

Ask @Xythar

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if UTW's UBW is happening, are you guys gonna keep the "german incantation" for Rin's spell? or are you guys just gonna use the english translated one?

I imagine we'll typeset the English over the German, similar to what was done with F/Z.

For those of waiting for the UBW by UTW, should we continue to wait, and expect a double release? Or is it "up in the air"?

If it happens, I don't expect the release will be hugely different to CR's script (which is pretty good to begin with), so feel free to watch that for ep 0+1. I can't guarantee if there will be a UTW release or when it will happen if so.

I knew UTw was gonna do UBW, so if you edited the episode, what's left?

TLC, which is kind of the most important part. Without that, there's really no point.

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You said Commie recruited a lot of new staff, does something like this change the group's dynamic a lot? Has groups' policies ever changed because of the number of people they recruited at one time?

Not really. I wouldn't say Commie has had very strong overall policies for a while now, so it's largely left up to the staff's judgment.

Who is responsible for the penis in Cross Ange? I laughed far harder than I should have...

skiddiks and Hdr, I think

IF UBW happens, which group will it be released by? Or is that a mystery?

It would be UTW if anyone, but like I said, it's still up in the air.

What kind of drugs were you on when you made those misheard lyrics to GOLD RUSH (you know, the one which goes I'M MICHAEL IN A BOAT)?

I've never done drugs. He's just Michael in a boat.

Are you admitting you're only good at making joke subs?

I only wish I was good at making joke subs. Those are way harder than serious ones.

Please edit Psycho Pass 2 ;_____; The editor working on it has already delayed it and is probably a lot worse than you anyway.

Sorry, but as I said, I've got way too much on my plate already. Things should hopefully be straightened out for future weeks.
And don't write Jing off so easily - he did an excellent job with Zankyou no Terror, better than I would have.

Are any of the shit commie members working on psycho pass? I recognise jing as the third coming of fansubbing jesus, but I don't recall having seen the others.

It'll be fine.

Is Commie actually doing Psycho Pass 2?

Yes, it's just delayed at editing or something. The rest is done, I believe.

How good would you say CR script for UBW is?

Not perfect, but pretty good. Sort of on the lower end of "good enough to not really be worth the effort of editing unless you really want to".

So, is UBW happening or what?

I've edited ep0 but I still don't know if we're going ahead with the TV airing or just doing BDs. It really depends on the time/willingness of the rest of the team.

Can't tell if you were being sarcastic in Chihiro's "Quality Editing." Where you? (only looked at some of the lines.)

Yeah. Like, the third line or so essentially says "I have, didn't I"

Have you ever visited the UK?

A couple times. I lived in Scotland for six months when I was in grade school and stopped by London last year for a few days while on holiday.
It's really far away from here, though. Like "almost 24 hours by plane" far.

Is that why DDY is basically dead this season? They've not announced anything.

I'm not exactly privy to the inner workings of DDY, but I believe a number of their key staff members did leave recently, possibly over some drama. The leader is taking a break as well, and stuff tends not to get done very quickly without some kind of leader.

How the hell is Commie doing so much this season? How many people did they recruit since last season?

A bunch of people from DDY and Kaylith joined for some reason, so it's been a hotbed of activity!

do you know any decent fansub group who subs nanatsu no taizai?

The only one I know of that's doing it at all is Chyuu. Their technical aspects should be fine, but I can't speak for the accuracy of their translation.

Why aren't you editing Psycho Pass 2 for Commie, considering you edited the first season?

If I was going to edit it anywhere it'd be at Vivid, but I dropped that plan a while back because I already had Amagi (and Twintails) on Thursdays and the whole Psycho-Pass deal was just causing drama. I generally don't find sequels as satisfying as the original to work on, anyway. Would rather try something new.

How about I translate it for you? Will you edit it then de geso? ( ¬‿¬)

I don't accept translations from people I don't know, sorry.

how's the ika musume ova 3 going? ( ¬‿¬)

OVA priority right now is like
Gargantia (this has actually been translated but I've been too busy to edit it)
D-Frag (need to get the rest of this translated, need to get my hands on the DVDISO or a non-shit raw)
Squid Girl (I don't think anyone even wants to translate this so...)


Language: English