

Ask @Xythar

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ever been on episode 9 of a show you're sick of but you thought it was 1 cour so you go fuck it I'll finish it then it turns out it's 2 cour?

nah, i would probably just drop it

Do you ever watch dubbed anime?

if the script is good (eg Steins;Gate, PSG) then sure
if it's just the sub script read out by english VAs i'll probably pass

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Since you're the editor for Commie's Boku dake release, I have a question: why does the mom say 'ere, as opposed to "here"? Is it because of her dialect or something (I'm woefully ignorant in this topic,).

yes, dialect/accent

Generally how good are CR, FUNi, and Sentai at translations? How good was FUNi before No-Rin?

it seriously depends
funi used to be pretty good in the past. i remember guilty crown and shana s3 barely needed editing

"Someone else's BD release" | Oh I think I get it. So if jnmbs's release was a TV release, it would have been okay?

yes, provided they (jnmbs) didn't do their own BD release first.

Do you know why Coalgirls received a remake status for their Tamako Love Story movie? Didn't they just do what they always do: their own encode + someone else's script? Any idea what the best release is? I know this is @herkzz territory, but he blocked me because I sent him a question while drunk.

and it counts as a remake if they used someone else's bd release to do their own (jnmbs, in this case). upgrading a tv release to bd is different

Rank the official subs from shit to least shit. Media Blasters, Discotek, FUNi, Aniplex, Rightstuf, CR, Daisuki, VIZ, Sentai, ADV, Bandai, Geneon.

just pretend I copy and pasted "it depends on the show and the staff working on it" once for each name listed there

Alternatively, licensors could just make something worth paying for.

there will always be people who don't want to pay, no matter how good the product is.

Do you think anime piracy would be significantly reduced if licensors offered .mkv, softsubbed downloads of their releases? Then, fansub groups could release just their sub files. Let's also pretend the encode is good. Users could download directly from Funi, CR, etc. and add preferred fansubs.

Let's not kid ourselves here: piracy will exist as long as there are things that cost money which people don't want to pay for. I just want there to be a legal option that does the show justice.
Liked by: Eelz Tsuki Fyurie

WTF is a comma splice and why are you so salty about it?

A comma splice is when you use a comma to join two sentences that would otherwise stand on their own without using a coordinating conjunction like 'and' or 'but'. For example, the first comma splice I ever made while editing:
"She tends to be a bit dramatic, it shows in her acting."
This should properly be written one of the following ways:
"She tends to be a bit dramatic. It shows in her acting." (two sentences)
"She tends to be a bit dramatic, and it shows in her acting." (coordinating conjunction)
"She tends to be a bit dramatic; it shows in her acting." (semicolon)
I wouldn't say I'm "salty", as it's a mistake a lot of people make (including me back in the day!) but it's something you tend to notice easily with editing experience, meaning that it gets on your nerves more than it would for other people. A hazard of the job, I guess?

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If this is any help, the CGi Aikatsu is poorly synced. Typesetting flashes and timing. I've never seen more scene bleeds in my life. I don't know if the poor timing comes from the Mezashite releases though.

probably just them being incompetent

Can you give them a review? From what I saw they're the best option since they fix the Mezashite errors, make the karaokes more readable, and don't have MPEG2 artifacts in the songs.

the "fix" doesn't fill me with confidence. I'd rather someone from mezashite check it out and advise whether they approve of transferring the A+
I'd probably also wait until there's one big batch

>well, whatever it is, it's pretty cool. Xythar pls, Chihayafuru, Usagi Drop or Honey and Clover are some examples of the demographic.

I know what it means

Why isn't Coalgirls's Aikatsu A+?

i had no idea they were even doing aikatsu so i may be the wrong person to ask

Yeah, while watching I was thinking the show would be a bitch to both translate and edit. It definitely surprised me though, anime really needs more josei adaptations.

josei, huh? well, whatever it is, it's pretty cool

Did you like Rakugo? I think it was pretty damn good.

it was pretty neat, yeah, though there were a few lines that kinda fell flat in the translation

Should I patiently wait for the Symphogear BDs or should I just go ahead and watch the TV version?

there's been a fair bit of stuff to fix with G so i'd recommend waiting but up to you!


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