

Ask @Xythar

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What is your MBTI personality?

Every time I took that test I got a different result, so I have no idea. Seems like a load of crap to me, really.

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Do you know if Underwater's Parasyte is being TLC'd? Or is CR's translation very good?

The latter. It doesn't get edited much, but it doesn't need to be, because it's one of the best CR scripts I've ever seen.

How are you even putting up with Isuca? I mean, it's only 10 eps, but all about it is so fucking bad. Plus you have DDY using a dumb looking multicolor font for the dialogue, effects for the attacks and 2 sub tracks.

I find it unintentionally humorous

To be fair, FFF/yolo's Love Live S2 was unwatchable because MX and CG don't mix well. I can't blame those who actually waited a few days for CR.

Yes, that's true as well, though to be honest I doubt it factored into most people's decisions.

Woops, sorry! From the way you phrased it I thought you meant fnord and ameburi-TL had the same approach regarding translation, instead of regarding editing. So that there's actually a question here: any particular font you prefer for dialogue, or do you usually let other staff decide?

I have a few I like, but often I just let Daiz or unanimated pick

Is there any reason as to why you can't just have TL notes for a show such as SYD where it would allow for a much easier workflow for the TL and the editor? I understand wanting to not use TL notes, but sometimes compromises have to be made u kno

It's just pointless. Why bother subbing if you can't translate without explaining every line to the viewer?

Did you find Japanese Grammer difficult to learn?

Well, it's not like I know anywhere near as much as I'd like. Many lines still throw me for a loop, so yes.

fnord (twintail) and the translator who worked on Ameburi (do they not have a username or something?) had the same approach to their respective shows? Huh, didn't really seem they did, to be honest.

I didn't say that - just that the approach used for each show came from the translator, not from me.

Worst show you're watching? Won't even bother with the inverse because we all know you love Shirobako

Isuca, probably

A while ago, in a Twiter discussion with Daiz, you said you "believe dual-tracking is a waste of time". Why? Surely having one track with honourifics and one without like Underwater does with some shows would keep both sides happy and avoid unnecessary bickering?

It's a pointless thing to draw a line in the sand about. The mere presence of honorifics doesn't make a show "literal", and frankly, both sides can deal with it if a release doesn't fit the preference. People who don't care about honorifics can simply ignore them if they're there, and people who do can simply hear them in the audio if they're not. The whole holy war over what basically amounts to sub aesthetics is pretty useless.
I think whoever subs the show should pick whichever approach they believe fits it better and tell people who don't like it to get over it. Personally, I don't give a damn whether a show I'm watching has honorifics or not - I'm far more concerned with the quality of the script itself. And frankly, if you make a new track for every little thing people might complain about, it won't be long before you have 16 tracks for every show with every possible combination of every pointless choice (translated attack names? Sis or Onee-chan? TL notes instead of joke translations? Mahjong terminology? Verbal tics?). Screw that. Have the guts to pick the approach you think is best and stand by it.
It's honorifics, by the way, even in British English.

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Do you have a favourite animation studio? Is there one that consistently (well, most of the time) produce shows you like?

If we go by "most number of shows I've really liked", then PA Works. They have a tendency to produce really bad shows every now and then, though, and there's really no middle ground.

Do you have any opinion on how liberal one should go when editing? Like do you rather go with more literal approach or go really liberal and deviate from the meaning alot? I've seen you do the latter with twintails lol, unless it was all fnord. Btw I think your Amagi was pretty much perfect balance.

The approach we used for Twintails mostly came from fnord (same for Amaburi and the translator who worked on that, incidentally). As an editor, I usually try to back up the translator rather than do my own thing (unless the original script is unusable without heavy rewriting), so I try to keep my tone and style consistent with what they've established. I did relatively little editing on both those shows as the translators knew what they were doing already.
I've never really thought about how "liberal" or "literal" to go when editing - it's not really a sliding scale. If I feel the line doesn't work, doesn't make sense, or doesn't fit the tone, I change it for one that does. If the translator feels the new line isn't accurate, we go back and forth until we find a line we're both happy with. Any decent script will probably contain a mixture of lines that people would consider "literal" and "liberal" because some lines work just fine when literally translated from Japanese and some do not. As Futsuu said once, no translator approaches a show thinking "I'm going to change every line to be something different because I'm a Liberal Translator!!"

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They're good if done well (see: Non Non Biyori) but tend to be painfully boring otherwise. | My thoughts exactly. I feel like most of them are just too boring to watch, but NNB was definitely an exception to the rule. How did you feel about Gochiusa? I think you edited that one too?

Gochiusa was decent. On the upper end of CGDCT, for sure, but I felt like it still got a little boring from time to time. I'm still up for doing s2 though because lyger does really good work.

Who translated Love Live for FFF? And how is it that Horriblesubs got almost as many downloads as FFF despite being slower, worse translated, no typesetting, no translated song, and so on? I just don't understand it.

convexity is the Love Live translator, I believe.
Name recognition. A lot of people just get their anime from the HorribleSubs webpage without even looking at a torrent site. When they have everything already, you don't feel the need to explore, you know?


Language: English