

Ask @Xythar

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My biggest gripe with Funi by far is their sub-styling (or lack thereof). To still \an8 everything is just sad, and considering they hardsub everything, they don't have the excuse of "flash player can't render advanced typesetting."

No official subs have good typesetting though so the difference is kinda unimportant

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I think in recent times at least, Funi's worst has been far worse than CR's.

Nah, not really. For every No-Rin there's a Haikyuu.

>I don't really see why people always single out Funi... | Because they're still not with the times. They continue to use the shitty ass font, ugly styling with it and their use of using "-" will lose some people when following subs. The shows they do pick up generally have terrible editing as well.

All that stuff is kinda superficial though, you know? Like, the quality of the script itself is a hundred times more important than how overlaps are handled.
And yeah, Funi have their share of shitty scripts, but so do CR. They also have good scripts every now and then, like Waremete. But I've seen enough really bad scripts from CR as well to consider it a problem with prosub standards in general (namely that people don't care, so there's no reason to improve).

Are dubs actually legit? Is there any show you would rather watch with dubs?

Space Dandy for one. Steins;Gate and PSG are both a hell of a lot funnier with the dub script, shame about S;G's voice acting though
Baccano! was pretty good too IIRC

FUNi also has really bad dubs, kills BD releases with cropping and awful mastering and not their fault, but FUNi rips are hardsubbed and are wrongly tagged so colors are bad if played without fixing that, so leechers don't like them. Also not enough memes of course.

Dubs are still a mixed bag, though. Two of the best dubs I've seen (well, besides Ghibli movies and stuff) were by Funi.

Why is Funimation ruining anime?

I don't really see why people always single out Funi as the "bad" simulcaster. They have good and bad subs, same as CR. People just seem to be a lot more forgiving of CR for some reason.

Why is it so taxing to render subtitles/typesetting when the same PC can play 3D games just fine?

Sub rendering is single-threaded and generally not very well optimised for what it is

>[notfuni] Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai - A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd - 10-12. Will you wait for >shirt or will you accept Skiddiks as your editor for the last 2 eps?

I will probably just watch those because fuck shirt

So most of the funi shows didn't get blue? Or did any funi show get blue?

Sure? Absolute Duo, Assclass, Yatterman, etc

re: rolling girls - too close to call because of the encode? I saw D_S throwing a hissy fit about it in his reviews

Nah, more like the scripts. The video quality isn't great but there's not much that can be done when TV is the only usable source.

unanimated seems to be a smart and decent guy, one of the rare individuals in the scene between all the snobs and copies of those.

Yeah, he doesn't care for ego or drama.

Oh, I actually didn't know the other 2 sites were down. That probably explains the rapid increase in comparisons... I'll probably allow yours to stay as with a few other fansubbers'. It's just that when people start using it for test encodes and post 10 of them a day that it starts to get to me.

Well, I don't know why they bother using it for stuff that they can easily compare locally, but yeah.

When will people stop abusing BakaCompare? I just spent 20 minutes cleaning up random one frame test encode comparisons. Yours aren't like that but they're still irrelevant to BakaBT. Can I delete them now?

If you're so hard up for space that ~5mb of comparison images makes a difference, you can delete them whenever. It'll suck for anyone who reads http://ask.fm/Xythar/answer/124908343160 after that point, though.
I assume people will stop "abusing" it whenever screenshotcomparison works again (or check2pic starts accepting new submissions), but right now your site is literally the only such site I know of that actually works. Is it really that big a deal that people are using a screenshot comparison site to compare screenshots? If you don't like them flooding the index you could add an "unlisted" option or something.

>As far as I can see it doesn't really have any quality advantages over h264 at the moment but muh ten bits in one of main profiles.


>I don't even know what country he lives in. Thanks - now I want to know what country he lives in AND how old he is!

And the mysteries only multiply...

Well I mean, if you use long encoding times on x265 shouldn't the size be lower and have the same quality?

Not really because current HEVC encoders are only 8bit (unless something's changed since last I heard) and generally don't look as good as 10bit h264. Daiz is the person to ask about this, though, because he's actually experimented with HEVC before. I'm just going by hearsay.

tfw unanimated will never make his age public knowledge

There are a lot of things about unanimated that aren't public knowledge. I don't even know what country he lives in.

What's your opinion on maybe using HEVC for stuff like BDs and stuff where fast encoding times are not necessary?

As far as I can see it doesn't really have any quality advantages over h264 at the moment, and when BDs are concerned, quality wins out every time.


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