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kalo bentuk self-defense mechanism diriku adalah dengan jaga jarak sama orang (biar gak mudah disakiti). apa aku udah bisa dibilang menghargai diri sendiri?

tyasauliaa’s Profile Photogoodmorning
Itu menjaga diri....
menghargai diri sendiri misalnya berusaha melakukan yang terbaik untuk kamu sendiri dan sadar kalau kamu pantas bahagia dengan orang yang benar-benar sayang sama kamu. You deserve better things in life.

Jelasin (((ILUM))) lex.. dan Siapa artis lokal yg udah (((ILUM))) bgt menurut lo?

zakinsomn’s Profile PhotoMZakski
(((ILUM)))) adalah mereka yang level keren dan gaulnya udah di luar hipster biasa,
Mereka yang setiap tahun post selfie dari Coachella atau Fuji Rock
Mereka yang hangout di Safe House Kuningan, PTT Garage, Lucy, etc.
Mereka yang dengan gampangnya kemarin di New York, hari ini di Bali, besok di Santorini
Artis lokal yang (((ILUM)))? Enggak tau ya.... yang bisa dibilang (((ILUM))) mungkin Chris Rijanto ownernya Ismaya, Anton Wirjono, Nasta Sutardjo, Ayla Dimitri, etc.

aku waktu ldks smp malem2 disuruh makan nasi goreng campur biskuit ama kacang sebaskom hhuh:' trs ldks sma temenku ada yg dihukum disuruh cium aspal:'>

rdnro’s Profile Photoallya vianarizha
Enek banget gue mesti makan sayur padahal gue gak doyan sayur. Pokoknya itu makan asal nelen asal abis aja, pernah juga diwaktuin, kalau waktu habis, kita angkat piring kita ke atas kepala dan balikin piring itu jadi kalau ada sisa lauk atau nasi ya jatoh ke rambut kita yang lengket minyak jelantah.
Untungnya sih gak ada hukuman fisik atau yang menjurus pelecehan kaya nyium2 apa itu. Kalau jurusan lain, malah ada yang cowonya gak boleh pake kaos dan diarak keliling sawah yang di deket daerah vila-vila gitu. Ada juga yang disuruh sikat gigi pake ceker ayam. Pokoknya semua jurusan punya caranya masing-masing untuk ospek di Puncak. Waktu itu yang gak bikin cuma Sastra Jerman, mereka gak ada makrab seperti itu.

#hh kak emg bener klo semua cowo pasti pernah ntn bokep?

90% kali ya? Ini bahan omongan anak2 SMP banget yg ngerasa badass klo udah pernah liat bokep, haha.
Liked by: gga chintya F

what are you searching in a relationship? kebanyakan cowo kan rata rata prefer looks than attitude.. they can simply ignore their girlfriend's bad habbits if she's hot&gorgeous , what about you ? what are your opinion on this ? thanks :))

firstyfirsty’s Profile Photofirstyvirginia
Cari yg bisa diajak tuker pikiran, gak clingy, yg gak ignorant tp tetep bisa jadi diri sendiri. Cari yg bisa mengerti kalau cinta lebih dari sekadar konsep hubungan dua manusia. In the end cari yang bisa menghargai gue sebagai manusia biasa.

Mention your top 5 favorite musicians and why you like them?

Vicky_Harahap’s Profile PhotoVicky Harahap
I only have top 4 favorite musicians in my life. I spare one spot to keep changing from time to time.
I pick these names simply because I grow up with their music and I love most of their discographies.
Morrissey (+ The Smiths)
Morrissey is not just musician or songwriter.... he's a poet. I love him even before I actually listen to his songs. I was a fan from the moment I read the titles of his songs, like "The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get", "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful", "The Last of the Famous International Playboys" and so on. I love his baritone voice which fits perfectly on high-end ballroom and dingy London pub. His songs are the relationship soundtracks for most indie kids around the world since 80s and he's a living legend. I'm lucky enough to finally saw his live performance in Jakarta. I was crying and choked with emotions while singing his songs from my lung. Thank you Moz for your music. You'll never know what their means for me.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdOHPjMzY8sAlkupra’s Video 113945116082 qdOHPjMzY8sAlkupra’s Video 113945116082 qdOHPjMzY8s
Spice Girls
I was 10 year old when their first single, "Wannabe" came out. At first I was like, "Who the hell are these skanky ladies? And Spice Girls? Such a silly name!" But I can't stop listening to "Wannabe" because its so catchy and make me feel good. And then they're getting famous and release so many hits like "2 Become 1", "Viva Forever", "Too Much" and so many more which I still remember all the lyrics, haha. I was so sad when Geri Halliwell decide to leave because she's my favorite Spice and she's the one who actually could sing. I'm still praying that someday they will reunited and doing some live tour or whatever.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLIiF15wjQAlkupra’s Video 113945116082 gJLIiF15wjQAlkupra’s Video 113945116082 gJLIiF15wjQ
i admit I never understood her music until I was on high school, when she release her Medulla album. Back then, I only remember her as this bizarre girl with a weird name and I even used to think she is Asian. But then I watch some documentary about her career and then it just hit me, this girl is friggin' awesome. I remember my brother actually have her Debut cassette, so I play it all day on my walkman. I curse myself to not loving her earlier. Since then, I am obsessed.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Pv-UkoRC4Alkupra’s Video 113945116082 D0Pv-UkoRC4Alkupra’s Video 113945116082 D0Pv-UkoRC4
The Cure
Robert Smith scared me at first with his crazy hair, his white face, his lipstick, and eyeliners. When i was young, I though he and Boy George are basically the same person. My earliest memory about The Cure's song is when my brother practicing his guitar skill while playing "Boys Don't Cry" over and over again. It was my favorite song because I was such a crybaby back then and I feel the song actually spoke to me to stop crying and do something. I don't realize its actually a love song until I was in middle school. I love all their songs because its melancholic and uplifting at the same time. Like I'm being struck with an heartbreak that actually just sweet as the romance itself.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3nPiBai66MAlkupra’s Video 113945116082 n3nPiBai66MAlkupra’s Video 113945116082 n3nPiBai66M

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Alkupra’s Video 113945116082 qdOHPjMzY8sAlkupra’s Video 113945116082 qdOHPjMzY8s

bro coba jelasin prestasi praboeo dibidang politik?, dan mengapa prabowo hanya meng iklan kan diri selama itu hanya untuk kursi sebagai capres padahal dana kampanye yg sebesar itu bisa digunakan untuk hal" yg lebih berguna

wikwickyyyy’s Profile Photowicky winardy
No comment for Prabowo & Jokowi. Tanya pendukungnya aja mungkin yang lebih tau. Kalau saya jawab nanti dibilang menjelekkan atau me-lead opini umum.

kak ceritain tentang anak f arsitek dong plizz

roberteffendi’s Profile PhotoRobert effendi
Anak Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik UI yang gue kenal cuma Nicholas Saputra.
Mau diceritain apaan? Jurusannya keren, terus arsitektur termasuk jurusan teknik yang paling banyak cewenya, jadi lo gak kering sekelas sama cowo doang. Prospek kerja juga bagus banget lah, karena yang namanya pembangunan ya gak bakal selesai kan? Jurusan arsitektur bakal selalu dicari.

kak alex dari seri supernova paling suka yang mana? :)

alifarosa’s Profile PhotoAlifa Rosa R
Akar bikin gue pengen traveling Southeast Asia. Secara narasi, Petir adalah favorit gue karena penulisannya yang ringan dan konflik tokoh utamanya yang relatable buat gue pribadi. Secara ide, Partikel adalah favorit gue karena gagasan2 agama dan sains yg ditulis Dee di buku ini. Partikel juga yang membuat gue merasakan enteogen untuk pertamakalinya dan gue bersyukur.

Alex, thought tentang video ini dong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_Gx2-yeNlk :)

Hi Dev, gue emang suka lagu ini tapi baru nonton videonya sekarang
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_Gx2-yeNlk#_=_Alkupra’s Video 113591997874 X_Gx2-yeNlkAlkupra’s Video 113591997874 X_Gx2-yeNlk
Konsep videonya bagus sih, soalnya lagunya emang agak bikin sleepy, tapi video ini bikin tetep pengen nonton... nontonin MI CARA cantik banget haha XD
Nggak deng, gue suka banget sama catatan di awal yang cerita anak kecil tuli di kereta tapi bisa seolah dengerin musik karena merhatiin dia. Konsepnya agak ngingetin gue sama Silent Disco. I don't know its great, music is one of the greatest things in life :)
But somehow I'm thinking about the deafness itself. Are the deaf people only listening to total silence, or is it muted noise like a lost frequency?

k dulu sma nya deket kantor HAI y? prnh nyoba apply k sana g?

RVGLUTION’s Profile Photo#feelgoodRVG
Gak pernah, males nulis masalah anak cowo SMA, haha.
Dulu sih karena waktu jadi kontributor majalah Cleo, portfolio gue baru di fashion, jadi gue lebih condong apply di majalah fashion kaya Elle, Bazaar, Cosmo, gitu2. Kalau sekarang di Nylon, gue justru lebih banyak nulis Feature. Fashion udah kadang2 aja.
Ini salah satu artikel gue buat Cleo Indonesia waktu gue masih kuliah.
k dulu sma nya deket kantor HAI y  prnh nyoba apply k sana g

kak aleeex,gaminat ngebahas anantha natalegawa buat nylonind?atau adiknya adreyka?

Buat anon2 yang nanyain anaknya Pak Marty, yang tadi di pap anak keduanya namanya Anantha Natalegawa. Anak pertama Pak Marty perempuan, namanya Annisa Nadia Natalegawa, terus anak bungsunya cowok namanya Andreyka Natalegawa. Tinggal di New York dan suka nyanyi, nih souncloudnya: https://soundcloud.com/andreyka-n
Dan saya gak ada hubungan keluarga sama pak Marty. Sekian.


Language: English