

Ask @Alkupra

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Ka tentang jawaban lo yg reinkarnasi,gue cuma mau tau pendapat lo aja soalnya gua bingung hahaha kalo iya reinkarnasi itu ada sementara setiap generasi yg baru itu biasanya 2x lipat dari generasi sebelumnya nah sisanya reinkarnasi dari mana?atau di turunin roh yg belum pernah turun?

Waah kamu... Teori abal2 saya kok diseriusin banget? Gini, jumlah manusia dari awal dunia tercipta sampai sekarang kira-kira bisa dihitung gak? Dan kalau ditotalin ya bakal lebih banyak dari penduduk bumi saat ini dong? Pasti ada juga roh2 baru, dan ada juga old soul yg lahir lg ke dunia.

kak, kalo fabel kan cerita yang menceritakan kehidupan hewan yang berperilaku menyerupai manusia. nah kalo sinetron jaman sekarang yg manusia menyerupai hewan (co: manusia jd srigala) disebut apa kak?

Therianthropy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therianthropy
Therianthropy is the mythological ability of human beings to metamorphose into animals by means of shapeshifting. It is possible that cave drawings found at Les Trois Frères, in France, depict ancient beliefs in the concept. The most well known form of therianthropy is found in stories concerning werewolves.
kak kalo fabel kan cerita yang menceritakan kehidupan hewan yang berperilaku

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Hi. Could you recommend songs to be listened at 2 a.m? Thank you in advance

I found myself watching the entire MTV Unplugged of Dashboard Confessional again.
Man, so much memories for my high school years.... Can't believe its already like 10 years ago.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5lKwIZT2vYAlkupra’s Video 123571454386 r5lKwIZT2vYAlkupra’s Video 123571454386 r5lKwIZT2vY
Chris Carrabba is the epitome of every teenage heartbreak.

selamat pagi mz mb cerita sedikit, sy baru pulang dari restoran fastfood yg kebetulan buka 24jam. disana saya melihat 2 bocah berjualan tahu (tiap malam saya melihat mereka) dan saya tergerak untuk membelikan mereka makanan. kalo kalian di posisi saya, apa yang kalian lakukan? kalau bs dgn alasannya

Agak conflicted sih...Kalo gue mungkin bakal beli tahunya, karena takut kalau dibeliin makanan mereka malah jadi kebiasaan nunggu di situ nungguin ada yg ngasih lagi (kaya kucing). Tapi kalau kamu mau kasih, gak usah pikir macem2, just do it aja dan jangan dipikirin. So its really up to u.

Maaf kalo itu nyinggung lu bang maaf banget. Maaf kalo sksd.. Tp lu dulu bilang kalo gue boleh curhat dan nanya nanya ke lu.. Serba salah gue jadinya. Maaf.

Yang ngatain lo sksd bukan gue kalii... I dont know why you're so curious about gay lives. Basically sama aja kaya orang pada umumnya kok, dan gay bukan lifestyle atau penyakit. Its just the way it is. Literally born this way.

Kak, dulu pas masih kuliah Sastra Cina pernah mendalami bahasanya lewat media lagu mandarin gitu gak? Atau kakak suka lagu mandarin gak? Kalo iya, saya minta rekomendasi lagu-lagu mandarin yg enak didengar doang kak :)

Enggak, aku gak ngikutin Mandopop. Coba dulu udah ada Exo-M, huh. Lagu Mandarin yang gue hapal cuma lagu tentang keluarga Panda itu yang ada versi Koreanya juga. "You san ge da xiong zhu zai ke jia, xiong baba, xiong mama, xiong baobei..."

my brother used to do lsd. then he thinks he's like 'infinite' sometimes he says he feels like he's one with god. now he dropped out of uni because he's become delusional. and now i hate drugs more than anything. don't promote it like it's a good thing. not everyone can handle that substance.

I'm agree. I mean yeah, I used to have shroom and acid, and I do feel its kind of life-changing experience, but I never get addicted to it, and I consume it when its still not officially illegal. Some people think its recreational thing, but I do believe you can't abuse any substance just for fun, its about responsibility and it seems your brother have too much fun in his own head. Especially when we're talking about acid, because its basically chemical and the last thing you wanna do in your life is taking too much artificial chemical. Its gonna be sounds very hypocrite if I tell everyone to never try any hallucinogenic substance, but I won't urge people to try and get addicted to it, not just because its indeed dangerous, but its also legally offensive now.

What books you've read that you expect them to be movies? And who would the directors be?

Runaways (Marvel) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runaways_%28comics%29
Director: Joss Whedon
Its about a renegade team consist of super villains offspring that stands against their parents. The whole cast are basically misfits, you got Asian goth girl as leader, lesbian alien, a nerd with dinosaur, Hulk powered little girl, and sexiest cyborg alive.
Deadly Class (Image Comics)
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Set in Reagan era, the comic tells about the special school for assassins and criminal around the world. Its almost like Hogwarts, fueled by blood, sex, and acid.
Fables (Vertigo)
Director: Guillermo del Toro
The epic story about the battles of fairy tales.
What books youve read that you expect them to be movies And who would the


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