

Ask @Xythar

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Tell them I said hi back. Also, what do they think about this hobby of yours?

They think it's interesting, I suppose? I haven't really asked. It's much like any other.

Do your friends or family members know that you're a fansubber?

Yep. As luck would have it, you happened to ask this while I was out at dinner with family and friends! Everyone says hi.

Doesn't the comma-before-direct-name rule only apply when the name is near the end? It feels strange seeing "But, Name..." because people don't usually have a pause between 'but' and 'name', although I guess that's just how I've always known it.

Nah, it's much the same as writing "Well, Name," or something like "Tell me, Name," and in both those cases it's generally agreed on that the comma is required:

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What is your opinion on grammar on the terms of "But, name..." or "But name..." I always see different groups not using commas before but, and CR tends to use the comma after But as well.

Well, there are two conflicting grammar rules here: one that says you should never use a comma after a coordinating conjunction (such as "but") and one that says you should always use a comma before a direct address (ie someone's name). I prefer to give preference to the latter rule, but not doing so isn't really wrong.

How do you translate something like "chan"? Or a line where a character says "don't address me with chan? And no one in schools in the West call each other Mr., so translating -kun and -san is retarded as well.

You're missing the big picture here. Translation isn't about finding a 1:1 match for every word. Honorifics in Japanese contribute to the overall characterisation and tone of the dialogue, and you do that in English by writing lines for the characters that use English words to express that same character and tone. Most of the time, the correct "translation" for an honorific is no honorific, and other issues can be worked around as appropriate. It just requires a little more creativity.
Professional translations for games, novels, etc rarely use Japanese honorifics at all - it's more of an anime/manga thing. And I can assure you that there is no special version of Japanese used in anime/manga where honorifics matter.

It was pretty clear that your post on Crymore was sarcasm, just wanted to say. More importantly, Daiz said that Nyaa was down because he's adding features but didn't mention when it'd be back up, do you happen to know?

Soon (tm)

You've played the Hyperdimension Neptunia game, right? How is it in comparison to the anime?

I've played bits of 1 and 2, but I've only seen videos of Victory (had to look up a few key scenes to see what to use in the anime, like when Yellow Heart lands on Noire). They're pretty by-the-numbers dungeon crawler JRPGs. Nothing too special, but the translation is pretty funny (and there's obviously a lot more content since the anime tries to cram stuff from all three games into a one-cour show).

Do honorifics matter in subs? I've read fotc's post in which he satirized people who have a double standard regarding certain classes of honorifics. I agree with him; it's standard for pronouns, antihonorifics, and verb conjugations to be translated. So why not name-suffix honorifics too?

Because that's what the general audience of fansubs is used to and what they expect.
I don't really care either way myself because there are far, far more important things out there than whether honorifics get translated or not. It's easier for me to just leave them in and less people complain if I do, so unless:
a) group policy prohibits it,
b) I'm working with a simulcast or base script that doesn't have them to begin with,
c) the TL prefers not to use them, or
d) they are incompatible with the setting or target audience,
I usually just keep them.
But yes, by rights they should be translated along with everything else. There isn't really a good argument for keeping them besides "it's always been done this way".

Why does Daiz insist monopolies are good? This isn't very good right now.

I don't recall him insisting that.
There are plenty of alternatives to NT that you are free to use if you wish.

How good are you Japanese? Have you taken classes or just self-study?

Good enough to understand like 85% of Hanahira (so not very, I guess?) I'm taking the JLPT N4 in December because why not.
I took a bunch of classes back in like 2005-2006 and went to a community class thing in Japan in 2007-2008. Haven't taken any since then.

Herkz told me to ask you: Will we see Working''!! in Commie's Wagnaria next year?

No idea. Ask me when it has an air date, etc.

Is there any particular food that you hate/dislike?

I don't really like risotto for some reason. Possibly habit.
Beyond that, pretty much anything with a gristly texture like meat with a lot of hard, chewy fat kinda grosses me out. I also had an allergy to dairy when I was a kid, so I got into the habit of drinking soymilk and adding it to my cereal. I'm fine with dairy products now, but milk just tastes weird to me, so I've stuck with soy.

What's the main difference between Hi444PP and Hi10P?

I may have answered this already, but:
What people generally refer to as "Hi444P" is a 10bit encode with 4:4:4 chroma as opposed to the usual 4:2:0, which gives it double the chroma resolution. This makes colours, especially reds, show up sharper. No Game No Life is pretty much the poster child for a show that benefits from 4:4:4 chroma: http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison.php?id=81795
Note that the chroma resolution is separate from the colour depth, so you can have 8bit encodes with 4:4:4 chroma just as easily. Using Hi10p and Hi444p as terms can be a bit misleading for that reason, because Hi444p says nothing about the colour depth (as opposed to Hi10p which is basically just "the High profile encoded with a 10-bit x264 executable").
As for why people aren't doing all their encodes in 4:4:4 already, it really only works for 720p and even then you have to upscale the chroma (BDs are 1080p and are encoded in 4:2:0 like basically everything else, so if you consider that 4:2:0 has half the chroma resolution, you're actually only getting 540p chroma to begin with). It also takes up more space and requires more CPU power to decode, and the benefits aren't always worth it. But for 720p encodes of shows that have a lot of red, it's usually pretty good.

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Why does my MPC (I'm using KCP) render all of Femme's releases in 8bit despite it being 10bit?

Probably because Femme's encodes use 4:4:4 chroma sampling instead of the usual 4:2:0, but beats me as to why it'd do that. I'm using CCCP+madVR and all the 4:4:4 encodes I've tried have worked fine.

Is Mushishi Zoku Shou TV batch gonna happen soon?

Not until the end of the second half in fall. There isn't much to fix anyway.

Are the scripts on Vivid's site updated for the batches? i.e. if I'm on the Isshuukan Friends page, and there's "Isshuukan Friends. 01 - torrent - script" <--- is that script there updated?

Yes, all the scripts on the site are the most recent versions available.

Did you train yourself before joining Commie or did they train you? Did you start as a jack of all trades, or just a timing slave?

The latter (I only knew a little bit about the process in general, and nothing about Aegisub or the likes).
I joined mid-season as an editor and went through the timing and typesetting internship programs to have something to do. I picked up encoding a while later when I subbed Binbougami ga! at gg.


Language: English