

Ask @Xythar

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>I think what you mean is that you don't care. There are a lot of questions I do not care about. But a least favourite vegetable? Step up, senpai. Not trying to be rude, just making you aware of the automated questions.

I think the "question of the day" label and lack of a new question alert makes that pretty obvious, but all right.
I don't answer them unless I have something to say.

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Are you seriously defending Commie's Inugami? There's a difference between translating jokes and memes from Japanese to English and blatant trolling. Commie's various epic ED lyrics were just "liberal", were they?

Nope, those were stupid.
But here's an example that came up in staff regarding the translation of a joke:
Looks like we're going to a karaoke box next week...
But I haven't gone to one before.
>That's nothing to be worried about.
It's embarrassing to have so many people watching you do something you've never done before.
>{\i1}She honestly doesn't realize that what she said should be more embarrassing. She must have a talent for this.
We're going to a karaoke place this weekend.
It's going to be my first time...
>Don't worry about it.
Everyone's gonna watch me do it for the first time...
It's so embarrassing!
>{\i1}That statement was far more embarrassing, if you ask me.
You wouldn't even realize there was a joke in the former with the way they phrased it. What's so embarrassing about the way the second-last line was phrased?
The most important part of a show like Inuneko is the humour. Granted, I haven't checked the rest of the scripts because I really don't care that much, but if the translation is like that overall (and there's a reason no one got A+ for the show), I would definitely go for Commie even if skiddiks decided to fuck with the ED lyrics on a couple of occasions, because the alternative would basically suck the enjoyment out of the show.

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I thought DameDesuYo was doing Amagi BDs?

That's why I was initially not going to bother, but if people in the group want to do BDs, we're doing BDs.

Is Vivid going to do the Amaburi BDs?

Quite possibly. I wasn't originally intending to, but it seems like people might be interested.

When will this "meme" meme stop? You should take the responsibility as the cartel leader and put an end to it, since I bet it was either you or herkz who started it.

But I never add memes to subs.

;_; Xythar, pls. Well, can you at least tell us if they're better than the current CR script?

I haven't watched the show, so this diffchecker is the best I can give you: https://www.diffchecker.com/vdimtamm
Anyone can do this by just grabbing the scripts off animetosho, by the way. It's what I usually do to get a quick overview of releases that I don't have time to watch.

>Gokukoku no Brynhildr: 3. Why? It was good. ;_;

I only watched it to the end because it was hilarious seeing how dumb the plot got.

Does DDY have any reliable TLCs? After that whole gatari show mess... I can't really see them having any.

That UtaxSilence/Nightowl64 guy definitely doesn't strike me as reliable, but I can't say I know anything about the rest.

when will you have finished learning japanese? we want to see your TLs

Well, you never really finish learning a language. In terms of having enough proficiency to translate things on my own, I started """learning""" like 10 years ago and haven't really gotten anywhere in that time, so it'll really depend on how motivated I am to actually read stuff. Maybe sometime in the next few years if I work hard.
I did translate Seki-kun OVA2, though I had TLC and the manga to refer to.

Does whoever encodes UW's Parastye do something specific with the sound? I have a set of Klipsch Quintet speakers and that particular show is much louder than other anime I watch. It's a lot nicer

Don't think so. As far as I know it's just the sound from CR, which can differ greatly in quality depending on the source.

Man, Chihiro using "nei" instead of "nej" in Absolute Duo is triggering my swedish ocd. Hate it so much. At least it's better than Funi's version. Did you know they misspelled Tooru's name as Thor?

Yeah, I heard about that. I haven't watched the show but it seems like an interesting misunderstanding on their part.

do you know who's in the Kantai sub group?

I think they listed their staff on their blog or whatever. Nobody I know.

how much do people (and you in particular) care about splicing in ncop/nced into the the episode itself instead of adding it as a seperate file?

I don't like doing it because I actually care about what the credits say, though I might be in the minority there.
I also base my song styling on credits pretty often, and in those cases, removing them makes the styling not make sense.
It's also not always simple or possible in shows where the OP and ED (especially ED) sometimes overlap with the show itself.

Watching kancolle?

[Xythar] >kancolle opens with some mushishi-ish narrator with old english subs
[Xythar] http://puu.sh/edsUX/cae55249d4.jpg cool surfing
[Xythar] yeah most of this show is just cute botes doing cute things
[Xythar] dropped
[Xythar] ep1 is actually pretty well animated for a dead studio tho
[Xythar] let's see if they can keep it up
[Xythar] also >no op or ed
[Xythar] literally the reason i downloaded this at all
[Hdr] did you expect anything different, Xythar?
[Hdr] the game is basically just cute botes doing cute bote things
[Xythar] i had no idea what to expect
[Xythar] but most of that ep was basically girlfriend beta with botes
[Xythar] or so i think
[Xythar] i kinda just skipped through after the first few minutes


Language: English