

Ask @Xythar

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Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

no. who does that

Any idea where where I can find Commie's Natsu no Arashi S2? No seeds on Nyaa, and there's only a single episode on the XDCC... From what I've read, the CR subs everyone else uses are awful.

not a clue, sorry. way before my time

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Does the phrase "a springer on the rand bringeth cumber and strand" ring true to you?

i don't know what that means and i can't be bothered googling it

Any rhythm games on PC you can recommend?

djmax trilogy is the only one i really enjoyed (beyond playing random pad files in stepmania)

how do you encode in hi444p??

firstly you need to output in the correct format. i usually use one of the functions here for that: http://sprunge.us/fiKS
if it shows as YV24 in avsp, you're good
you also need to pass the --input-csp i444 and --output-csp i444 arguments to x264
if you're using something like avs2yuv you may also need to specify the colourspace there (ie -csp i444)
that's basically it

How much would I have to pay someone to fansub an episode of an anime that was forgotten?

however much they're willing to do it for, i guess?

Ok no problem. I will go with HS then. What about mirai wo motomete??

should be finished by the end of the year. vol3-4 are mostly done and I have holidays coming up

If you had to change your first name, what name would you choose?

I'd just add a 2 to it, like whenever I'm forced to change my password


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