
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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Just a note, but outside of North America, Tailored Sportsmens are not available. So they are not 'the most popular brand in the world' as they are not available around the world, they are just an over-hyped American brand...

I never said they were the most popular in the world, considering they are made in the USA their largest market is probably in the USA. I wouldn't say they are over hyped though they are popular for a reason, because they are good quality ?

**Controversy Question Tuesday!** (sorry for not being very active, I have been busy in Hawaii) What is you opinion on roaching manes?

I feel like I want to roach Rumour's mane so it can start over and I can train it to the right side but I don't think I'm brave enough to do it lol
Liked by: Lydia Bradford

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A lot of people seem to agree with you all about what she has been saying though. Have you recently read through the comments, they are great hahahahha I almost feel bad she lost costumers through that post. If I was her, I would delete it and publicly apologize.

Yeah I would have deleted it before it got to this point but she feels like she needs to defend her tan knee patches for some reason

Can you please tell me what's going on with le flash? What's their Instagram?

Lafashny, they are telling people they are tacky for wearing Tailoreds because apparently le Fash was the first one to have tan knee patches and Tailoreds are knock offs ?

If they completely copied the Le Fash style I would get it but it's basically the equivalent to someone buying the same shade of jeans as you and then bitching about how they copied you ?

They jealous ???
Liked by: Lydia Bradford

if you look at the post on le fash page before the quote. they comment on how they wish their shirt wasn't picture with TS breeches. I think she's a little salty

Very salty, and too old to act that way ?

Its so incredibly frustrating to see Le Fash say people are tacky for wearing knock offs, because they are upset nobody is buying their products compared to Tailoreds. Tailored Sportsman is more affordable, and of course will always be successful, and tan knee patch breeches are nothing new!

Yeah they went a little far with that statement, I can see them thinking that companies that make knock offs are tacky, but not the people that buy them ? and none of it even applies to this situation tailored sportsman are probably the #1 selling breech, they would still be successful without the stupid tan knee patch ??

I am glad people appear to be calling them out on it though. You can make something unattainable for the average person price wise and then bitch when someone "copies" your idea for cheaper but still good quality and people buy that instead. Plus all they did was copy the colour of something

Yeah she's kind of acting like a baby ? Tailoreds have always had the tan knee patch on their beige breeches too so I dunno what the problem is

Yeah. They should learn how capitalism works! If there is just as good product for cheaper, thats what will sell. And ts isnt cheap either!

Agreed ?? don't get mad when someone makes a similar product of great quality for cheaper ?

Omg I just read all of this and then went onto the Le Fash instagram.. so ridiculous! Then they try to play it off like they're the victim! I find this funny but also frustrating!

I know they were asking other brands to stick up for them after they called people who wear "knock offs" tacky ?? it's all extremely ridiculous especially coming from a grown woman who is trying to run a business ?

Tan knee patches also aren't a very revolutionary idea ?

Exactly, it's like saying you invented the sock bottom, nobody owns the idea unfortunately ?

Tailoreds still go for anywhere from $189 to $289 and are probably the most popular/trusted breeches brand worldwide. That's so ridiculous about Le Fash!

Yeah they really can't compete, Tailoreds are expensive but still attainable for the average equestrian, Le Fash is geared toward the higher end market. Probably 80% of equestrians are between the ages of 12-18 and can't afford them, bad marketing in my opinion ?

Bahaha! She wishes! Tailored is the real deal. Hers is just the not as popular and way overpriced version

Yeah Tailoreds have always been more successful than le Fash, it's kind of ridiculous that they are so upset with them "copying" their idea, that's like everything in the equestrian industry, there is usually an expensive version and a more affordable version that looks similar, that's just how it is ??
Liked by: Shelby

Wait how did tailored sportsman copy this la fash thing? (I've never even heard of la fash until now and I looked at their breeches and they are soooo overpriced)

I think le Fash originally had breeches with tan knee patches, but nobody owned them because they are so expensive, they weren't popular until tailored sportsman came out with them ?

Not a question, but I'm always so impressed by how morally sound the two of you are. I think both of you are really wonderful and solid role models for young equestrians!

Thank you so much Christina! ?? I know not everyone will agree with our opinions sometimes but I feel like if you just try to be a good person you can't really go wrong!
Liked by: Lydia Bradford Tessa

why don't you like le fash or sporhorselifestyle?

Both companies are run by individuals with questionable morals I think ? I had to stop following sporthorselifestyle on Twitter because of the amount of nonsense she would post. And the thing Le Fash just said about how people who wear "knock offs" are tacky, that's not how you gain customers.

The first post says "well who wants to be seen in a knock off" because I guess tailored has a similar product

I understand not supporting actual knock offs like Louis Vuitton bags or something because it's actually illegal for them to be sold. But saying someone is tacky for wearing another pair of breeches that are similar to ones that are $300 (might be more I don't think I've actually ever been on the Le Fash website) is stupid.

How the hell do you take a picture of you reding a magazine from your phone to your horse? Is just looks that you are in the phone texting someone next to your horse

Aha we don't make the rules unfortunately! It might help if someone else can take the picture for you from slightly above so you can see the phone screen? That's the hard thing about the giveaway. You actually have to try to be creative instead of just reposting an already made picture.
Liked by: carly


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