

Ask @Xythar

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to my knowledge, hero mode is flipped/same as wii and regular is like the gc

that does seem to be the case, yeah

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You should be asking if it beats KiraKira's release. And it certainly does in the subs department. Also they reencoded the whole thing because KK looked way better than their first volumes or so. FFF should be your to go for Gochiusa, CGi should NEVER be your to go for anything really.

they should be the same in the subs department, surely...?
unless kirakira was badly shifted or something

How much scripted do you have your fansubbing process? And how much is written by yourself? For some reason I believe must automation scripts in the scene are made by unanimated but there's no doubt that sometimes one wants to write scripts for probably more specific use cases.

i haven't written any typesetting scripts because i can't into lua but i use a bunch of other people's (probably much less than full-time typesetters do, though)
for the muxing / release process I use a node.js / livescript thing by Daiz that I modify accordingly
for encoding I use a ton of batch files and avs scripts written by me, plus some python scripts by various other people. encoding is probably the most automated part of my process

Any idea if the recent FFF release of GochiUsa beats out the old CG release? Mainly looking to archive the better one.

almost certainly, yes

I've heard that those fan translators for Fates (who threatened Klepek during an interview) called it quits. We'll see what'll happen next when Nintendo brings another RPG overseas.

I'll take "impotent rage"

lmao I have no issues FCing event songs (except for Pastel Pink and Snow Wings) but I haven't FC'd a 27 yet, my fingers are dumb. Ponkotsu is hella easy by the way ha-ha-ha (what's giving you troubles? The slides?)

yeah, i've never been able to combo them, whereas i got pastel pink literally on my first try after it unlocked

OK versus Okay; is one better than the other? Or is it pretty much interchangeable?

I have no real opinion besides "please don't use OK in subs"

>pretty much all the event 26s are at around this level | THIS. all the Token event songs are harder than the normal 26s and should be 27. I FC'd all the normal 26s, medley 26s, and most of the 27s (RomanticN, Goin', LGH) but I can't FC any of the Token songs except Orgel no Kabako. ;_;

yeah, pretty much. I've already FC'd all of the 27s (well, not this new one yet) and I still haven't gotten Atapon and Snow Wings (though at least the latter feels doable)
I actually found Pastel Pink easier than Orgel but maybe that's just me

Are you guys planning to do Kekkai Sensen BDs?

very unlikely. i've spent far too much time on the show already

If you never go fast enough to hit WK's pacing restrictions then it's alright. There are other methods that are free and just as good, but don't look as polished and don't spoonfeed as hard. Plus you'll have to go to Anki when you run out of content or want to SRS new words from stuff you're reading

i tried anki when cramming for the N4 but i didn't really like it as much. the whole reason i'm doing this is that i don't particularly _want_ to set my own pace. i did that for like ten years and got nowhere. so even WK is a step up for me, really.

>Sextuple agent/group collector in training | Why were you given that title?

because i'm in a lot of groups
i assume six at the time

Oh, man. That sucks to hear. Hope he's all right.

i think he'll be all right as long as he doesn't use his hands too much

Which groups are you in, rergardless of if they're alive or not now?

i'm in the staff channels for vivid, commie, utw, cthuko (only there for shirobako bds), fff, gg, underwater, and some joints

;_; I guess Eien really does stinx. Is unanimated not interested in doing it?

unanimated can't really typeset anymore because of some problem with his hands. he hasn't typeset since seraph (and hasn't done a heavy show since like, drrr)

During the keynote on MH4's localization, did you think that "Meme Country" was supposed to be a partial joke?

like most jokes i'm sure it's half humour and half truth


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