
38 people

50 posts


you are just don't seem to be 22 years old as its written on your bio. .. you are much wiser, so I'll ask you this, do you think oneday in the future in this life time at this "Dunia" that someday every thing will be alright, that this void inside of me will be completed someday.. thank you ja

SamehBadawySayed’s Profile PhotoSameh Badawy Sayed
I certainly believe that things won't always be bad and there is always something that can make us happy. And we can fill void within ourselves with prayer, trust in Allah, acceptance of what is happening and patience. Just live in moment and enjoy what you already have.

Your favourite poetry ?

uzairarshad000’s Profile PhotoUzair Arshad
حضور اردو زبان کی سینکڑوں نظمیں غزلیں مرثیے گیت کویتائیں ریختیاں میرے دل و دماغ میں بازگشت کی طرح رہتی ہیں اور مطلب ایسی کیفیت کو محسوس کرنے کے باوجود پسندیدہ کے باب میں کسی ایک کا بیان عجب معلوم ہوتا ہے لیکن پھر بھی میرا جی کی نظم جی۔چاہ رہا پیش کرنے کو۔۔اگر اس وقت ہم کہیں آمنے سامنے براجمان۔ہوتے تو میں تحت الفظ میں پیش کرتا
the void of nothingness...
عدم کا خلاء --- مِیرا
ہوا کے جھونکے ادھر جو آئیں تو ان سے کہنا
یہاں کوئی ایسی شے نہیں جسے وہ لے جائیں ساتھ اپنے
یہاں کوئی ایسی شے نہیں جسے کوئی دیکھ کر یہ سوچے
کہ یہ ہمارے بھی پاس ہوتی
یہاں کوئی راہ رو نہیں ہے نہ کوئی منزل
یہاں اندھیرا نہیں اجالا نہیں کوئی شے نہیں ہے
گزرتے لمحوں کے آتشیں پاؤں اس جگہ پے بہ پے رواں ہیں
ہر ایک شے کو سُجھاتے جاتے ہر ایک شے کو جلاتے جاتے مٹاتے جاتے
ہر ایک شے کو سُجھاتے جاتے کہ کچھ نہیں ہست سے بھی حاصل
ہوا کے جھونکے ادھر جو آئیں تو ان سے کہنا
یہ سب معابِد یہ شہر گاؤں
فسانۂ زیست کے نشاں ہیں
مگر ہر اک در پہ جا کے دیکھا ہر ایک دیوار روند ڈالی
ہر ایک روزن کو دل سمجھ کر یہ بھید جانا
گزرتے لمحوں کے آتشیں پاؤں ہر جگہ پے بہ پے رواں ہیں
کہیں مٹاتے کہیں مٹانے کے واسطے نقش نو بناتے
حیاتِ رفتہ حیاتِ آئندہ سے ملے گی یہ کون جانے
ہوا کے جھونکے ادھر جو آئیں تو ان سے کہنا
ہر جگہ دام دوریوں کا بچھا ہوا ہے
ہر اک جگہ وقت ایک عفریت کی طرح یوں کھڑا ہوا ہے
کہ جیسے وہ کائنات کا عکس بے کَراں ہو
کبھی فریب خیال بن کر، کبھی کبھی بھول کر، شعور جمال بن کر
شکار کی ناتواں نظر کو سُجھا رہا ہے
ہر ایک شے سے مرا نشانِ عدم عیاں ہے
عدم بھی دریُوزہ گر ہے میرا مرے ہی بل پر رواں دواں ہے
ہوا کے جھونکے ادھر جو آئیں تو ان سے کہنا
فسانۂ زیست کا جھُلستا ہوا اجالا بھی مِٹ چکا ہے
مگر ہو مِٹ کر کوئی اندھیرا نہیں بنا ہے
کہ اس جگہ تو کوئی اندھیرا نہیں اجالا نہیں یہاں کوئی شے نہیں ہے

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3/3 - "Wie wichtig ist es, eine kritische Haltung einzunehmen?" - @simonalein_

normanz9761’s Profile Phototh1rsttrap
Die m.E. wirklich wichtige Haltung ist die der selbstkritischen Reflexion. Anzuerkennen, dass man nicht alles weiß und dass Erkenntnis, selbst da, wo sie auf einer gewissen Bildung beruht, nicht allumfassend ist. Das könnte m.E. ein Schutz davor sein, sich selbst gewissermaßen zu einem Spielball politischer und (meist vorrangig) Geschäftsinteressen zu machen.
Die «kritische Handlung» jedenfalls, oftmals als Merkmal mit wenig üppiger Unterfütterung, war das wesentliche Einfallstor für Verschwörungserzählungen in Deutschland post 9/11. Das war einerseits die Initialzündung für den Einfall der klassischen John-Birch-Society-Narrative (die heute der Mainstream der Republikaner geworden sind) und auch, in einer deutschen Spezialität, die Chance, Verschwörungsnarrative der deutschen Ne.ona.zis zu verbreiten, die in den '90ern noch in irgendwelchen Newsgroups unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit im eigenen braunen Saft versauerten.
Der Erwerb von Wissen ist Teil der Erfahrung – im Gegensatz zu den Behauptungen der Leute, die laut Facebookprofil die «Schule des Lebens» erfolgreich besucht haben, ist der Erwerb von Wissen eine Erfahrung selbst. Ich würde eine Bewegung begrüßen, die genau diesen Umstand realisiert und kultiviert: Sogar auf dem Ster.bebett hören wir nicht auf, neue Dinge zu lernen. Dummhe.it ist keine Beleidigung – sie ist de facto ein edler Zustand des Bewusstseins darüber, unvollkommen zu sein. Oder, um es mit den Lyrics von Behemoths großartigen «O Father O Satan O Sun» zu sagen:
«Like a day without the dawn
Like a ray void of the sun
Like a storm that brings no calm
I'm most complete yet so undone»

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Do you think it’s irrational to drink alcoholic beverages that have a high alcohol volume that doesn’t taste good and burns every time you take a sip when you can just opt for a beverage that doesn’t burn your throat as much and actually tastes good?

Idk how many alcoholics you know, but I don't exactly drink alcohol for the taste. I drink because I'm 30 & it keeps the dark scary void at bay
Do you think its irrational to drink alcoholic beverages that have a high

So ich brauche euer Wissen. Ihr belehrt ja gern und haut ungefragt euer Wissen raus. Aber jetzt wird gefragt danach.. Wie funktioniert ein Algorithmus kann mir das einer erklären?

Ich helfe dir da gerne :>
Ein Algorithmus kannst du dir vorstellen wie ein Rezept, das dir sagt, was du Schritt für Schritt tun sollst.
Ich hab dir auch ein Beispiel mitgebracht bei dem die Größte Zahl einer Liste gefunden werden soll:
1. Eingabe: Du hast eine Liste von Zahlen, zum Beispiel [3, 7, 1, 9, 4].
2. Start:Du beginnst mit der ersten Zahl (3) und sagst dir, dass dies vorerst die größte ist.
3. Durchgehen: Du gehst durch jede Zahl in der Liste (7, 1, 9, 4).
4. Vergleichen: Wenn du eine Zahl findest, die größer ist als die bisher größte (zum Beispiel 9 > 3), dann sagst du dir, dass jetzt 9 die größte Zahl ist.
5. Fertig: Am Ende hast du die größte Zahl gefunden, in diesem Fall 9.
Einen Pseudocode in Java habe ich da auch für dich aus meiner Ausbildungszeit dabei :> ist etwas älter, reicht aber als Beispiel ( abgetrennt durch die Linien)
public class GroesstesElementFinder {
public static int findeGroesstesElement(int[] liste) {
int groesstesElement = liste.length > 0 ? liste[0] : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int zahl : liste) {
groesstesElement = Math.max(groesstesElement, zahl);
return groesstesElement;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] beispielListe = {3, 7, 1, 9, 4};
System.out.println("Das größte Element ist: " + findeGroesstesElement(beispielListe));
Das Ganze ist wie ein kleiner Denkprozess, den du Schritt für Schritt machst, um das gewünschte Ergebnis zu bekommen. :>
Das lässt sich natürlich auf so ziemlich jedes Thema übertragen. Schaust du oft Katzenvideos, werden dir davon mehr vorgeschlagen usw.

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Anyone else can’t wait for that special someone to delete every app known to mankind or just me? For our relationship

aliciabiscool9’s Profile PhotoRudolph B
That would be amazing. Him and I can then spend all of your free time together and I’d be living a life without being addicted to social media. I might just meet his friends and have friends I regularly see in person that way, rather than always talking to strangers online and expecting them to fill the void of not having any real life friendships in person. I’d love to be in a private relationship where what we do is between us and people know better than to pry into our relationship.

I feel stuck. I pray daily Alhamdulillah but still I have the feeling that I am missing something in my life. What should i do?

Patience and tawakul! Don't stop praying, instead of that be more conscious about them than before. Good things take time, sufferings and this void kinda feels are so heavy on heart but we have to trust Allah no matter what! ❤
God bless you!

Rachel, I think the little hamster stepped in 💩 and slipped off the wheel again. 🐹 I am experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7npse9n-Yw -Sage

Comment: “When I was little, I had a dream that this was where you went when you died. You would just hear this song endlessly and stare at this screen for the rest of eternity.”
Sage is there lost in the void. 🤣🤣🤣

How long does it take to get over someone?

You never move on if you really loved that person. You just accept the fact that they’re not gonna be a part of your life anymore. You gather yourself up and get on with your life. Their absence haunts you everyday. But is there anything we can do about it? No!
So, it takes a lifetime to forget them, to move on. No one can ever fill that void :)

BILL, BILL, BILL, BILLLLLLL... es hora de escribir tu nombre con títulos de películas:

yellow_tx’s Profile Photo           ᴍᴀɪᴋᴀ

⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⸻
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Bad biology
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Infinity Pool
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Lifechanger
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Look away

⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Interview with the Vampire
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Sssssss
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Terrifier
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀V/H/S/94
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Alien: Covenant
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens

⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Us
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Night of the Living Dead
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀The Void
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Host
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Earth vs. the Spider
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Rosemary's Baby

⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⸻

BILL BILL BILL BILLLLLLL es hora de escribir tu nombre con títulos de películas

if you have any pets and moving into a property that doesn’t allow pets, do you bring them anyway and just don’t tell anyone?

Don’t do that. If the tenancy agreement says “no pets” and you lie about having pets, and move them in…you’re violating the agreement.
It’s not just a bit of paper, it’s a legal contract. Violating it renders it void and you end up on the street.
That’s a lot of risk so look for another place or house your pets elsewhere.

What’s attractive? 🤨

Hunaid97’s Profile PhotoHunaid Siddique.
I saw pain in her eyes, and I found myself inexplicably drawn to it, feeling its intensity echo in my chest. When she sat in front of me, I became utterly lost in the mesmerizing pain etched in her eyes, my heart and soul adrift, leaving my body in a void I had never experienced before. Throughout my entire life, I hadn't encountered anyone capable of concealing excruciating pain behind the most astonishing smile....🚬🚬🚬🚬

Tibi, soproni túra lesz még?

Októberben Kecskemétre akartam menni szerencsétlenkedni de olyan szinten elhatalmasodott rajtam a jobb szó nem lévén, Void, hogy az is valami ha felkelek, funkcionálok valamennyire és nem pedig eret vágok magamon.
(Meg már Finnországon is gondolkoztam a hecc kedvéért, csak gyűlölöm a hideget.)

Do you think there is a problem with one word answers?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
A one word answers speak volumes
1. "I have no cognition"
2. "I am void and without form . . . . "
3. "there is no light here, to shine upon the darkness of deep water . . . .
4. "I passed my soul . . . . . . during my last bowel movement
6,005. "There is no ink in my printer . . . .
6,006. "Imagine there is no . . . . imagination . . . . around us only hell.
But as for problem . . . . just walk on by
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub4rKDkL53sigotamatch’s Video 173508650874 ub4rKDkL53sigotamatch’s Video 173508650874 ub4rKDkL53s
*she's gone for a stroll in the trees*
Do you think there is a problem with one word answers

What was it that hurt you the most? How was that feeling and how did you cope?

Ssars’s Profile PhotoSayed Sibtain Ali Rizvi
My father's death. Nothing ever hurt me more than that. It's a feeling that rips apart your soul and leaves a void which never gets filled. How did I cope? Well, by accepting what had happened and trying to move on.

What was it that hurt you the most? How was that feeling and how did you cope?

Ssars’s Profile PhotoSayed Sibtain Ali Rizvi
The feeling of detachment from someone I cared deeply about was incredibly painful. It felt like a void in my life, and I coped by gradually focusing on self-care, therapy, and reconnecting with other relationships to fill that emotional gap.

Are you lost babygirl?

This age is hard isn't it? All the people in your life are slowly fading away, finding new paths in life. Your siblings and cousins are getting married, busy managing work, some are moving abroad. You so want to be happy for them but you know they will leave a void in your life just like everyone else did. They merely become a picture put deep down into your drawer that you only find while looking for something else, look at it for a while with a wishful feeling and put it back knowing that it won't come back again, those times have become past. Things will never be the same again.

➛ ᴅᴏ ʏ'ᴀʟʟ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ ᴀꜱ ᴀ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ? ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴡᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙᴀʙʏ ʜᴀᴅ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ɪɴ ʟɪꜰᴇ. ⛹

sanaqamar00’s Profile Photo⊱፧ꜱᴋ፧⊰
The more you fight with the mind, supplying it with energy, the more it will bite you. If you recognize it as a fleeting instrument of the Self, void of reality, it will cease to disturb you.

Моя подруга читает ТОЛЬКО котов воителей. Она постоянно мне рассказывает о них, хотя одно время, я вежливо слушала. Мне надоело молчать, я высказалась, на что она никак не отреагировала и продолжила. Я понимаю, что это лично её интересы, но перечитывать из раза в раз, быть фанаткой 7 лет.....

Удолили?.. Нет, всратые модеры, если я хочу орать тут, то я хочу орать))

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Anything you would like to share?

I've waited an eternity for you.
I've prayed years for you.
I've received the best gift ever.
Guess what, that gift was you.
Someone made me feel alive,
that was you.
Someone made me think positive,
that was you.
there was a light in my void heart,
that light was you.
but you didn't understand me,
that fault was yours.
for your eyes, i opened my heart,
I realized,
there was a blind side.
I tried to cover up that side,
but thanks to you,
I fell into that side.
And now you've gone,
But I'm stuck on that side,
I have but one wish,
to build my tomb stone,
on that side.
I wrote this 3 years ago.

Bakit kaya may dumadating sa buhay natin para guluhin lang tayo. Tipong dumating para saktan tayo.

SofieTheFirst___’s Profile PhotoSofieTheFirst___
I don't believe in fate. These are results of the choices we make. They don't just pop out there and lure you in. You won't be hooked if you aren't hungry for something. It only means something is missing in your life and this person fills the void. But remember, people are people, they can make you or break you. So, before anyone else fills that void make sure to patch it up with self care because some people are like perfect pieces of the puzzle and it's gonna hurt like hell once they left.

best movie quote •••

"...I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have..."
_The fault in our stars.

How do you stop feeling alone?

The key is to learn how to be comfortable in your own presence, and occupied even when alone. I think sometimes people can rely on others to fill a void that they don't feel they can fill themselves. Like being bored if they can't have others around them to make them unbored. Or feeling sad or uncomfortable alone, so needing others to distract them from that with their company.
There's nothing wrong with needing people to be in your life. Especially if you're extroverted too, you will feel that absence a lot more intensely I think than an introvert. However learning to be comfortable on your own is something I feel everyone should learn. And if you don't feel you can then I think there's room for self improvement. Maybe there's some underlining issues you haven't addressed or tackled yet that have led you to feel that discomfort.
Taking up hobbies and such are great, as they get you interested in something that you can do by yourself even if others aren't around. So you find ways to entertain yourself when you're bored. And also it helps you to appreciate alone time more too, because you get to do these lil things you enjoy. Also practicing self care, like pampering yourself now and then, or doing stuff like meditation can help you learn to be in the moment.

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Can you believe it's almost the end of 2022? Are you ready for 2023?

It's really weird. I mean since covid first hit, those first two years just got swallowed up, it's like time just skipped two years and they were lost to the void. So sometimes I have a hard time just remembering it's really 2022 when it feels like it should be 2020, or 2021 at a push. So the fact it will be 2023 in a couple months is crazy.
Its almost scary how fast time flies when you're older. I feel like when I was a kid and teen, time went by so slowly. I think when you're building core memories and stuff, time tends to feel longer. And as you get older you have less core memories (at least not as jam packed like you do when you're younger and growing up). As you've learnt most vital stuff by then, so most experiences aren't that new to you and thus don't seem as distinct to remember. And so time feels like it's just flown by without many milestones to slow it.
I think my goal for next year is to actively put more milestones in and make it more prominent.

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Secondo voi perché non ci si affeziona più alle persone come prima?

Daniela_o_’s Profile PhotoZia Polpetta 2.0
Society pushed individuality.. that’s why now humanity’s paying the price; basically we’re just consumers waiting for the new hit of dopamine keeping us distant from the illusion of filling that void.. but i have faith that from the ashes we shall raise.
Be patient.. trust the process and love yourself! ✨
Secondo voi perché non ci si affeziona più alle persone come prima

Are you having arguments with yourself again?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
Ever had this realization that "what am I doing with my life?"
Losing all the sincere and kind hearted people around us or hurting them. Surrounding ourselves with temporary people, especially online friends. The people who are not going to have any positive impact on your life in the long-run.
Finding ourselves always running after peace and trying to fill the void in our chests. Ending up with self sabotaging the good, in the chase of finding better.
I think we need to take some time out and think about these things seriously, if we need to lead our lives in the right direction.
Stay happy and stay blessed ❤️🦘

express how you feel rn thru a song lyric

toddsby’s Profile PhotoTodd
I'm standing deep in these waters,
bleeding free and bent.
Drag us into the new visions.
Only loss fills my void.
Only the void connects me, with these mountains of dust, blood and soil.
The stones born in the flames of truth demand a sacrifice.
Don't just bleed us and leave us to ourselves.
We will return so deeply harmed,
and we will shatter you.

Почему люди хамят? Наверняка вы слышали или читали подобные ответы. Если не хочешь отвечать/тебе жаль время или что-то ещё, зачем писать гадости и т.д.? А некоторые специально ждут, когда ты выйдешь из себя и напишешь им. Я просто хочу понять, но, кажется, подобные люди никогда нормально не ответят.

Constant_avocado’s Profile PhotoА. Пустая
your question has a rhetorical meaning.
this is a question into the void, if you want to know someone's specific opinion, ask the question personally.
Почему люди хамят Наверняка вы слышали или читали подобные ответы Если не хочешь

How can we let go of connections that have turned toxic and unhealthy but we cannot stop loving those bonds still?

it is because you have become accustomed to that toxic cycle. When you meet people with good character, good personality, and good nature , don't you even for a second think that this is the kind of person i want to be with? We do , right? Or when we see people enjoying genuine bonds , don't we wish to have that too? No one wants to stay in a toxic cycle. We get stuck in it not because we love the bond or the person but because we're unfamiliar with the good things in that state. We feel like if we let go of it , there might become a void in our heart or soul and we won't be able to adjust to it. Once you get introduced to good bonds and genuine connections , you'll easily let go of them within seconds. Trust me!! Just give yourself space to let the good things come to you. and ofc it will take time.

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Should you fight for a person even if they don't have feelings for you?

monna_1999_’s Profile Photo✮ Muna ✮
No, it's pointless. It will not bring success and pleasure. If a person does not love, then he will never love you. No matter how hard you try, you were not the best for him, if he has a void in his soul and you are not that person, nothing will work. Let him go and you will find your happiness and mutual love.
《Нет, это бессмысленно. Это не принесёт успеха и удовольствия. Если человек не любит, то он никогда и не полюбит тебя. Как бы ты не старалась, не была для него самой лучшей, если в душе у него пустота и ты не тот человек который ему нужен-ничего не получится. Отпусти его и ты найдешь свое счастье и взаимную любовь.》
Should you fight for a person even if they dont have feelings for you

It's been rather dull, To fill the void with smiles, Unwilling to reach your eyes.

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
آج پھر مہمان بن کر پُرانے غم آۓ ہیں
آج پھر پہلے کی طرح ہم مُسکراۓ ہیں
اک تیری دیدہ دہی کی خاطر ہم نے
کتنے دید شُنید کے پیغام ٹُھکراۓ ہیں
اِک بھی پیغام ہمارا تُم تک نہ پہنچا لیکن
ہم تو پُر کرنے کو خلا، اِک اور نذر لاۓ ہیں
آج پھر ڈوبا ہوا دِل ہے، مدھم ہے فضا
آج پھر مہمان بن کر پُرانے غم آۓ ہیں
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I didn’t know how to answer it. So I just make it into a poem xD
Its been rather dull
To fill the void with smiles
Unwilling to reach your eyes

Why are cats so adorable

views1261282’s Profile Photoviews1261282
I don't know but I firmly believe they know the effect they have on us weaker specimens. This isn't even my cat but if she wants to come in and spend time with me (with the freedom to leave any time she pleases, but often doesn't) then I won't stop her. I also miss the little black furry void that used to keep me company when I smoked in the garden where I used to live.
Why are cats so adorable

Kas siis, kui liigud kiiremini valguskiirusest, suudad põgeneda enda varju eest?

roosanotsu’s Profile PhotoMägratud Eestis
Lühike vastus: Ei
Pikem vastus: Kui sa üldse tahad teada mis tegelikult toimub siis pead mõistma et vari ei ole objekt, vari eksisteerib valguse puudumisel ning sealjuures vari ei riku füüsikareegleid.
Sa võid muidugi cheatida. Näiteks võid sa päikeseloojangu viimasel sekundil hüpata kõrgele õhku ning kui päike loojub enne su keha maandumist siis congratz, said varjust lahti. Aga vaevalt et selline vastus kedagi rahuldab.
Oletame nüüd et sa oled mingi anime bullshit science -powered tont kes jookseb nii kiiresti et galaktikad muutuvad tuhaks. Eeldame et valgus paistab kogu selle aja sama nurga alt, mis on samuti võimatu, aga peame mingid utoopilised tingimused looma et üldse asja vaadelda. Isegi siis vari ei saa sinust kunagi eemalduda, mis aga tõenäoliselt juhtuks, on see, et vari hakkab venima, enda kuju kaootiliselt moonutama, see oleneb rohkem sellest millise pinnatopoloogia pealt vari taoliselt kiirusel üle sõidab, aga üks on kindel: ta ei jää sinust kunagi maha, see on võimatu.
Vari tekib kordi kiiremini kui valgus mis sinule paistes varjule järele võiks jõuda. Oletame et valgus jõuab sinuni distantsilt n tekitades sinu varju projektsiooni distantsi n ulatuses sinust teisele poole valgusallikat. Kui nüüd oletame, et valgus jõudis sinuni näiteks 10 sekundiga, siis vari levis hetkest, mil valgus sind puudutas, sama teekonna mitmeid kordi kiiremini, alla sekundi, sisuliselt instantly.
Kahju kui misclickid kusagile ja vastus kaotsi läheb, mul oli hoolikamalt kirjutatud vastus mida panin sõnadesse umbes 30 minutit, aga oh well that shit here will have to do ..

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I want to ask that if a young male and young female both above 18 years old, agree to accept each other and and both of them says “Qabool hai ” 3 times to each other will it considered as a rightful nikkah and now both are mehram of each other or not?

A valid Nikka requires the attendance of two adult muslim witnesses, therefore even if your Nikkah isn’t void, it would still be an irregular Nikkah.

It's been rather dull, To fill the void with smiles, Unwilling to reach your eyes.

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
The excitement can return when the eyes smile inward upon the bounty which is often overlooked and should the veil of emptiness be lifted, one's beam can travel surprisingly further.
Its been rather dull
To fill the void with smiles
Unwilling to reach your eyes

It's been rather dull, To fill the void with smiles, Unwilling to reach your eyes.

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
آتے آتے آنکھ میں آنسو آ جاتے ہیں
بادل بن چھائے مینہ برسا جاتے ہیں
جن کو جانا ہو وہ کب رکتے ہیں بھلا
اور آنے والے جاتے جاتے آ جاتے ہیں
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Liked by: Xalaam Sikander

Why are some people so desperate for attention?

I think sometimes it comes from a place where maybe someone felt neglected a lot growing up or made to feel less than around others. So when they grew up, they tried to find that reassurance, validation and affection from others, to try and feel worthy or valuable. I don't think they can help it sometimes. They're just trying to fill a void.
(not all people who were neglected go that way, its just a theory that I feel is accurate with quite a lot I've seen)

What do u do to feel connected to urself?

lost_duck’s Profile PhotoGE
Humanity is prone to loneliness. Develop it. It penetrates within you, giving your soul room to expand. Never assume that loneliness will pass. Never count on meeting someone who will empathise with you or fill that void. The exception, and a very big one at that, is a smart, sensitive person. You will become homicidal out of disillusionment if you hope to meet someone who will understand you. The best thing you can do is to know who you are, what you want, and to not let the cows get in your way.

What does "romantic love" mean to you?

People have been trying to describe love since forever and everything falls short. The songs, poems, pieces of beautiful music, monuments, art, IMO it still doesn't scratch the surface. To me it just feels like "home" or the perpetual sensation of falling. It's much more powerful than just a crush, much more frightening in its power than lust and it's almost like a permanent change on molecular level.
To me it means knowing after every fight you still care about them and even when stupidly angry you're knowing you'll work through this. It means giving up your free time to make this person happy because they are just so fucking important to you. Its about compromise. Its about late night laughter at stupid shit. Its about accepting they have flaws and thus realizing your own flaws are equally as annoying to them. To me, romantic love is just having someone there to share all these beautiful moments in this beautiful life with. I feel like I can love myself all I want, but when I see or experience something amazing and I look over (hypothetically speaking) and see that no one's there to experience it with me, it still feels awfully lonely. Maybe that means I don't love myself enough.
It never hurts to love yourself more, as I'm learning. Affirmations help, as does just sort of reminding myself that everything I'm doing is mothering myself in a way. I cook food for myself because I love myself. I read to myself because I love myself. That kind of thing. So if I'm seeing a beautiful moment, I'm doing it because I love myself, and that makes it feel not lonely (usually). However, I still want someone to share in those moments with too, and I still feel lonely about it once in awhile.
Edit: I think a lasting love is based on practicalities to no small degree. Common values, interests and experiences, or like interpretations of experiences. The overwhelming chemical reaction of physical attraction ensures the continuation of the species, but to have a companion, partner and confidante to go through life with joyfully is going to take more than surges of feelings. Never underestimate the value of unselfishness, and be prepared to sacrifice without rancor.
Love isnt the "wow she's awesome" after meeting someone. Love isnt the magical first date. Love isnt the infatuation with someone. Love is the enduring enjoyment of company with someone. Its wanting to cuddle even in the worst times, its wanting to comfort each other no matter the situation, it's all about sticking together no matter the hardships. Love is long term. I'm in an interesting phase in my life where I'm realizing for the first time that I don't need anyone else to feel perfectly fulfilled. For most of my life, I've leaned hard on romantic relationships to fill a void in me that turned out to be a lack of self-love (codependency). This turned romance into a sort of drug, and as my tolerance grew, the people I was with grew less attractive and newer love felt like a bigger and better hit.

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Language: English