
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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what was the number one thing you needed in a horse when trying horses??

Something safe and "schoolmastery" lol. Since it was our first horse that was most important. We had been riding more difficult horses in our lessons but since we would be riding mostly on our own with our new horse it just seemed like the better idea.

How's Rumour been lately? Kicking that biting habit yet? ;)

He's good! We're still kind of figuring him out but he's been behaving himself haha. He hasn't bitten anyone again either :P

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do you ever go to the barn and just spend time with rumour without riding him, like just bonding time?

Well we usually ride him 5 or 6 days a week, but yes we spend time with him aside from riding, we see him everyday since we are there to clean his stall anyways!

Do u have horse boots

Yes, our horse came with light blue Eskadron splint boots.. haha, I've never used them though.

So your 23? You share a horse? Whu not like go one your way or somethinng. Where do u live? Im just trying to know more about you i love ur youtube channel! And love ur photos

Yes, yes we share a horse, I don't really understand the next question! We live in British Columbia. Thanks! :)

I really wish heels down hope would post again. She just fell off the face of the YouTube earth the past 3 months

Yeah her videos are the greatest

If there are a lot of other girls riding at your barn, why aren't you friends with any of them?

There aren't that many, and we usually go to the barn in the morning when everyone is at work or school. We talk to people I just wouldn't call them my friends like we don't talk or hang out outside of the barn :P

3 months before jumping?? Uh oh.. I've been doing around weekly lessons for 7 months now and have only just begun cantering after spending forever on the trot and diagonals

Every trainer is different! You would probably be able to jump a cross rail if you tried, but it is important to have a good foundation on the flat first there's no need to rush anything!

Do you have any tips on just closing my hip angle over jumps instead of throwing myself out of saddle?

Think about reaching your butt to the back of the saddle and keeping your back flat!

so i generally have this problem with leaning on my hands too much, and i was talking to another girl who has been in the intermediate classes for longer and she said she did that a lot too but now she has gotten better about it. I'm worried i won't learn not to lol i know that sounds bad...advice?

Think about sitting up taller with your shoulders back and your hips forward, and keep your legs long and heels down. If you have a more balanced seat you won't feel like you need to lean on your hands as much! :)

I have trouble getting horses to keep cantering and it's really embarrassing because I'm in the advanced lesson at my barn. Any tips??

Just keep your leg on especially when you're coming to a corner or turning. Also if the horse is really on the forehand it's more likely to break to the trot so make sure you keep their head up and they're not pulling you down! Also sometimes you may not realize that you're pulling on the reins to help yourself stay balanced so remember to have a following arm :)

How many months of riding until you cantered and started jumping?

I really don't remember maybe like 3 months before we jumped but everyone moves at their own pace. It also has a lot to do with the horse you ride as well.

Hairnet suggestion for really thick hair?

Wrong person to ask about that. I literally have like 5 strands of hair it's so thin!

hey, so I'm only intermediate level rider but I'm wondering when you learn about/to do flying lead changes or just lead changes in general (without trotting between)??

It's hard to say really. As an intermediate rider you are probably ready to learn flying changes. You should just ask your trainer. The only problem would be if you're riding a lesson horse who doesn't know how to do a flying change. It takes quite a bit of coordination on the horses part.


Language: English