

Ask @Xythar

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I could never talk to you/ask you anything if it wasn't here, so yay for ask.fm and anonymity. Since I bet you wouldn't want to talk to non-cartel plebs :(

I'll talk to anyone as long as they're not a jerk, honestly.

>though seriously it's not hard to just pop into irc and ask people these things yourself. Not that guy, but that's really scary

The worst that can happen is that they'll ban you!

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How come Lyger never posts anything on kdfss?

[Xythar] lyger why do you never post anything on kdfss
[escro] ikr
[escro] i check that shit every day on the bus to work
[lyger] sorry ;_;
[lyger] eh now that you mention it I'll write something up about my students
[lyger] I oughta write more
ask.fm, Making A Difference
(though seriously it's not hard to just pop into irc and ask people these things yourself)

I quickly googled this 'MiniMKV.' I don't really understand the purpose. Is it just a filesize fad thing?

Yes, it's just about reducing the filesize of encodes far past the boundaries of sense.
Weirdly, most of the people doing them insist on ~80-100mb 720p files which are eyecancer by any reckoning. No one thinks of doing the same at 480p where it might actually be bearable.

Who is the oldest person in fansubbing in terms of how long they've been subbing for?

Whoever it is would have been around far longer than me, so I have no idea.

I guess Nagi no Asukara BD's ain't gonna happen? Also any news on the TV batch?

BDs are at FFF. Should hopefully see some movement on those eventually.
TV batch is basically done but I still need to script the muxing, make the patches, and get everything onto the server. Maybe sometime when NT is back up.

Is Hi10 banned from submitting to Nyaa and if so, how come?

Extremely bitstarved re-encodes (so basically anything "MiniMKV") are disallowed as per the rules.

What happened to Margaan?

Don't know - he just disappeared after Noucome. I guess he wanted out.
We're all poorer for having lost him.

When exactly did people start hating on Kristen? (I like fansub drama, lol.)

Well before my time. Maybe since the very beginning!

How many fansubbers grow to hate anime?

I think it'd be weird to start hating anime just because you work with it for your hobby. It'd likely come from other reasons.
Don't really have a figure, anyway. It's more common for people to get tired of fansubbing if anything.

Holy shit, the premise of that twintails show sounds terrible. But I hope it's fun or something.

I don't think any aspect of it is intended remotely seriously, so it should be fun, yeah

What shows is Vivid doing next season?

I'm looking at Amagi Brilliant Park. It's not a certainty yet, but it seems likely.
I'm also *considering* Shirobako because it's PA Works and Mizushima, but to be honest the PV doesn't fill me with confidence and I get the feeling it's going to have a ton of signs, so picking it up would depend on ep1 being not terrible, having a willing typesetter, and having it air on a day when I'm not doing stuff already (ie not Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday). So don't count on it.
We've also got Akame ga Kill continuing and the second half of Mushishi Zoku-Shou.

Are you still working with Commie anymore?

Yes, I'm editing Sailor Moon Crystal and will probably do that twintails show next season if scheduling allows

Do you play/read Visual Novels? If so, what are your favorite titles?

The first proper VNs I read were the Infinity series in English (Remember11 and then Ever17) and I think they're probably still my favourite. I'm working on getting enough practice with Japanese to read all the apparently-awesome stuff that never gets translated, though. I'd definitely like to read Root Double, though unfortunately right now my Japanese is more like Hanahira level.

Does unanimated hate herkz?

I get the distinct impression that he doesn't like him very much, but not like I can speak for his feelings.

Do you know what a good set of speakers for under $300 would be?

I'm still using the same Logitech desktop speakers I bought for $120 in 2005, so I may not be the best person to ask here.

Y-Yama no Susume? I really don't want to use Doki... ;_;

Nothing to do with me, I'm afraid. That one's in Southrop, skiddiks and Hdr's hands.


Language: English