

Ask @Alkupra

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Broo, kalo ngga tau betul kasus HAM prabowo ada baiknya lo liat di twitter @triomacan2000 dia cerita panjang detail dan ngga rekayasa soalnya dia orang dalem, kalo nggak mau susah payah nge stalk, tinggal liat twitter gue @pradyaksaysf udah gue retweet in tweetnya, jangan asal ceplos,open minded bro

kasian kamu dek, gampang banget percaya sama akun anonymous yg gak jelas mereka siapa, motifnya apa. Siapapun bisa nyebar fitnah dan itu pilihan kamu untuk percaya begitu saja semua data dan cerita yang mereka kasih atau menanggpinya dengan kepala dingin. Menekan tombol retweet memang lebih gampang dari mencari informasi sendiri :)
Broo kalo ngga tau betul kasus HAM prabowo ada baiknya lo liat di twitter

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hi kak! aku mau nanya dong kan kakak merhatiin exo ya kalo misal exo itu temen kampus or kerja kira kira kakak bakal bro-an gils mamen gue banget gitu sama siapa terus kenapa hehe tq kaaaak

topkrisus’s Profile Photodici
Hmm.... In real life gw bakal jadi secret admirer yg memandang dari kejauhan. Tapi kalo ngayal mereka ada di circle yg sama kaya gue, mungkin yg gw deketin si Chen atau Luhan. Soalnya yg laen intimidating. Kayanya klo Chen atau Luhan masih tipe yg nyapa duluan. Kalo kris, sehun, chanyeol, tao, baek kaya sok asik tp di circle mereka sendiri. DO, Minseok, Lay, Kai tipe pendiem yg harus disapa duluan. Suho baek sih, tp gak sanggup ngikutin lifestylenya dia.

Throwback childhood Hai, dulu waktu kecil suka baca majalah nggak? Majalah apa?

rachelyyca’s Profile PhotoR
Waktu kecil langganan Bobo sama Fantasi.
Gedean dikit Fantasi Bobo sama Kawanku Gadis.
No really, I read my sister's girly magazine, and also my mom's Femina & Kartini, and my brother's Hai. So I guess I'm a magazine trash since I can read.

What is your most and least favourite English word?

- Cacophony = a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.
- Ethereal = extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
- Solstice = either of the two times in the year, the summer solstice and the winter solstice, when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, marked by the longest and shortest days.
- Juvenile = of, for, or relating to young people.
- Perennial = lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.
- Ocean = a very large expanse of sea, in particular, each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically.
- Limerence = the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one's feelings but not primarily for a sexual relationship.
- Effervescence = vivacity and enthusiasm.
- Ephemera = things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time.
- Vivid = producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
- Vivacious = (especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated.
I hate words that contain too much "D" or "B", I don't know why.

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film documenter yang bagus dong ?

Tentang Lingkungan/Alam:
- Blackfish
- An Incovenient Truth
- Paris Is Burning
Tentang Sosial/Politik:
- The Act of Killing
- The Look of Silence
- Bowling for Columbine
Tentang Fashion:
- The September Issue
- In Vogue: The Editor's Eye
- Dior and I
- Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf's
- Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel
- The First Monday in May
Tentang Public Figures::
- Amy
- Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck
- Grey Gardens
- Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
- Jiro Dreams of Sushi
- Exit through the Gift Shop
- Bully
- The Wolfpack
- Beyond Clueless
- Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
- Supersize Me

kak, aku punya pacar. Kita udah pacarab 3 bulan. Aku tuh paling ga enak kalau di beliin aku apa2 gitu semacam minuman. aku selalu bilang nggak perlu untuk beliin aku. Tapi dia selalu begitu. Tapi aku rasa ga enak banget sumpah. wht shud i du?

Mungkin itu caranya dia buat nunjukkin perhatian? And you guys already agree on relationship and its been three months, so its just natural thing. Kalau kamu ngerasa gak enak dibeliin terus ya gantian next time kamu yang beliin. Meanwhile, kalau ada orang yg kasih kamu sesuatu dengan tulus dan effort, apalagi pacar sendiri, the least you can do is just accept it, say thank you, and move along.

Kak gimana pendapat kakak ttg mv barunya exo? lebih suka monster/lucky one? '-'

Musik aku lebih suk Lucky One tapi aesthetically tentu saja Monster juaranya.
Gue gak tau apakah EXO sekarang ada konsep "Center" apa gimana, tapi gue kok liatnya di Lucky One centernya D.O dan di monster centernya Baekhyun ya? Baekhyun di Monster so on point, kaya karakter vampire uke di doujin yaoi oh my god, welcome back to my bias list, sayang.
Kangen NCT (lah).
Kak gimana pendapat kakak ttg mv barunya exo lebih suka monsterlucky one

lagi apa bang? #BiarPunyaOutletBuatSombong

dafradhe’s Profile PhotoRaditya
Meet Anthony Vaccarello, the new Creative Director of Yves Saint Laurent and his designs aesthetic.
Presenting his first collection for his own namesake brand in 2009 after a stint at Fendi, the 36-year-old designer is well-known with his taste for tailor-made pieces with a high-slit edgy sex appeals and rock & roll glamazone.
#FashionNews #YSL #AnthonyVaccarello
lagi apa bang BiarPunyaOutletBuatSombong


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