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If you could be one of character in any TV series what would you be? Reason?

jessicaparamartha’s Profile PhotoJessica Paramartha
Blair Waldorf.
People always thought she's the bitch and Serena is the sweet kind of girl while in the fact Blair is indeed spoiled and could be very harsh but she's actually the one who keep it real and never fake herself, she realize she's bitchy and so what? A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.
Meanwhile, Serena is always trying to look so goody-goody and innocent but she's not even realize she's the fucked up trainwreck and fake ass boring bitch.
If you could be one of character in any TV series what would you be Reason

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Hati untuk merasa. Apa yang akan terjadi apabila hati sudah tidak dapat merasa?

rhsashr’s Profile PhotoRhesa Nurhadi Busyaeri
Kamu jadi zombie. Hidup dan bergerak cuma buat muasin nafsu pribadi tanpa peduli orang lain.
- Nyebarin foto jenazah tanpa sensor
- ngerusak fasilitas umum kaya si bapak goblok yg ngerusak vending machine di bandara
- pura-pura tidur atau cuek ngeliat ibu hamil, anak kecil atau orangtua berdiri di bus. Ini bukan buat cowok doang ya, cewek pun suka ngerasa males kasih kursinya.

so, makoto or haru?

Makoto! Apalagi kalau lagi pake kacamata. Tipe senpai baik-baik yang senyam-senyum aja walau telat dateng, kita gak bisa marah, cuma bisa pukul2 manja sok2 tsundere terus dia ngusap2 rambut sambil bilang "gomen"... Anjir... Ini jiwa otaku/weeabo/fudanshi gue keluar gara2 topik malam ini fakkkk...... Relationship goal: Jagain anak sambil main game.
so makoto or haru

Apa yang ingin kamu sampaikan kepada orang yang sedang berpikir ingin bunuh diri?

edwardfranstono’s Profile Photo에드워드 (Ed)
Ada banyak alasan kenapa orang sampai berpikir ingin bunuh diri. Penyebab bunuh diri berbeda-beda, dan menurut gue bunuh diri itu hak setiap orang. Siapa gue yang bisa ngejudge orang lain untuk itu, gue gak pernah ngerasain sakitnya dibully sampai ingin mati, atau dapet cobaan yang bikin lo pengen lompat dari gedung tinggi, or simply nabrakin badan ke kereta yang melaju kencang. Gue percaya semua orang punya kesakitan masing-masing, some people are lucky enough untuk punya support system dari lingkungannya, beberapa orang justru ingin mati gara-gara lingkungannya. Dan gue gak merasa berhak untuk ngecap orang yang bunuh diri sebagai pengecut, orang lemah, atau sakit jiwa. Karena gue gak ngerasain apa yang mereka alamin.
Namun apakah gue menyarankan orang untuk bunuh diri? Enggak. Karena gue percaya hidup ini..... berkah. Hidup ini keajaiban itu sendiri. Rugi banget kalau gue ngebuang hidup gue hanya karena orang lain. Masih banyak tempat dan hal-hal menarik di dunia yang belum gue lihat. There's too many wonderful things in life compared than the depressing ones.
Sesimpel bangun lebih pagi dan menghirup udara segar
Sesimpel ngerasain hujan
Sesimpel jalan-jalan naik bus dan melihat kalau semua orang sebetulnya lagi berjuang juga, bukan kita doang yang punya masalah. Semua orang punya masalah, tapi gimana mereka menghadapinya?
Give the world a chance to be better
Give the life a chance to be worthed
Give yourself a chance to be happy.
Here's my favorite song from Kate Nash, its called "Don't You Want To Share The Guilt?" dan liriknya agak bercerita soal self-harming:
I arrive at your house but you've just got up
And you are wearing a towel and your eyes look dark
I help to dry your body and I see your cut
So I give you a plaster and we cover it up
I say, "Have you been crying?"
And you say, "Shut Up"
So we sit in the garden
And touch the grass with our hands
The sun is going down now and it's been okay
You tell me all the things you did while I was away
And this worries me somewhat
But you say you're fine
Listen, can you hear it?
Does it speak? Will I feel it?
Will it hurt? Am I near it?
I don't know
I don't know how more people haven't got mental health problems
Thinking is one of the most stressful things I've ever come across
And not being able to articulate what I want to say drives me crazy
I think I should read more books, learn some new words
My sister used to read the dictionary, I'm going to start with that
I'd like to travel, I want to see India and the pyramids
A whale and that race with all the bicycles in France
I'm not sure about rivers, they scare me, but I love swimming
I'm good at it and when I swim, I count the laps, and this helps me relax
I like going to the park, I like walking through it
I like taking my dogs there and friends, and I like being alone
I like being able to shout, but I wish I could be quiet
When I'm quiet people just think I'm sad, and usually I am
Read the rest: http://www.metrolyrics.com/dont-you-wa

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What does it mean to die well?

Kemarin baca post ini tentang orang-orang yang selamat dari tragedi 9/11 di Amerika. Mereka selamat hanya karena hal-hal kecil, hal-hal yang menurut kita menyebalkan seperti macet, ketinggalan bus, kecelakaan kecil, dan hal-hal lain dalam satu hari kita yang terlihat tidak bermakna. Jadi mikir, is it coincidence atau memang takdir? Don't fear the death, don't weep for the dead as death is just another passage of life.
What does it mean to die well

Gw broken home, ikut nyokap yg nonmuslim. Bokap muslim,udah nikah lagi. Gw bingung, gw kan tinggal sama nyokap juga keluarga dari suami barunya yg juga christian, gw disarankan nyokap pindah agama aja. Menurut lo gimana? Misal nyokap kandung lo bilang gitu ke lo, sikap lo?

Berdasarkan pengamatan gue ya... kalau lo Kristen, lo masih boleh ikut ngerayain keluarga yang lebaran dan masih suka dikasih duit. Tapi kalau lo Islam, lo bakal dicemooh sama keluarga dan teman kalau ikutan ngerayain natal.


Language: English