fill for the time of year it's around 10°c - -5°C (roughly 46°F - 23°F) I have a 350g fill and I'm looking for a kind of in between blanket! Thanks!

I think for 10 degrees Celsius to around 0 a light weight blanket would be good around 100g fill if your horse isn't clipped, under 0 degrees Celsius your 350g fill would be good!

Have you guys been busier since you moved? I know you both work lots but you haven't been doing as many videos lately so I just wondered :)

Yeah our work schedules are just completely opposite right now so we hardly have any days off together to film! But they start getting closer together in the next couple weeks so we should have more videos then ?
Liked by: NIIWG

Have you seriously never done an embarrassing thing?? I'm impressed. Second hand embarrassment is almost worse though lol so uncomfortable

I'm sure I've done embarrassing things but I don't get embarrassed very easily lol yeah second hand embarrassment is definitely worse ?
Liked by: NIIWG Shelby

Hi so for the whole month of November I am not going to be riding at all. My family is doing a lot of traveling. I am so upset I can't even explain it. I do group lessons and I'm scared when I come back everyone is going to be a lot better than me. I am just so nervous, I don't want this to happen.

If you only ride once a week that's only 4 lessons I don't think it will be that big of an issue. Also traveling sounds like a pretty ideal situation if you have to do something other than riding ?
Liked by: NIIWG

My parents bought me a really expensive calculator ($150+) and I don't like it. It's too high tech and I don't know how to work it. What do I do? I feel really bad that they spent all this money on me and now I'm not going to use it.

Well if you ever plan on going to high school you are going to need a calculator like that so you should learn how to use it.
Liked by: NIIWG

Post and embarrassing video

I never do embarrassing things. I only ever get second hand embarrassment from watching others say and do stupid things.
Liked by: NIIWG


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