

Ask @Xythar

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Do you know what's going to happen with Sora no Method, WIXXOS, and shigatsu now that Fyurie, and by extension, Kaylith, is dead? ;_;

No idea, sorry. I assume Asenshi will continue WIXOSS with a replacement typesetter, but I don't work on any of those shows, so I don't know what the staff who are/were on them plan to do.
And yes, RIP

Your opinion on Anita Sarkeesian? I was gonna link you some disgusting things she said about anime. e.g that it encourages rape culture, but I can't find the link...

No particular opinion. I haven't really watched anything of hers, nor do I really want to get involved. Also, if you're referring to that picture of a tweet that I've seen floating around /a/, it's a really obvious edit (the fact that it's >140 characters is kind of a giveaway).

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Interesting decision that you guys still decided to give TLWiki blue for Grisaia. Even with their strange dialogue and what I've read; CPS problems.

I have no problem with their release besides a few dumb mistakes and missing commas, neither of which is worth withholding A+ for. It's definitely leaps and bounds ahead of the competition.

Do most groups share the same distros? I ask because in the last few days torrents from basically every single group have been incredibly slow (like ~100kbps versus the usual 3-6MB/s). If that's the case, has it hit it's cap or something? Or is it a problem on my end?

Not the exact same server or anything, but a lot of groups probably use the same providers and therefore have their stuff hosted in the same geological area. If you're getting speeds that bad I'd say it's a problem on your end, though - maybe bad routing to Europe or such. There should be plenty of other people in the swarm able to serve you data besides the initial distro servers anyway.

How good is Doki? What's your opinion?

They've been pretty notorious about hiring translators who aren't remotely qualified in the past. I don't know if that still holds, but their scripts still read terribly (pic very much related) and they seem to take pride in this because it's "closer to the original Japanese" or something. So yeah, not a fan.

Futsuu was doing the TLC for the Monogatari Series Second Season BDs at Commie, right? Is Futsuu dead now, and if so, are we ever going to see the rest of the volumes? Should I just archive >Coalgirls?

I'm told they'll be done eventually; people are just busy, I guess.

Does D_S rate TLwiki's release that bad because he hates herkz?

Don't ask me. I have no idea what goes on in his head.

When you say Funi's Steins;Gate was a masterpiece, do you mean the English script itself or the actual quality of the voice acting? My biggest issue with English dubs is that the voice acting is just terrible, especially in comparison to the Japanese dub.

The script, yeah. The voice cast aren't a patch on the Japanese, although the guy who plays Okabe is pretty good.
Might be cool to get some dubtitles for it, but I don't know if anyone's made any or how well it'd work in text form.
The dub casts for PSG and Space Dandy seemed fine to me, though.

Referring only to the script and not the translation, was D_S review of TLwiki's release accurate?

I don't really see why. I think it has a pretty good script if you can look past surface style issues like "hrm", or elongated words, or missing commas, or the way stutters are handled. It sure beats the competition pretty soundly.
This comparison I posted from ep4 illustrates it pretty well: https://www.diffchecker.com/guz6b002
Most of the time I have no idea what D_S's problem is with all but the most obviously bad lines. He seems to have incredibly arbitrary criteria for what constitutes "good writing" in a release and frequently calls out things that were done intentionally due to a lack of understanding (eg Amane's "can't get married" line). In the end, though, both of our opinions are just that, so I don't know if you can really call an editing review "right" or "wrong" about anything but the most clear-cut errors.

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why are some character saying "doukaya" rather than "doukana" like holo in S&W, or is it just different accents?


If you do buy any anime or manga, as an Australian, which site(s) do you think are the best to order from?

I've always ordered from Rightstuf.

Which of these is grammatically correct / used in fansubs: boss' or boss's? As in, the ___ belongs to the boss; it is the boss's.

I think you can do either

Do you ever watch English dubs? And doesn't the typesetting - or lack thereof - on official releases bother you?

If they're good, sure, but usually I've already watched the show by the time the dub comes out and I'm not that interested in rewatching it. They do tend to have better scripts, though. Funi's Steins;Gate and Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt are masterpieces.
I did also watch the first half of Space Dandy with the dub. Haven't seen the second yet but I figure I'll just get it on BD.
And no, not really. It's a nice thing to have, but the show's watchable either way.

Have you watched Psycho Pass Extended? If so, what were your thoughts on the new scenes? Should they be checked out as PP2 EP 3 refers to one of the new scenes in the extended version?

They don't really matter (even the one referred to, since they describe exactly what happens at the time anyway) but you can always check them out if you want. There's one or two scenes per episode and they usually appear in around the same places.

Were you born in Australia? You don't seem Australian.

Yep. I've lived here for almost all of my life, outside of the six months I spent in Scotland back in third grade, the year or so I spent in Japan on JET, and various short holidays.

Have you just not gotten around to watching it, or are you not a fan of the series?

I watched the original series back in the day but my interest in idol-related stuff has waned as of late, so I doubt I'll check out the movie.


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