
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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Do you guys work full time? Do you work in the emergency room?

Sometimes we work full time, we're both on call so it changes each week, no we both work on a surgical unit!

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Well if you end up buying one you can ride more than once a week!

Yeah it will still be way better than just taking lessons! And we have really random work schedules so we probably don't have time for two horses anyways.

Do you eventfully want to each have your own horse?

Yes eventually one day we would both like our own horses but it's such a financial responsibility I don't see that happening anytime soon

R u guys just going to share him and trade back and forth?

Yeah we will just ride him on different days most likely.

That's so cute! How did you guys find him? Any good online sites you recommend?

We found him on Horse Council BC but that's only helpful if you live in British Columbia. I would also recommend local facebook horse classified groups :)

how were u riding alone in the arena then? did they leave for you haha?

We just showed up at the right time lol there was one other rider at the other end, but about two minutes after that video 4 other people started riding so it didn't last long lol
Liked by: Waverly Gans

do u think nsec is a nice barn? I'm thinking of starting riding there

It definitely is a nice facility, but very busy, they have over 70 stalls, I was there at 10:30 am on a Friday and the place was packed, but if you don't mind dodging 5 other riders in the arena it's probably fine lol I don't know much about the trainers and that's probably the most important part!

aw that sucks :/, but I'm sure he'd be happier once he finally has a forever home! when will you know if your buying him?

Yeah you're probably right! :) we still have to make the appointment for his vet check but probably within the next week!

omggg ur buying rumour? the the best news ever!!!

Well it's not 100% but we do really like him and so does our trainer :) He's such a sweet guy, I feel kind of guilty about it because I know there are a few girls that lease him and really like him lol
Liked by: Waverly Gans

r u gonna lease rumour? if so r u going to move him to denovo or move to nsec?

We tried him today with the intent to buy him if he passes the vet check, and we would move him to de novo :)

whats the difference between a bounce and a grid? Is it the same thing???

A bounce means there's at least two jumps with no stride in between, a grid just means a bunch of jumps in a line, so a bounce could be part of a grid.

Yeah I don't either, there are some amazing horses in America, I think it's just the fact of saying your horse was imported which doesn't define a horse at all. There were just bred different places, it's no different honestly! I don't understand

Waverly Gans
Lol exactly, and just because someone has a fancy horse doesn't mean they will be a great rider and vice versa. The most impressive and skilled riders never brag about their horses ability. At the end of the day we all like the same thing, horses, there's no reason for anyone to try to make themselves seem better than someone else, or to put someone down because their horse doesn't speak German lol

Oh man "ouch" funny thing I have his papers from Germany lololol. I don't exaggerate about him if I was to exaggerate I would prob be like "yeah I paid 200k for him and bought him from George Morris and he can like jump 7 feet" but in reality he can jump 4ft+, I got him in FL, and he's a handful! :)

Waverly Gans
Sorry I didn't mean that you were exaggerating! I don't get what the hype is about Germany, so your horse can speak german? Cool lol, but your horse is beautiful you are lucky to have him. There's no reason for you to need to justify why your horse is great, as long as you like him that's all the matters :)

You know the new small equine channel jordyn and waverly ? I feel like waverly this her horse is allllll that. Please. It's not like he's German or anything. Get over your self. Small youtubers smh

Haha we were literally just talking about german horses before you sent this, I don't know much about her, I don't really remember what her horse looks like either, but I agree that a lot of youtubers like to exaggerate about their abilities/how nice their horses are etc.
Liked by: Waverly Gans

Next video plans?

We need ideas! But if the horse we try on Friday ends up being good we will probably make our next video about him!

Im so excited for you guys to be looking at a horse!

Thanks! :) so are weee!! We can't wait to share it with everyone if everything works out!

When you try out the horse will you post a video of him on YouTube?

Probably more likely that we will post some clips on Instagram but we will see what kind of video we get!

Post a picture of the gelding? :)

I don't want to post it until we know we are gunna get it! We'll probably get some pictures on Friday though :)


Language: English