

Ask @Xythar

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Why do you think Nyaa is so badly seeded compared to let's say.... BakaBT? Purely due to volume of torrents?

BakaBT has around 16k selected batch torrents and an incentive for seeding. NT has almost 600k.

So you got in touch with vale and have an update on kekkai? And one more thing are you guys gonna finish ushinawareta mirai wo motomete??

Uh, I think he's looking at it, but it'll be done when it's done
Yes, by the end of the year. I'm like 75% of the way through vol 3-4 already

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Since I'm German, I wonder: Can I by any chance make an appointment with fnord-senpai?

I think you'd have better luck approaching him directly

A friend of mine continuously tells me that native English speakers never say "It can't be helped", at least not in a serious, nonhumorous way. While I say it is used; it is just used rather rarely, unlike some J-E translations. Who is right?

It's a perfectly valid turn of phrase - it wouldn't have become such a cliche translation if it wasn't. People say it all the time - heck, my mum says it, and she's not really much of an anime watcher. It's frowned upon because it's such an overused stock phrase, not because it's bad English.

Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

i can't think of any books i want to read that were written by animals so i'll go for the former

Would you like to be able to speak Romanian?

I don't really feel like I'd get enough use out of it to be worth the effort of learning

Remember, friend, the people behind the attacks in Paris tonight are not muslim. Don't fuel hatred. Don't mix everything together. Don't play the game of the far right.

yes, i know

So where is kekkai sensen? It has been already around a month. One of the best thing about vivid is that you guys don't stall shows like every single group (I'm not blaming them because every one has their own life to deal with) does as far as I can remember. But this is too late now isn't it??

yep, guess it is, huh

I'd assume return damage means you receive the full amount and return the full amount, while reflect damage means you receive none and reflect the full amount.

yeah i thought about that right after saying it

Is Undertale (rot13) ehvarq sbe zr vs V nyernql xabj gur sybjre vf n qvpx?

yby ab, lbh svaq gung bhg yvgrenyyl nobhg n zvahgr vagb gur tnzr
vg'f n avpr fhecevfr ohg vg'f uneqyl tnzr-oernxvat
(note: i reasked this question using rot13 so that other people who haven't played the game yet don't get spoiled by reading my ask - use http://rot13.com/ to decode)

may I ask about English, what's different between return damage and reflect damage? does reflecting also count as deflecting?

if i saw those two terms in an rpg i would assume that return damage only returns some of the damage and reflect returns it all, but there's no real set definition

What's your take on pornography and pornographic cartoons/anime (including ones involving loli)? Do you view it as degrading and bad, or you take a more sex-positive stance?

i don't really think "degrading and bad" and "sex-positive" are the only two options here
that said i'm probably not the right person to ask about this stuff since it doesn't really affect me

What do you generally think about lolis, the sexualisation of girl characters in anime and other Japanese media, and people who find those appealing? (I'm not talking about the "censorship" bullshit, mind you)

i think it's kinda out of control on /a/ and the like. it's like it's somehow impossible to discuss anime in a non sexual context there

I heard from topcore idol fans that imas CG S2 was actually TOP! EPIC! SWAG! unlike the mediocre S1.

I'll let them know

>Crappy ending >Kekkai Sensen / thx 4 the spoiler. Only because I'm waiting for Vivid ;_;

I should think that knowledge makes the wait less painful, if anything

Have you watched the 2nd cour of im@s:cg yet? do you know if Chibiki will do it? I've been waiting for them but if they won't do it maybe I should go watch HS or doki or something

last I heard a bunch of it was translated but stalled at RDF's karaoke and he's too busy with school this season or something
I think also nobody really likes the show very much so they're not particularly motivated to push it forward. Kinda like me and Kekkai Sensen's crappy ending. But as far as I know it's not dropped and may get done one day?


Language: English