
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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im at a vacation spot on a ranch and had planned a western lesson and a trail ride with the ranch, but when i got there and looked around you could see some of the horses' ribs...should i cancel?

I mean seeing some ribs isn't always a sign of neglect. If every horse looks not well cared for then I would probably go somewhere else but it's really up to you.

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Hi, i just got my horse and she does not have very much weight on her. She is a 4 year old thoughbred that me and my trainer are training and I don't know how to get some more pounds in her. Any ideas?

She should pretty much have free access to hay all day, and a high fat feed! You should look into the Pro Form horse feeds they are really good!

If you could got 10 million dollars right now, what would you do with it?

Buy a pony farm and never work again.
Liked by: mimi

I LOVE your vlogs they are amazing? + all of the Ogilvy and expensif ponies i was in heaven!!!! Should try to do more vlogs

Haha thanks! ?? we will definitely try to do more! ❤️

How do you guys decide who buys what for Rumour? Like the stud muffin treats from your last vlog?

We don't really keep track, but Breanne worked a lot last weekend so she has more money right now haha

Any word on how long Rumour should take to heal? Or is it just one of those things that he and his body will decide on their own time?

We thought he would need like a week off, but he's healing pretty slowly so probably longer than that now!

Just a curious, random question: Why did you guys sweep Rumour's shavings away from his still, so there was mat exposed on the side?

So the shavings stay out of his food, and so he doesn't kick shavings out of the stall when we lead him out. Also since there are rubber mats the shavings are really just there for absorbing, and since he is a boy horse he always pees in the middle lol

Hi! I am looking around for my first horse and I was wondering if you could help me? Preferable a 16hh+ gelding of really any breed/color. Must be at least 7 with show experience (doesn't have to be extensive), honest, with a good brain. Really open, just need some help looking!!

What area do you live in and what is your price range?

Does the effax leather cleaner make your saddle sticky?

No I find it's actually one of the only things that doesn't make it sticky :)

Ok thanks. I was not the same person asking the cwd's but that's the brand of saddle I want?

You're welcome :)

How much would my height effect the size of the saddle if I were to get one? I'm around 5"8

You'd want a long flap and probably around a 17.5 inch seat. If this is the same person that was asking about the CWDs you'd probably want a 3C or 3L depending on if you want a forward flap or not.

Where do u guys work? And what car do you have?

We both work on a Surgical unit at a hospital, Breanne has a Mini Cooper and Courtney has a Jeep.

Approximately how many hours a week do you guys work

It's different every week, usually between 24-36 hours though

What made you decide to move out of your parents plaxeb

Well we are both 23 so that seems plenty old enough to move out ?

I didn't know you guys were moving out! You guys buy a house?!

We aren't moving out! I just would really like to, but we are waiting until we both get full time positions and our income is more stable!

what did he do?

He got to go out in the field for the first time yesterday and he cut his leg on something, we think he just rolled on something because there wasn't anything sharp on the fence line. The vet just cleaned it out and gave him a tetanus shot, and we have to clean it twice a day, but he is a very dramatic pony and wouldn't even walk on his leg it took three people to get him in from the field ?

How's living at home going? Still good? And how's your pup?! ;)

It's pretty ideal, although I'm still counting down the days until we move out, mainly because I want to decorate a new house ? Our dog is good! She's turning 8 this summer I believe!

How are your jobs going?

Good! I (Courtney) wish I was getting more hours but I've only been working for like two months so it will pick up eventually!


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