

Ask @Xythar

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> Don't care for Durarara - Well, that's one of the best shows Vivid subbed (imo).

I liked s1 but I felt like x2 Shou kinda fizzled out. Strong start but I stopped caring after the first arc, not to mention the production absolutely went to hell around that point too.
Haven't watched x2 Ten yet.

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http://puu.sh/jeonW/a3ed98adf8.jpg - Thanks, I'll wait for the v2 (ep3 from Umaru) ... I don't like my typeset in Arial. Or can you upload the fonts pls.?

I have nothing to do with the QC, muxing, releasing, or distro for kdfss. I just edit the script.
I'll let lyger know when I get home if he hasn't been informed already.

What didn't you become an doctor like we wanted you to be?

How many doctors do you know who still fansub?

you know anyone doing the psycho pass movie?

Your options are anon subs (which are apparently decent) or waiting for Funi's English BD

When does the last BD vol for Keksens come out? At this point it'll be when we finally get the last episode.

In a few months, probably

Hello, I tripped the word filter on IRC and got banned. Could you please unban me? I typed ".quote search xd". IRC: Razkuba

I'm at work, so you'll need to ask someone else, sorry

How is this different from just remuxing it though | It's like a hundred times faster than remuxing.

I guess

When you and someone you're working with disagree on which of two lines sound more natural/grammatical/glittery, how do you resolve the disagreement?

Usually the editor gets final say, though most of the time it's not that hard to come to an agreement

thoughts on the anonsubs for the psychopass movie?

fnord watched them and said they were surprisingly good, so I guess I'll check them out later

I'm going to drop the manga project, you're right Xythar. It's too time consuming and never really rewarding. You're the best!

Any time

[翠星之加尔刚蒂亚~遥远的巡回航路~][Suisei no Gargantia: Meguru Kouro, Haruka][翠星のガルガンティア ~めぐる航路、遥か~][BDMV][OVA Vol.2 Fin][U2娘@Share] Finally!

Yep, getting it

How can I be more excited to work on 1500 pages of a manga? I gave up after the first 200 but I gotta find a way to keep going...

Well, you could also drop it

If Madoka didn't exist would you still be interested in anime? Why?

This may come as a shock but I did watch anime before 2011

Is there a way to just change the default audio and sub tracks on an mkv without having to remux it?

Doubt it, but remuxing should be fine?

Why does SallySubs still have trusted? They ALWAYS use the worst subs, like they literally try to pick the worst, and their encodes are shit.

The bar for trusted is rather low, apparently

>Last I saw their subs weren't exactly good. Not sure about now. herkz said he thought they were good.

Based on which release?

I wouldn't say it's weeabooism, since you don't see them complaining much about things like the lack of honorifics there. It's due to cynicism and paranoia of legit troll/meme subs, and due to thinking that subs = guide to learning the language, instead of conveying its meanings.

yes, I'd say that's a pretty good assessment
tbh you're not gonna learn much until you start watching raw, so I think making subs aimed at people who don't have any knowledge of the language is the most sensible approach


Language: English