

Ask @Alkupra

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bro, gaji member JKT48 itu perbulan ato per event si? bedanya signifikan gk dari member mainstream sampai member yg blom pernah senbatsu? kalo lo jadi member JKT48, lo pribadi keberatan gk dengan gaji sama workload lo sbg member JKT48?

Setau gue ada gaji bulanan, tapi kalau ikut event dapet honor juga. Jadi emang semakin sering ikut event terutama di luar teater, pendapatannya juga makin banyak, belom kalau kepilih ikutan iklan. That's why being in senbatsu is important, you get the exposure and the money.
Tapi kalau soal jumlahnya sih gak tau, tapi pasti bedalah pendapatannya Nabilah sama member yang gak pernah nongol di tv. Sayangnya, member JKT gak kaya member AKB yang bebas punya agensi sendiri2 buat dapetin job di luar AKB. Jadi gak begitu berkembang juga sih.
Berandai-andai kalau gue member JKT. Well, pastinya berat sih karena latihannya bisa sampe tengah malem, terus kalau ada event ngumpulnya dari subuh. Kayanya dengan jadi member, kehidupan sosial bakal berkurang drastis banget. Apalagi buat yang masih sekolah. Di situ saya kagum sama member JKT. Dan menurut gue jadi member JKT itu positif kok, daripada lo nongkrong hahahihi doang di Empirica atau Lucy, mending lo di JKT belajar disiplin sama olahraga. Gila training fisik mereka tuh berat men, di balik kekawaiiannya, sebetulnya fisik dan stamina mereka kuat banget, kalau gak kuat bakal pingsan kali bawain 16 lagu sekali perform di teater. Kalau gue jadi member sih, gue akan menganggap ini sebagai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang gak bisa gue dapet di sekolah sih. Tujuannya buat belajar disiplin dan mental, belajar dunia entertainment, dapetin temen baru, dan have fun aja.

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hai. gue termasuk salah satu cewek yang terjangkit virus mba kiko. gue ikutan potong bob kayak doi. hasilnya? . . . . . . . . . . . ya ngga mirip. gue malah kayak nike ardilla. ya gapapa. nunggu gondrong tahun depan (kebetulan gue tipe yang susah gondrong).

ya gpp lah Nike juga It Girl asli Indonesia di jamannya.
Katy Perry aja gayanya keNike-Nikean kok.
hai gue termasuk salah satu cewek yang terjangkit virus mba kiko gue ikutan

bang ceritain pengalamannya jadi jurnalis dong. gue juga pengen jadi jurnalis media cetak, lagi kuliah udh semester 4. doain ya:)

salganiadupatna’s Profile PhotoSalgania Putrinindra
Most cliche answers when I interview young actress:
"Role model aku ibuku karena beliau selalu mendukung aku."
"Beauty icon... Audrey Hepburn."
"Paulo Coelho."
"Aku suka traveling."
"Personal style aku tergantung mood."
"Waktu kecil aku tomboy lho."
"Mudah-mudahan bisa diterima masyarakat."
"Next plan... Jalanin dulu aja."

damn shkreli the mega douche. its about time his own ego eat him alive.

Karma serves him right. Talk about another mega douche, Michael Moore just did something amazing to confront Trump.
Today I went & stood in front of Trump Tower & held a sign until the police came. Then I went home & wrote Donald a letter. Here it is:
Dear Donald Trump:
You may remember (you do, after all, have a "perfect memory!"), that we met back in November of 1998 in the green room of a talk show where we were both scheduled to appear one afternoon. But just before going on, I was pulled aside by a producer from the show who said that you were "nervous" about being on the set with me. She said you didn't want to be "ripped apart" and you wanted to be reassured I wouldn't "go after you."
You and I went on to do the show. Nothing untoward happened between us. I didn't pull on your hair, didn't put gum on your seat. "What a wuss," was all I remember thinking as I left the set.
And now, here we are in 2015 and, like many other angry white guys, you are frightened by a bogeyman who is out to get you. That bogeyman, in your mind, are all Muslims. Not just the ones who have killed, but ALL MUSLIMS.
Fortunately, Donald, you and your supporters no longer look like what America actually is today. We are not a country of angry white guys. Here's a statistic that is going to make your hair spin: Eighty-one percent of the electorate who will pick the president next year are either female, people of color, or young people between the ages of 18 and 35. In other words, not you. And not the people who want you leading their country.
So, in desperation and insanity, you call for a ban on all Muslims entering this country. I was raised to believe that we are all each other's brother and sister, regardless of race, creed or color. That means if you want to ban Muslims, you are first going to have to ban me. And everyone else.
We are all Muslim.
Just as we are all Mexican, we are all Catholic and Jewish and white and black and every shade in between. We are all children of God (or nature or whatever you believe in), part of the human family, and nothing you say or do can change that fact one iota. If you don't like living by these American rules, then you need to go to the time-out room in any one of your Towers, sit there, and think about what you've said.
And then leave the rest of us alone so we can elect a real president who is both compassionate and strong -- at least strong enough not to be all whiny and scared of some guy in a ballcap from Michigan sitting next to him on a talk show couch. You're not so tough, Donny, and I'm glad I got to see the real you up close and personal all those years ago.
We are all Muslim. Deal with it.
All my best,
Michael Moore

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damn shkreli the mega douche its about time his own ego eat him alive

gimana cara ngejauh dr orang yg suka bgttt sm kita tapi kitanya gak suka? jatohnya risih gitu..

Kalau gue sih biasanya kalau di Whatsapp/Line gitu gak gue bales, gue diemin aja, diread pun enggak. Kalau lagi mood baru bales karena brengseknya gue adalah gue tau nih orang suka sama gue, gue gak mau sama dia, tapi gue suka gak rela kalau dia tiba-tiba suka orang lain.... Dan gue gak pernah yang secara gamblang bilang "Gue gak suka sama lo", jadi istilahnya apa ya..... "Mempertahankan fans".
Me nasty like that.

Alex-san, tapi kan jokowi under upper hand nya megawati. Gimana tuh?

Taufiqfl’s Profile PhotoTáufìq
Megawati masih bisa apa sih? Karena faktanya gue lebih takut sama orang-orang di sekitar Prabowo sekarang.
Yuk, ini yang terakhir ya, relain waktu 60 detik aja untuk nonton video-video ini:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGyQxqVPn6kAlkupra’s Video 115044692146 yGyQxqVPn6kAlkupra’s Video 115044692146 yGyQxqVPn6k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd9VDJ4IRhkAlkupra’s Video 115044692146 jd9VDJ4IRhkAlkupra’s Video 115044692146 jd9VDJ4IRhk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuLPZOykdmEAlkupra’s Video 115044692146 nuLPZOykdmEAlkupra’s Video 115044692146 nuLPZOykdmE

Apa pendapat kakak tentang quote 'we accept the love we think we deserve'?

Ah yes.... satu kalimat powerful dari The Perks of Being a Wallflower....
Kita menerima cinta yang menurut kita pantas untuk diri kita. Kaitannya dengan bagaimana kita melihat diri sendiri dulu sebelum menerima cinta dari orang lain. untuk mencintai dan dicintai orang lain, sebelumnya kita harus mencintai diri kita sendiri dulu.... kedengarannya gampang, tapi itu susah loh untuk benar-benar menghargai diri kita sendiri... Kalau kita gak menghargai diri kita sendiri, kita akan rela jatuh cinta dengan orang yang tidak menghargai kita karena kita bersedia menerimanya dan puas dalam relationship itu yang katakanlah abusive atau destructive..... Sebaliknya, kalau kita menghargai diri kita, kita akan berpikir we deserve someone better. Kita berhak mencari cinta dari orang lain yang benar-benar respek ke kita dan hubungan yang dijalani...
you settle for what you think you deserve in a relationship...
Intinya, kalau kita belum benar-benar mencintai/menghargai diri sendiri, kita otomatis akan menjaga jarak dan membangun tembok dari orang lain sebagai self-defense mechanism dan membuat orang lain jadi semakin susah untuk merobohkan tembok itu.
"If you can't love yourself, how the hell you can love anyone else?"
terima kasih untuk pertanyaan ini, gue nulis jawaban di atas sambil merenung dan tamparan ke diri sendiri juga karena sampai sekarang pun gue masih dalam tahap belajar mencintai diri sendiri juga. Its hard, but I'm willing to try.

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Apa pendapat kakak tentang quote we accept the love we think we deserve

In your opinion, what should not be shared or posted on Path and Instagram? Have a nice day by the way!

mohammadfiqihi’s Profile PhotoMohammad Fiqih
Your genital, for sure.
Your never ending selfies in all occasions.
Your morning face unless you're drop dead gorgeous.
Your kissing or any PDA photos. Keep it for yourself, thanks.
Your emotional rants, at least keep it private or inner circling those nasty words so you know who's to blame if those words screencaptured and become controversy in social media. Learn from experience, people... learn.
Your dead or seriously ill relative, why do you show it to public? To get some sympathy? Shocking value? or what? That's should be private, I feel uncomfortable whenever I see it and I don;t think its very respectful.
Masstagging public holiday wish with your selfies. Its fucking annoying.
Your underwear.

Kakak aku jg sempet kerja di tv, terus dia sering ngobrol sama senior2 nya gitu. Terus dia cerita kalo artis itu kayak punya 2 wajah, pas on sama off camera beda bgt. Tapi nggak semuanya, ada artis yg emang di depan sama belakang kamera itu yah dia. apa ada nya.

Iya... Gak semuanya, ada artis yg emang dasarnya asik atau baik di depan dan di belakang kamera. Kalau yg aku kenal langsung sih kaya Sabai Morscheck gitu, awalnya aku taunya dia main sinetron kan, terus pertamanya sih sempet negative thinking "eh kayanya jutek atau ngartis nih", tapi pas ada liputan ke Singapore bareng dia dan Ringgo, ternyata orangnya tuh humble dan santai banget, dan keliatan kok mana artis yg pura2 karena ada media, mana yg emang kepribadian asli, dan Sabai itu super chill dan baik banget, demikian juga Ringgonya.
Tapi gue merasa mayoritas artis emang punya dua wajah, wajah untuk media dan wajah untuk sehari2nya. Ada beberapa orang yg aktingnya keterusan bahkan ketika kamera sudah mati dan lampu telah dipadamkan. Tapi itu emang udah bagian dari kerjaan mereka menjaga citra sebagai public figure. Kita sebagai orang yg "nonton" sebetulnya gak perlu tau juga si artis kalau di belakang layar kaya gimana. Balik lagi, artis juga manusia biasa.

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