

Ask @Xythar

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How come caffeine's quality is so much higher than DDY's, then?

Management is actually really important.
Having someone competent at the head of every project (and more importantly, looking over every release) will increase a group's average quality quite a bit, and its perceived quality even more. You can see that just from this question - DDY's actually had plenty of good releases, but the bad ones drag its perceived quality down.
This is also the problem with Anime-Koi, by the way. If those in charge aren't capable of enforcing quality, even good staff can put out bad subs on the whole.

How come no A+ for Rolling Girls? Was it because the tv source was so terrible?

I don't think it ever got a conclusive review

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Why did/do so many Kaylith/caffeine devs work for DDY?

Everyone works everywhere in fansubbing. There are few to no actually isolated groups.

>Get get the batch | They don't got a batch for the TV version sadly :S. I tried looking, which is originally why I downloaded the only batch out there (Which of course used Hatsu's subs -.-)

another thing to blame coalgirls for

>Underwater-Commie >Commie doing joints. Literally what?

[gg-Commie-Ryuumaru-Tsubaki-DotA-Rage-O-L-Kanketsu-Hen-Testarossa-BulletBuster-Exe] Katanagatari - 01v2 [9DEDFB39].mkv

I read the latest blog on Vivid's site. Considering my question to unanimated was about help with a sign, would I just be better off asking in #ITW? Seems like he's not that interested in typesetting / anime in general. ;_;

ITW is probably your best bet either way because unanimated hangs around there, and if he's busy someone else might be able to help

Who to go for Hanasaku Iroha? Hatsu-Tsuki or Underwater-Commie? I'm guessing the latter? I dled Coalgirls since it was BD but then noticed it was Hatsu-Tsuki script lol...

Yeah, just get Underwater's TV batch or something. I watched it recently, no complaints.

>Alright | Xythar, pls

I'm not super formal when writing stuff on the internet. I also frequently leave commas out that technically should be there.

Personally, do you prefer British English or American English?

It's kinda hard to have a preference on something so arbitrary, but British English is what I grew up with, so I tend to use it by default.

Pls do Hanamayata BDs ;__; FFF will take at least one year.

BakaProxy was encoding for Kaylith before they died IIRC. Should ask him to do them for another group.

Does Vivid have any plans for saving that kyoani show next season?

Unlikely. I'm not particularly interested in subbing it unless it ends up unlicensed, and even then a TL would basically have to fall into my lap.

What time is unanimated usually on irc (in AEST, ie your time zone)? I need to ask him something!

I'm not really sure. His sleep schedule isn't too consistent. Maybe try in the mornings?

I'm well aware about the fact that scanlations have too many grammar mistakes, so let's cross that out. I'm kinda troubled when encounter this problem in online articles. But after Xythar said it could also means "had", I think it makes sense now. I forget the sources so I can't give exact examples.


I see you in the peer list of some Saekano BDMV. You will do it?

Wow stalker
I actually just grabbed it because it was freeleech and I wanted more uploads. I'd actually be willing to do it because I like the show, but I assume FFF will be, so no point.

What does apostrophe d ('d) mean? From what I learned in my school days it means 'would'. But occasionally I find cases where 'would' just didn't fit, like in articles, scanlations, or even subtitles. I'm esl, so I don't quite understand about this.

It's usually "would", but people sometimes use it as a shorthand for "had" as well. I'd have to see examples to be any more specific than that.

What the fuck is Shirts problem seriously? Cross ange ;_;

Fansubbing is a very low priority in his life.
Which isn't necessarily something I can fault someone for alone, but he picks up way too much considering that.

Any recommendations for PC FPS or RPGs?

I don't know too many good new games in those categories. For older FPSes I highly recommend Monolith's games like NOLF, NOLF2, and Tron 2.0, but those probably are kinda old at this point. The first couple of Serious Sam games were great too.
For RPGs, Trails in the Sky?

ESL here and I just heard someone talk abut passive verbs being discouraged, but what even are passive verbs?

Writing in the passive voice, so specifying that something happened without saying who did it.
Active: We made lunch
Passive: Lunch was made

Houkago no Pleiades looks VERY comfy, dontcha think?

I don't know. I'm not even sure what that term means anymore.


Language: English