
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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There's actually been a lot of research done on wrapping and how to wrap and the most important thing is simply wrapping with even pressure and not too tight or too loose, the whole wrapping in a certain direction thing actually hasn't been proven to be linked to tendon issues

That's good to know! I'm sure there are probably many different ways to wrap a leg that are all "correct" everyone just likes to think they're an expert apparently!!
Liked by: Olivia

Yea but wrapping a horses legs is sensitive in the way that you could damage them by not doing it properly. You shouldn't be promoting that and teaching others how to do it when you can't do it yourselves

I can do it myself, I stated several times in the video to ask a trainer to make sure you do it properly, and I also mentioned to not stretch it across the tendons in the back, I didn't promote anything that would damage a horse's leg, I suggest if you think you can do a better job to make your own video and stop bothering me about mine! Why wouldn't you just leave a comment on the video? instead you come here to be on anon which gives you zero credibility

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Do you have any tips to stop being nervous when a horse bucks or any tips on how to stay on when they do act up?

I think it's pretty normal to be nervous when your horse does something dangerous. The only advise I have is sit up and leg on! ??

You guys didn't wrap the standing wrap properly. It was too loose and the pressure wasn't even; there was also too much of the actual cotton peeking out of the front and top! Maybe only leave 1/2-1" of cotton bandage at either end! ?

They were fine for the purpose of the video ?

Sorry? would you rather have to switch your discipline and compete or keep your discipline and never compete agajn

Keep and never compete again

When was your last fall off your horse? And how did it happen?

I think last month, I thought rumour was going to take the long spot so I basically threw myself at him like a professional rider would do ?? and he took the short so I got bounced out of the saddle basically ?

Do think it is possible for someone to be jumping 2' 6" then a year later be jumping 3'6"? And what do you think the chances are

If you have a horse that can jump 3'6" then the chance of that is very possible

If you could own any horse product in the world, and money wasn't an issue, what would you buy?

Truck & trailer, the entire back on track line, probably lots of other things.
Liked by: Jessica

what youtubers saddle would you want other than a CWD?

Oh I don't know! I think only the people with CWDs have nice saddles ? unless someone has an Antares I don't know about

Is it bad to fall off? I fell off my horse yesterday. I'm not hurt or anything, my horse refused a jump and she made a dead stop and dropped her head. I kinda just slid down her neck.

Almost everytime my horse has refused a jump I've fallen off ?


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