

Ask @Xythar

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What do I need to become part of >commie?

Apply during a recruitment period and pass the tests. Or be a translator and pass the translator test.

Who's fansubber you know personally/often meet?

What, in real life? I've met a few fansubbers in the past, but there's nobody I see regularly because I don't know any active fansubbers who live in Melbourne.

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What are the chances of getting all Symphogayh G BDs out before S3?

That will entirely depend on torchlight, really. Hopefully we can.

Looking at how you answer all these question, you seem nice and level-headed. Are you perhaps over 40s?

Thanks, though I'm not quite that old yet. I'm 31.

Since people are asking you opinions, which I'm sure has been asked 10000 times before. But... scrolling down to find that is rather annoying. What's your opinion on DDY/A-K?

Highly dependent on individual staff. Both groups have put out decent releases (DDY more so than Akoi, especially as the latter tends to change staff mid-show at the drop of a hat) but I wouldn't say their quality is all that consistent overall.

Opinion on caffeine?

I actually haven't watched any of their releases, but from what I saw of Kaylith, they have competent staff.

Which channels (that air anime) are free, and which are paid? All I know is ATX is a paid channel.

It's mostly just the satellite ones, I think? AT-X, WOWOW, and possibly the BS channels (not sure). aers would be a better person to ask than me as he is a Japanese TV Expert.

How does one recommend something for A+ on Nyaa?

You can flag torrents that you want reviewed for A+ status, though we review all major airing shows as a general rule. Feel free to also ask me about it here.

Fortunately the site is apparently dying soon | Really? I want to hear more.

I heard he was planning to retire the fansub review aspect of it which is pretty much the only reason anyone I know even cares. Guess we'll see!

I don't know do you read crymore anymore, but I hope you saw those Rolling Girls reviews. WTF happened to Cthune & Commie? So bad scripts + encodes. They ain't getting blues, right?

That's up to the people who review them.
Funi gets a better video source than Japanese TV, but I think calling the TV sources "unwatchable" is a bit of an exaggeration when those very same sources are the only way for the entire target audience to watch the show. I'm not going to say you shouldn't watch Funi's streams if it bothers you that much, but it helps to have some perspective.
I thought Commie's script was fine, haven't watched Cthune. After some of the shit D_S has put out in the past, I wouldn't trust him to judge his way out of a paper bag, and he knows literally nothing about any other aspect of fansubbing. Fortunately the site is apparently dying soon.

Yay, more Symphogear G BDs. How about OVA 2? Thanks a lot!

Yeah that's been translated forever but it's been stalled since Hdr quit typesetting. I should probably just do it myself one day but it's effort.

How are you spending Straya day? Cracking open some VB and doing burnouts in yer Holden while listenin' to some Chisel?

Fansubbing, how else?

Why do people cry about bloats? These days everyone can just use megui, handbrake, ripbot, etc to encode it for themselves and yet the still criticize other people. Why is that?

Why do people complain about any aspect of fansubbing when anyone can fansub for themselves?

is having a higher bitrate meaning better video quality?

The only thing it means for sure is a larger file.
Some scenes require more bitrate than others to compress at the same level of quality. And if the issue is in the source (like a bunch of the blocked-up frames in PP2's ED) then no amount of bitrate will fix it.
All you can really do is look at the video yourself and see what you think.

why would you still recommend damedesuyo after all that happened recently?

Well, Underwater-FFF had no TLC besides the stuff I directly asked about (and I know we made a bunch of errors). Commie had no TLC. Eveyuu was an original TL, also with no TLC that I'm aware of (and vale's review was not promising). If I'm not mistaken, CDY had S0uten, who was probably the most competent translator to be directly involved with the show (and who was also the reason, for example, that Chihiro's Manga-ka got A+). I obviously like my editing better (and I think we did by far the best job of handling the shiritori game), but I'd be a hypocrite to suggest nice editing trumps TL accuracy.
This is a complete finger-in-the-air estimate since I didn't participate much in NGNL reviews, though. You're more than welcome to compare them and make your own decision. You can also refer to:

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What does "the bloat" mean?

Encoding video to a larger size than necessary
If you thought "but the definition of 'necessary' varies from person to person!", you win the grand prize.

How do I stop liking tacky things like kfx and typesetting so much? I wish I could just enjoy CR's dogshit releases, but I can't live without kfx and typesetting.

I dunno, I guess it just happens with time? I don't care as much as I used to as long as the script is good (unfortunately, it often isn't). I did watch CR for Barakamon and Funi for Waremete though.

DRRR Today? Aldnoah was pretty early.

DRRR will probably continue to come out on Sundays because of people's schedules. It goes through a few editing/TLC passes and there's a couple of QCs as well.


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