

Ask @Alkupra

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Gimana caranya biar orang lain bisa impress kakak?

Wow.... its actually a hard question....
I judge people by their appearance first, honestly. I like cute girls as much as I like cute guys. And I get turned off if you're wearing Crocs.
After I get used with your good look, then I start to judge you from your way of thinking and musical taste. I judge you from the way you treat the waiter in the restaurant.
But to be honest, I can get past through all that judgement when you simply being nice and care with me. Too many times I fell hard simply by the simplest greetings and an act of kindness. Like seriously, don't talk to me because I'm easily fell in love.
Oh terus gue baru sadar kalau jawaban tadi fokus ke relationship ya...
In general gue impressed sama orang yang berani berpendapat, berani ngelakuin hal yang positif buat dirinya sendiri dan lingkungannya, berani berkarya dan berani nerima perbedaan.

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Kak pernah denger social anxiety? Punya solusi untuk mengurangi syndrom itu? Aku capek kak gini terus pingin berubah:(:(

aku pun mengidap social anxiety sebetulnya. Kengerian yang paling mencekam itu bukan di saat sekeliling kita sunyi, tapi saat kita merasa sendirian di tempat yang ramai. Kadang gue sampe mual sendiri denger dengungan bunyi orang ngobrol di kuping gw. karena itu gw punya kebiasaan pake earphone kapanpun gw mesti jalan sendirian. to block the outside noise and hold a grip to my sanity. Sometimes, kalau gw naek bus TJ yang lagi rame banget, I can't help but thinking to myself, "God, I hate these people."
Sebetulnya kalau mood gue lagi jelek, gue punya tendensi untuk jadi hikkikomori. I just wanna stay in my bed and curl myself up in fetal position.
Liked by: diatami Fadd cx

Kak funfact about urself dong

hmmm susah nih kalo kaya deskripsiin diri sendiri... apa ya...
1. Libra. Pokoknya gue libra banget, setiap apapun yang orang bilang sifatnya atau facts dari Libra, itu biasanya terjadi di gue.
2. Gue selalu merasa sial di hari Kamis. gak tau kenapa.
3. Dari kelas 1 SD sampai kelas 3 SMA, setiap tahunnya pasti ada satu kali gue nangis di kelas, entah karena beneran dibully, berantem sama temen, atau nangis terharu disurprisein temen.
4. Magazine addict. Duit gue abis buat beli majalah. Sekarang udah dikurangi soalnya makin mahal.
5. Easily fell in love. Gue bisa suka sama orang bahkan yang belum pernah gue kenal langsung sekalipun. Biasanya kalau abis stalking di internet. Terus kalau ada orang baik sedikit sama gue, gue juga bisa langsung suka. Tapi jadinya sering patah hati juga *stop curhat sampai di sini*
6. Kurus banget. Berat gw bahkan gak pernah lebih dari 40. Udah minum weight gain segala macem, makan juga sering, minum obat cacing juga tapi ya udah gini2 aja.
7. Mata gue kiri-kanan sekarang minus 6. Udah pake kacamata sejak masuk SMP.
8. Suka koleksi pernak-pernik kawaii. Dulu sih diomelin nyokap katanya kaya cewek. Tapi sekarang kan gue beli pake duit sendiri jadi ya udah bebas.
9. Percaya banget sama karma.
10. Rangking 1 terus di SMP karena kebetulan SMP gw sama sekali bukan kategori sekolah unggulan haha, tapi pas masuk SMA yang tergolong unggulan di Jakarta Barat, gw langsung masuk peringkat papan bawah. Nilai Matematika dan IPA selalu merah. Yang bagus cuma Bahasa Inggris, konsisten 9 terus di rapor.
10 aja kali yaa.

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kak alex kalo di 48G yg di jepang sukanya sama siapa aja? :)

MARIKO SHINODA!!! Yang sempet digosipin sama G-Dragon juga kaya Kiko.
Ku suka gayanya dia, dan cerita gimana dia gabung jadi member AKB. Jadi awalnya Mariko cuma jadi waitress di Cafenya AKB, tapi fans AKB pada vote dia buat jadi member, akhirnya Bosnya AKB setuju dengan syarat dia harus hafal semua koreo teaternya AKB saat itu hanya dengan jangka waktu berapa hari gitu. Dan dia bisa!!! Sejak itu nama Mariko terus jadi top membersnya AKB sampe akhirnya grad tahun lalu.
Selain Mariko, gue juga suka Mayuyu, Tomomi Itano, Paruru, sama Meru-nya HKT48.
kak alex kalo di 48G yg di jepang sukanya sama siapa aja

Thoughts on Naomi sama Frieska dong kak^^

OMG Thoughts on EXO aja gue masih ngutang...... sekarang jangan bilang gue mesti thoughts semua member JKT :''''''''D
- Naomi keren, seksi parah, apalagi kalau dia lagi ngibas-ngibasin rambut di Lay Down sama Blue Rose.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oulm4XNrQWEAlkupra’s Video 112591740338 oulm4XNrQWEAlkupra’s Video 112591740338 oulm4XNrQWE
Cuma sebagai kapten Team K3 menurut gue dia masih kurang berperan... gak kaya Kinal di Team J. Naomi kesannya masih gak ngapa-ngapain, malah Lidya yang cocok jadi kapten menurut gue sih. Gue pengennya Naomi bisa lebih berusaha lagi jadi kapten karena sebagai kapten dia berpengaruh sama kemajuan Teamnya lho.
- Frieska, keren, cantikan Frieskadari Melody menurut gue, gayanya juga keren2 anak Bandung gitu tapi anaknya selow banget, hampir kaya gak punya ambisi. Gue gemes sih sama dia karena menurut gue dia bisa lebih keren lagi dari sekarang kalau dia mau cuma kayanya dia udah nyaman di posisinya jadi assist kakanya sekarang. Kira-kira kalau Melo grad, Frieska bakal ikutan grad gak ya?? Gue harap sih enggak, berharapnya dia jadi penerus supremasi keluarga Laksani di JKT (kaya presiden! haha)

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Alkupra’s Video 112591740338 oulm4XNrQWEAlkupra’s Video 112591740338 oulm4XNrQWE

describe veranda boleh? hehehe

Veranda baik banget, ramahnya gak dibuat-buat, dia juga perhatian sama fansnya walau gak ditunjukkin kaya Viny yang suka manggil nama fansnya pas handshake, kalo Ve mungkin lebih inget muka atau dia sebenernya inget nama tapi gak ditunjukin. Setiap hi touch sama dia, dia selalu senyum sambil sapa "halo kak, apa kabar?" tanpa terkesan template. Untuk impresi lainnya baca ini aja ya: http://alkupra.wordpress.com/2012/12/05/behind-the-scene-ghaida-ve-jkt48/

Hi! Your answers has been recently traveling to my dash, i was kepo then i realized you worked for nylon. Wow twas cool! (Pure compliment) Tbh i really want to work on fashion/pop culture magazine, any suggestion(s) on how to step closer to the dream job? *wink*

Hi sebetulnya aku udah pernah jawab gimana aku bisa masuk ke media. Basically, latih terus writing dan taste kita dengan blogging soal apa aja sesuai minat kita. Banyak2 cari inspirasi/influens dengan baja majlah, googling, be open minded and sharpening ur awareness to anything around u. Terus, cari koneksi. Aku dulu follow orang2 media di twitter karena pgn tau aja gimana sih orang media. Dari situ aku beraniin diri kirim2 contoh tulisan dan akhirnya jadi kontributor. Cara lain adalah magang di majalah. To sum it up, untuk kerja di jurnalistik, menurutku kamu harus rajin baca dan rajin nulis.

A week after posting details of your assassination plan of the president, you find yourself in the Republic of Palau with no prior memory of names and numbers. Social media will not help because you can't remember your own handle and passwords. Tell me how your first two days went.

daggerbaileys’s Profile PhotoProper Pauper, The
Do I even remember I'm Indonesian at the first place?
The first day was hell. I woke up with this blurry vision and headache, I try to get out and found myself walking in the crowded market.... They sell a lot of cassava, fish, taro, and yam. I get nervous when someone in uniform approaching me and asking my name, the first thing I saw is taro, so I say my name is Taro and I'm a tourist from Japan. He seems quite satisfied with my answer so he left me. My head still dizzy as hell, so I keep walking until a saw a path to the beach. I sleep on the white sand beach for the entire day.
The next day I feel better but so damn hungry, my headache is gone, but its still nauseating when I'm thinking to hard or to try remember anything. I found an old ukulele under one of the palm tree, I pick it up and try to play some notes, which oddly, my head stop burning and I feel calm. On the next few days, I'm survive by playing that ukulele to people in the beach, the street, or just standing in the corner of the same market where I get my new name. Adjusting myself is like walking in the thin line of ice, but I manage to meet new people, learn some basic local language, and escaping from the police. I still don't remember who I really am, nor I have place to called home. At the night, I'm still sleeping on the beach until the first ray of sun and the singing of seagulls wake me up every single morning.
Maybe I'm belong here, in this side of Heaven called Palau, maybe the headache is come from my nightmares of previous life. Maybe I am Taro at the first place.

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Name the movies that depressed/pissed you off so much, it made you hate yourself for being part of the human race.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXiRZhDEo8AAlkupra’s Video 112177207730 sXiRZhDEo8AAlkupra’s Video 112177207730 sXiRZhDEo8A
I mean what kind of society that treat humans (albeit they're clones) like they're disposable meat that have no soul and purpose?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyLUwOcR5pkAlkupra’s Video 112177207730 DyLUwOcR5pkAlkupra’s Video 112177207730 DyLUwOcR5pk
its basically apartheid, we can always replace the alien with any races and its still hurt.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIzbwV7on6QAlkupra’s Video 112177207730 AIzbwV7on6QAlkupra’s Video 112177207730 AIzbwV7on6Q
Adegan mata anak kecil dicongkel matanya buat jadi pengemis.... and the fact anak kecil yang jadi pemeran utamanya waktu kecil actually masih tinggal di daerah slum itu sampai hari ini.

kak menurut kakak apa sih suka dukanya kerja di media? tahun lalu aku sempet magang di salah satu majalah juga terus ngeliat orang-orang disana hectic banget begitu mendekati deadline haha :)

- bisa nyalurin passion
- kenalan sama orang2 menarik dari berbagai bidang
- nonton konser gratis gak pernah bayar
- diundang ke event2 seru di luar kota/negeri
- freebies (barang-barang gratis atau voucher atau diskon)
- networking luas
- bisa kerja pakai baju sesuai gaya kita
- kalau deadline
- kalau majalah kita gak laku di toko buku terus akhirnya numpuk di gudang kantor
- kalau ketemu narasumber menyebalkan
- lagi mentok gak bisa nulis
- duit reimburse belom turun
- ngurusin klien pasang iklan yang banyak mau, banyak revisi.
Lebih banyak suka daripada duka.

what's one song that perfectly describes your life?

skeletale’s Profile PhotoZara | IG: @sskeletale
Bjork's "Venus As A Boy"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Rd7zrvW7kAlkupra’s Video 110854553266 J1Rd7zrvW7kAlkupra’s Video 110854553266 J1Rd7zrvW7k
his wicked sense of humour
suggests exciting sex
his fingers focus on her
touches, he's venus as a boy
he believes in beauty
he's venus as a boy
he's exploring
the taste of her
so accurate
he sets off
the beauty in her
he's venus as a boy
he believes in beauty
he's venus as a boy
I'm a Libra, I'm from Venus :))

Kalo di Pentagon suka sapa oppa..

Here's the current list:
1. Kino
My god this kid is cute and hot at the same time, mukanya kadang-kadang mirip Onew Shinee kadang mirip Song Joong Ki, terus nih anak suka dance lagu-lagu girlband minta ditimpuk.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOWweeJ5GnYAlkupra’s Video 141038188466 tOWweeJ5GnYAlkupra’s Video 141038188466 tOWweeJ5GnY
2. Hongseok
I love his tan skin and his abs, lol. Some of you know him as bekas YG trainee yang ikut program IKON tapi gagal, dia nunjukkin kalau dia gak mau nyerah dan terus berjuang as trainee and now finally debut. Proud.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_Jsis1oc8EAlkupra’s Video 141038188466 W_Jsis1oc8EAlkupra’s Video 141038188466 W_Jsis1oc8E
3. Wooseok
The giant maknae yang mirip Kris EXO. He's so tall. I love tall guys.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM0s6NUo9VIAlkupra’s Video 141038188466 IM0s6NUo9VIAlkupra’s Video 141038188466 IM0s6NUo9VI
4. Jinho
Member paling tua tapi paling kecil badannya (uniknya grup ini, haha). Jinho dulu gabung di SM dan sempet debut di SM The Ballad tapi kemudian ngilang, gosipnya tadinya dia mau masuk EXO tapi gak jadi gara2 Baekhyun masuk (cuma gosip, jangan serang aku). Dia pindah ke Cube dan sekarang debut, jadi kudos for him, gak takut ngulang lagi jadi trainee and he seems so happy now in his group.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtWDpD58-dIAlkupra’s Video 141038188466 LtWDpD58-dIAlkupra’s Video 141038188466 LtWDpD58-dI
5. Yeo One
His visual is no joke.
6. Yuto
Rapper Jepang yang somehow bikin gue inget sama Shinoda Mariko-nya AKB48 i dunno why. Love his deep voice.
7. Hui
8. Yan an
9. Shinwon
10 E'Dawn
Somehow gue masih ngerasa E'Dawn ini masih G Dragon wannabe banget dan belum nemu jati dirinya.

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Alkupra’s Video 141038188466 tOWweeJ5GnYAlkupra’s Video 141038188466 tOWweeJ5GnY


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