
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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Update on my "agressive" dog: We muzzled her so she can reflect on the fact that showing her teeth to other dogs is not really necessairy (also for her own protection). Seems to be working really well, although she always puts on her kicked puppy look if she has to wear the muzzle ? ?

Lol oh dear, well that's an improvement I guess!

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I believe equineguru08 did a review on ovation breeches! It helped me out when I was buying some! --this is for the person asking about ovation breeches :)

Equineguru08 is the best ?

I actually ment more like how your personalities differ?

Oh, well in that case there are no differences, we are two people sharing one brain, we don't even have to talk to each other to communicate. ?

For the person asking about switching barns: just make sure you tell your trainer that you have looked into this a lot and you don't necessarily want to leave, but you think that this is the best decision right now.

Oh yeah that's a good idea!

How do i tell my trainer I'm switching/barns... help!1!!

Ooo gosh I wish I could help you with that but I have second hand anxiety just thinking about it. ?? does anyone else have advice?
Liked by: Cam Sierra❥

Oh my gosh that's so good "Don't compare your chapter 1 to someones chapter 20" Thank you very much.

☺️ I like that saying too because it's so true! Lol I wish I could take credit for it, I'm not sure who said it first but it's a good thing to live by! ??
Liked by: Kirstin

How do you feel grateful for what you have, when everyone around you is so much more advanced and doing so much more stuff? Then you're kind of stuck here in the dust not able to move anywhere? It's really frustrating & I'm trying to have a different mindset, but it's hard.

Yeah it sucks to see people doing things you wish you could do or having less opportunities than others! You just have to know that even though it seems like a huge deal right now this too shall pass. You have your entire life to do the things you love and achieve your goals and everyone moves at different paces. Just because someone is getting to the places you want to be faster doesn't mean what your doing isn't great too! Try not to compare yourself to others even though it's hard! Don't compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20! The journey of accomplishing your dreams is what it's all about, try to find the good things in the moment you are in right now! ☺️ I can definitely relate since we didn't get our first horse until after university since we had to buy it ourselves which is much later than a lot of people when it comes to getting a first horse. But i probably appreciate it a lot more and had a lot more experiences on different horses because of it! There can always be a positive side to things, it may just take time before you realize it! -B

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Hey! I am going walk around all day tomorrow like with shops and stuff! Could you tell me something easy to wear that's comfortable?

Leggings, Sperrys, a loose fitting top!

Opinion on Clinton Anderson and his training?

I like his methods, all natural horsemanship programs have the same principles really, his seems a bit less gimicky though ?
Liked by: Kirstin equineguru08

My mare calls out, tears and bucks and will chew constantly on her but. Any tips??

Natural Horsemanship, show her who is boss so she sees you as a leader and is less likely to act up. Also get a trainer, rearing and bucking are dangerous behaviours.

things to do when you're bored? favorite youtubers that are equestrians?

Watch Netflix, go on a country drive, Eddiesgun91, Grace
Liked by: Cam

I used to think you two looked exactly the same and now I've watched your channel for a while you two look soooo different

Yeah I think there are a lot of differences between us! When people ask how to tell us apart I'm never sure what to say because I feel like we don't look exactly the same ? but there's nothing extremely obvious that I could point out


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