

Ask @Xythar

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Do you keep a list of editing choices for common stock phrases, like 'sou iwaretemo...'? Even if you say that, even if you voice that, even if you assert that, etc.

I'm not sure if this question is a troll or not, because that's like the classic example of a literal translation gone wrong. But no, sticking to stock phrases is a bad idea and I spend a lot of my time editing them out if anything.

One more episode of suffering. Can you live with it? I hope you think twice before picking shows!

I often don't commit to shows until I've seen the first episode, but not much I can do if the first episode is fine and the show (and translation quality) takes a dive after that.

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Do you honestly think you can judge an English script unless you are fluent in Japanese? By that logic every editor should be fluent in Japanese.

Say someone who is a decent judge of writing but knows no Japanese is asked to evaluate two scripts. One is a well-written dialogue that makes sense based on what happens on screen, but is otherwise completely made up, and one is a somewhat stiff but accurate translation of the Japanese (which in itself may be less than perfect). Which do you think they will decide is better?
A fansub is first and foremost a translation, and while there is a lot of leeway to get creative and embellish, the most important thing is that it gets across the right ideas. This may involve lines that don't make sense immediately or less than perfectly-written plot elements that some might be tempted to whitewash over with alternate versions of the story that make sense to them. However, a translation that does that fails as a translation. Without the ability to evaluate the translation, or at least understand why the script is written the way it is, you cannot evaluate the fansub. I've seen many criticisms made of scripts that were flat-out wrong because the person writing them didn't understand why the lines were written that way.
If instead of accuracy you simply want the script that will sound best to you, by all means take your advice from people who don't know Japanese. This is especially problematic with weekly shows, however, as rewritten or mistranslated plot elements can easily come back to bite you later. But yes, you cannot tell translation from scriptwriting unless you know Japanese, and a translation that fails at translating kind of defeats the purpose.
Editors don't necessarily have to know Japanese, but they also don't work alone. Ideally they should be asking their translator for clarification about unclear lines and the translator should also be making sure they don't misinterpret anything or go too far in their edits. When editing a simulcast script, unless you are very conservative in your approach, it's very risky to not have a TLC or at least someone you can bounce confusing lines off, because you're fairly likely to insert errors without some kind of oversight.

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Over the years quite a few people blogged about QC being useless and counter-productive (e.g. koda or torchlight), yet you seem to be doing a lot of it in Vivid. Why do you think QC is required for TV shows?

I'm not saying you need three QCs to go over the episode in painstaking detail before submitting a ten-page report in triplicate, but if you don't at least have someone watch the episode you're releasing before it goes out, it's only a matter of time before your group embarrasses itself somehow.
Having an extra person besides the editor do script QC is also useful because it's hard to catch all of your own mistakes.
And to look at it another way, every issue you fix before the episode goes out is one you won't have to fix for the batch.

How can you trust D_S's Sailor Moon review when he can't even speak Japanese?

We reviewed SMC for A+ and decided on Commie long before D_S's review came out. If you refuse to believe us biased cartel subbers, though, there you are.

Sounds like someone's scared of being beaten by the Syndicate.

Yeah, just like with Sailor Moon. I'm quaking in my boots.

Can you please do the Cartel vs. Syndicate thing next season so we can finally settle all this drama? Prove once and for all the the "cartel" gets A+ because it is genuinely the best.

You want to arrange a serious competition based on a joke and get someone who doesn't know Japanese to judge it? Sounds like a great use of time.
Fansubbing isn't a competition, and the groups who get A+ get it because they are judged by people who know what they're doing. If you don't want to believe that or think you know better, feel free to ignore it and download whoever you please.

>Unfortunately not Rude! Do you have something against him? Or was that a joke ( ¬‿¬).

I have something against people who keep picking up shows and never finish them, yeah.

Do you mean "some dumbass" in, like, a jokingly friendly sort of way or is do you actually dislike him/her?

A little from column A, a little from column B.

well fuck >.> oh well, let's be positive! there's only one more episode left! Do you think PA Works will fail next season with Shirobako?

No idea, but I'm not too worried either way since I won't be subbing it.
Mizushima is a good director but the PV looked kinda bad. I guess we'll see.

Why do people care about CRC anyway? Corrupted files (or trolls) were a big issue years ago but nowadays CRC32 is kind of pointless

It's handy to verify the authenticity of the file, especially if you download it over XDCC or DDL. It doesn't really matter for torrents most of the time but I've found it useful on numerous occasions as a viewer (and as a fansubber I use it to verify every episode that goes up to the server before release, so it's pretty vital in that sense too)

How do you feel about the musical direction of IIDX going more towards hardcore and doujin music?

I rather like that kind of music, so I'm certainly not complaining

How come you dont like memes xythar? my favourite meme is the le are you serious cat xDD :p haha

but memes are hilarious xD

What's your favorite JRPG, western RPG, and Final Fantasy game?

Final Fantasy X (or maybe Persona 3/4), probably Planescape Torment or the original KOTOR, Final Fantasy X

What do I do if I wanna release something, but my upload speed is crap and I don't have a seedbox?

You don't really have a lot of options. Either seed as long as it takes to get the initial version out there from home (somewhat impractical for larger files), get a seedbox, or get someone who has a seedbox or better connection to seed it for you.


Language: English