

Ask @Xythar

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Why are all BD/DVD groups either shit or as good as dead (or both)?

lack of experience subbing in general (since most don't do tv releases) + most are solo projects which also leads to a lack of other people to learn from and to motivate you.

So is it finalized how many shows you are going to sub these winter season??

nope, but haruchika is the only one confirmed

Even gochiusa and owari used to air in 12 hour difference if I am not wrong. Even if they air on the same day people would definitely wait for your subs. We definitely want your quality subs for phantom world. Please pick it up. You should continue your tradition of picking up 2 shows per season.

if I do a second show it will probably be on a different day because doing two shows in the same day is too much of a pain. like seriously, doing both gochiusa and seraph (when I had to edit seraph) was a nightmare

Nice, sounds like a great combination, mhm translating and you editing. Thanks in advance!

np, hopefully we won't be too late

Hope you had a great holiday! Thanks for being a cool dude and for everything you've done this year. Here's to a (hopefully) great 2016!

cheers, you too!

so are you editing AssClass next season?

nope, nobody on the s1 team really wants to continue with it so it's not getting done

When someone says "Notice me senpai" are you ever tempted to change it to "Notice me, my senior"?

i have never actually seen that phrase used in anime so no

So vol 5-6 of Mirai and Aria OVA will be released later after your trips?? And one more thing when you guys will announce your winter plans??

when they're done, but it will be at least after my trip, yes
winter plans are haruchika and probably nothing else

Are you guys doing Aria The Avvenire?? I just saw a trailer subbed by you guys.

probably yes
though I'm going on a trip around when it releases so it may be a little late

What are two true things and one lie about you?

This statement is true.
The below statement is a lie.
The above statement is a lie.


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