

Ask @Xythar

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Isn't it hypocritical for you to defend transgender people, saying they should be treated as their preferred gender and equal, and then rail on Kristen for the exact same thing?

I don't do that, though? I dislike Kristen for being a jerk, but that's another matter entirely.

0.2% of deaths with trans victims per year in Brazil is quite small. It's still awful, I'm not denying that. Minorities (religion or lack thereof, sexual orientation, gender, etc) being targets of murders are sadly the reality, crazy people are everywhere. It's not just a trans issue, tbh...

Murders specifically targeting trans people for being trans people *are* a trans issue. I'm not saying there aren't many groups marginalised in this way, but that doesn't make this one any less important.

hey, it's really fucken cool to see you stand up for moving in the right direction, even with all these dudes with gross attitudes giving you shit for it, even friends. i've gained a hell of a lot of respect for you in the past few days

Thanks. That really does mean a lot to me.

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>Brazil (644), Mexico (177), Venezuela (83), Colombia (82), Honduras (70), Turkey (37), India (37), Philippines (32) Most of those countries have large murder rates. Brazil for example has over 50 thousand murders per year, and those 644 are since 2008. Not that I disagree with what you say.

See the answer right before this one.

Pretty sure people get killed for many reasons. What makes trans murders that any more special?

Yes, all people get killed for many reasons. Trans people also get killed for the same reasons *on top of* being killed solely for being trans people. It's cumulative. Cis people get killed, but they don't get killed for being cis - while trans people do get killed for being trans. That's not right and it should stop.

Why herkz blocked Daiz? I thought the cartel is one team. Is the cartel dead now? And also what's with the beef about jdp?

herkz and Daiz never worked together anyway so I'm not really seeing the issue here.
jdp is just an asshole.

screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/122463 which is better?

Not really seeing an appreciable difference, and when actually watching that frame will probably go past too fast for you to notice anyway.

there's no chances of Fate Stay Night 13 or 14 being released this weekend is there?

No one knows what the future holds...
They're edited at least, awaiting TLC and such. I don't really have much time to work on other stuff over the weekends though since I'm busy with other shows.

caffeine or Chihiro for Mikagura? caffeine seems kind of up and down in terms of quality.

Hasn't been checked yet, but my instinct is to avoid Chihiro except in the rare case when they're actually good. And their staff for this show do not fill me with confidence.

If you ask literally ANYONE if "gender" and "sex" were the same thing, they'd tell you yes. The only people who think otherwise are people like you who thinks gender is a "choice" or that gender is what ever you feel like.

Yes, it's almost like the majority of people have harmful views on transgenderism and transgender people are a heavily marginalised minority. I'm as shocked as you are.
I wonder how long ago you could say this about sexual preference?

There are literally so few transgender murders that a Wikipedia page can succinctly list all of them. It's sad, but I think you're blowing it out of proportion.

>In total, the preliminary results show 1,612 reports of murdered trans people in 62 countries since January 2008.
Not that this should even be the point, because do I really need to ask you how many transgender people need to die before it becomes enough of a problem to be worth slightly inconveniencing ourselves by watching the way we speak about them? Like, really?
And yes, society's views on them are shit and need to change. Let's have a look at what the fine folks comprising the peanut gallery on Crymore have had to say about my latest radical bout of ideas, which amount to nothing more than "hey, maybe we should treat trans people like people" in the attached image.
You can't even say, "Hey, maybe these people should be treated like people and not like freaks so that hopefully less of them will die" without random shitheads snickering at you from afar. And all I've done is speak about it - imagine what life is like for the people who actually have to *live* it every day.
Empathy must be in pretty short supply on the Internet when actually expressing it gets you labelled as deviating from the norm.

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> I am under no obligation to answer you if you feel compelled to be an asshole - Do you mean especially that topic or all topics even shitposting like asking "Why are you useless"? :(

This stuff is fine. If you need to ask, you're probably not being an asshole.

So? If they get an operation to change themselves, you can't call them natural no matter what. That's like saying someone who got a boobjob has natural breasts because she always identified herself as big-breasted.

Go back and actually read the link this time. I'll be deleting further questions about issues that are clearly addressed on the page.
A person does not need surgery to be transgender, and I don't see how anything can be more natural than the identity we are born with.
Edit for people joining us just now: I am under no obligation to answer you if you feel compelled to be an asshole. Your questions will be as dust on the wind without anyone even seeing them, so don't waste your time.

>there’ll only be 1080p for the BDs. | I doubt u want but, will u help here? my laptop can't handle playing 1080p. and i know i'm not the only one.

There are a billion re-encoders out there. I'm sure one of them will step in to do something actually useful for once.

What's your tumblr page? I wish to read more of your SJW ramblings about cis scum and white privilege.

Yeah trying not to say shitty things that literally get people killed is a pretty out there idea. I'm one of those "let's not be shitty to people" extremists.

Trans people aren't natural, though. Using that term would be a valid means of distinction.

I think viewpoints like these pretty aptly depict the dangers of defamatory/dehumanising language. The perception of trans people as "not real" directly leads to harassment, violence, and murder, despite the fact that they identify with their gender just as much as cis people:
So no, it's not acceptable to use words like "natural" here. Trans people are born as the gender they identify with just as naturally as cis people are.

>which is fine, but what do you do if you specifically want to say you or someone else isn't trans? - Natural?

Maybe if you're the kind of person who sees nothing wrong with this ad

>mal has been useless for years. Dude, has it ever been useful?

I remember the fansub group section being bad but not quite this bad back in 2010 or so.

Man, the MAL ratings/comments for Oregairu Zoku subs... RIP being useful even just for comedy.

mal has been useless for years tbh


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